Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: cheats!!!

Posted by Whatapisstake on 22-04-2012 00:00

i thought id bring this up as a certain player from the magnum force was verbally threatening, using bad language, and told if he see any member of our team they were going to have there heads kicked in... this sort of behaviour should not be aloud !!! this happened the other night up rileys frith road ... calling the team refugees in hand cheats !!!
id like to add a few points to this myself ......
first we did not cheat the magnum force out of winning division 2 , we went into the final game of the season 5 points behind and looked at it as the title was over and was happy for 2nd place but new we would have to put in a top effort to get a result, as the farley dukes were tied in 2nd place with us...
as a result we were meant to play the pawleyne foulers away we had a phone call later in the afternoon from the sec of the pawleyne foulers explaining that the floor had been ripped up around the table and that it couldnt be used!!!! with that there sec asked if the venue could be switched to ours in whitch watne agreed , as if we had travelled down there and couldnt play on the table we could of then claimed the match as a walkover win 10-0 .... being sports we didnt ... not to our knowledge the pawleyne turned up with 3 players so making it 4-0 to us straight away , when a team turns up short thats not the teams fault away or home am sure theres teams that have struggled this season with players,
we played the match and ended up winning giving us a result of 9-1 and the players from the pawleyne didnt gift us none of the frames we fought and won each 1 ... it came to light after our result that the magnum force had lost which put us then on level points the sec of our team then questioned what happened next with that a member of the team pointed out that it went on frames lost, with that it had showed that we had lost 5 matches and wayne keeps a count each week and he checked his sheets and questioned it as it had shown we had lost only 4 !!!!!! he rang up john savage sec of the napier who keeps a complete record of every single game for each division and it showed we had only lost 4 wayne then rang mark halsey who then checked his records and had noticed week 16 was a mistake on his behalf were we had won 6-4 against the farley loylists but had put it down as a loss instead of a win ..... as far as wayne was concerned mark puts the input in and doesnt check the results each week .... and the result now shows us losing 4 games and gives us the title division 2 champions ......!!!
i would like to say sorry to the magnum force but we just followed up and checked the correct result in no way did go out to strip u from winning div 2 and we are not cheats nor can u replay a match after the last week of the season .... we played fair and square and if we had travelled down the the pawleyne could have easy claimed a 10-0 and won the league by a point .... and if it means that much i will give u my winners trophy as am i sure the rest of the lads as we have stated we didnt cheat to win the league and as to that remark your calling the pawleyne foulers cheats aswell for us winning 9-1 a mistake was made by the league sec , human errors can happen .... wish the magnum all the best for next season :handshake:

Edited by Whatapisstake on 22-04-2012 00:04