Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 3 - week 2

Posted by Statto on 24-10-2012 06:47

Penge Con Boys 10-1 Jolly Sailor

An emphatic win that exceeded our expectations....the Sailor boys certainly did not roll over, but our finishes were very clinical, and that was the 1-1, and having a bit of a struggle in the 3rd, I did have a worry, but the team performed magnificently...very good performance all round!!!

The Sailor were very gracious in defeat, and thanked us for an enjoyable night...not sure I would have been of the same fair play to them, and I'm looking forward to the good food in the return match!!!

Posted by Welshy on 24-10-2012 13:12

Rileys Misfits 5 - 6 Beechtree Boshers

Excellent win for us :D: Some very good clearances on show but by both teams last night as in my opinion the way it swayed to us then to the hosts made it an "epic" match to be involved in :winkgrin:

3-2 up at half time, went 4-2 up as Jonesy won his second of the evening, dropped three in a row to be 5-4 down (Shaun Nashs finish in game 8 was quality), I doubled up to level it at 5-5 and came down to myself and James Curtis (who was also 2/2) in game 11. Bit of safety play led to an unforced error and we won the match.

Top bunch of blokes at the Misfits, good luck for the remainder of the season and we'll catch you at ours :handshake:

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 24-10-2012 16:13

Langley sports 8-3 MOTS

Pretty poor performance by both. Every game was scrappy and a 6-5 either way would have probably been fairer.

Posted by Cyber The Crucifier on 24-10-2012 21:40

View to kill 2 Penge Conquerers 9
Great result for us
nice bunch the view team
lovely food
And score flattered us a little
should of been 7 4