Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Eagles invincibles

Posted by Metin250 on 18-04-2012 08:29

Eagles have gone the entire season unbeaten in the league!
We are sick plain and simple. No idea by how many points but I'm guessing 25+
Who can beat us?
Answers on a post card!

Posted by Statto on 18-04-2012 08:44

Well done Metin....only team in the entire league unbeaten....and in Div 1 too!!! Congrats to everyone!!!!

Posted by Metin250 on 18-04-2012 09:15

Well done eagles statto !
Can't c anyone getting near us antime soon!

Posted by Blockapocket on 18-04-2012 15:52

well done too the Eagles, A GOOD JOB WELL DONE :bow:

Posted by jacko on 18-04-2012 16:37

invincibles? didnt seem invincible on monday :angel:

Posted by Metin250 on 18-04-2012 16:55

jacko wrote:
invincibles? didnt seem invincible on monday :angel:

Cup games r what they r! Did nt seem right winning everything!
All best teams lose at some point, unbeaten for the entire season and winning by that much says everything.
That must b some kind of record

Posted by the-shark on 18-04-2012 18:17

well done to the eagles...another subline season winning the league (again zzzz) and KO cup( again zzzz) so nearly a treble but it gives the rest hope! with metin winning the singles it was nearly a clean sweep.. well done to katie and gary winning the doubles and all the other divisional winners and runners up.

word of warning to the eagles tho...!!!! the rileys legends are after your mantle in 2014 :lol::lol:

Posted by longshanks on 19-04-2012 01:00

the-shark wrote:
word of warning to the eagles tho...!!!! the rileys legends are after your mantle in 2014 :lol::lol:

Only if Neil is a better housebreaker than he is a pool player.