Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Smithers & Petty

Posted by Spudangles on 29-01-2008 20:42

Jack Smithers & Steve Petty will be on the London Tonight programme this evening.

Posted by Sass on 29-01-2008 20:50

That's ITV 6 to 6.30.

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 29-01-2008 21:46

Why are they on there?

Posted by Sass on 29-01-2008 21:51

Jack Smithers recently became one of the youngest juniors to ever qualify for England.

Steve's won the odd trophy :thumb:

Posted by Sass on 30-01-2008 07:03

You can see the interview here . . .


Posted by Burn on 30-01-2008 17:17

Thanks for posting this Sass, if anyone would prefer to use the direct YouTube link to publicise this on other Pool websites it is...


It's rare to see anything pool related on terrestrial TV, so it would be nice to see people linking to the clip.

Edited by Burn on 30-01-2008 17:18