Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 3 - Week 21

Posted by Welshy on 11-04-2012 13:09

MOTS 6-4 Beechtree Boshers

Defeat for us but we played ok :| Same problems we encoutered every time we play at the Maple Tree, the lack of speed of the table and the bottom left bag. Ah well.

Mention to Shane for 2/2 including a 7-baller clearance

Good luck to our hosts for next week, top bunch of lads :handshake:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 11-04-2012 14:33

woodside 4 6 Rileys {Farleys Legends

had 4 again last night as tom had a night off so 2 0 down at the start then we found ourselfs 3 2 down:wall: in the first half so 4 2 at the start of the second set and we had to dig deep and we did taking the last 4 games which now confirms us as champions,well played to the woodside have a couple of decent players wish you well for the last game see you next week,:handshake:bring on the summer can anyone stop us,

at home to the cue slammers next week, PARTY TIME :trophyone:

Posted by Cue Tip on 11-04-2012 14:37

Cue Slammers 7 v 3 William The Conquerors

First off thanks :handshake: to the Conquerors for letting us play our home game against them at there place as we could not play at ours last night. A 7-3 win (maybe we should play all our home games away :D:). Next week we face the Champs of our division the Rileys Legends :clap:, nothing on this match so should be intresting to see both teams playing relaxed B).

Posted by No1 Nugget on 11-04-2012 15:29

wont be relaxed mate as a couple of us are still trying to win the divisional singles and runners up spots but should be a good game really looking forward to it, im predicting 8 2 7 3 and we will be celebrating winning the title yet again:clap:

see you next week mate

Posted by Cyber The Crucifier on 11-04-2012 18:07

Thanks cuetip for those comments u deserved ur win
well played specially nicola last yellow to cannon the black out
good luck rest of the season