Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Winter League Presentation Night - 28/07

Posted by Site Team on 24-07-2012 13:58

The 2011/12 Presentation Dance Night will be held on Saturday 28th July, 2012 (from 8pm) at :-


We would like to bring to your attention that the evening is for the benefit of all League Members whether or not they have trophies to collect as the presentations form only a small part of the evening's entertainment. It has always been intended for the evening to be an "END OF SEASON PARTY NIGHT" but unfortunately it seems that it has interpreted in the past for Trophy Winners and Runners-Up only and this is definately not the case. EVERYBODY AND THEIR GUESTS ARE WELCOME.

Posted by jacko on 25-07-2012 16:12

Used to always b a great nite out n a good laugh (bak in the day) think every1 should cum out for a beer n enjoy the partay once more :angel: