Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: League Cup Group 4 Week 4

Posted by Pondlife on 14-11-2012 06:18

Pond Wheatsheaf 10 Another View 1

An enjoyable evening,even though it was a touch one-sided. We had most of the run of the ball. It seemed like every mistake from our opponents was punished by us, whereas we got away with almost all our blunders. I suppose that's how it goes sometimes. Good Luck to our opposition for the remainder of the season !! :clap:

Posted by The Big Show on 14-11-2012 14:02

A slow start from us being 3-2 down in the 1st half and having to leave it to the B team for the turn around..

Some solid and well taken frames, especially on a difficult table. Unlucky to the guys from Penge (and Girls) A great atmosphere and enjoyable evening..

Penge Conq 3 - 8 Rack Pack

P A T C H !

Posted by Welshy on 14-11-2012 14:15

Frames Unpredictables 3 - 8 Beechtree Boshers

A fantastic result for us :D: but its definately going down as a shock result. We started off well taking the first two, dropped game three. Took the next three before our hosts took the 7th.

Run out the final three of the second set before our hosts won the 11th frame. Don't think any of our team thought we could get a result like this but delighted :winking: We had major luck on our side in fairness, most of the frames we won, were lucky, be it a missed pot and somehow managing to land a snooker, missing a pot cannoning off another and landing plum on the next ball.

Excellent bunch of lads, the Unpreds, good luck for the remainder of the season :handshake: Again many thanks to the staff at Frames for supplying a non-spicy food dish for me, much appreciated

Posted by longshanks on 15-11-2012 01:23

non-spicy dish? wuss

View 3-8 Cuemasters

Posted by Pondlife on 15-11-2012 04:17

Group 4 updated table after week 4 matches :-

The Cuemasters 29
Pond Wheatsheaf 28
Frames RackPack 27
Refugees in Hand 26
Frames Unpredictables 22
Beechtree Boshers 21
The View to a Kill 20
Penge Conquerors 18
Paxton Arms 16
Another View 13