Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Eagles r champions!!!!!

Posted by Metin250 on 11-04-2012 06:01

7-3 wooooooo!
3-2 down but just like true champions when the chips r down we turn up!
Well done to skelly for the dish in the 1st frame to win us the league.
And wiggys amazing clearance all planned was the best I have ever seen!
Cheeeeeeeeeeese rollllllls!

Posted by jacko on 11-04-2012 06:20

Congrats eagles job wel done...n massive wel done to the Mevstar officially croydons number1 n deservedly so (in my absence ov course :violin: ) we won 6.4 at flying machine which could ov easily been a draw or a loss so fair play to them for fighting so ard after wat must ov been a tough ol season:angel:

Posted by Metin250 on 11-04-2012 06:43

Turknumber 1will look forward to collecting his Croydon singles winners trophy along with league, and ko cup!!!
MeV is a class player and can only beaten by very very good players.

Ps in your absence? That's called has been!

Edited by Metin250 on 11-04-2012 07:06

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 11-04-2012 18:05



Posted by jacko on 11-04-2012 18:05

haha git....did i tel ya bout me shoulder op Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz as arnie mite say IL B BAK....i also bt Mev ina singles final in 1973 or woz it 72 ad me tank top on wit bay city rollers blasting from the duke box,bak in the day :angel: