Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Div 1 week 6

Posted by jacko on 19-12-2012 07:11

Cuemasters 3v8 Prop ...gr8 result for us against a top side n tbh I think we kinda deserved it,we felt ard done by to b 2.1 down but dug in n fought ard for every frame which helped us win the next 7... Very impressed with our team thus far but stil a long long way to go...:angel:

Posted by nuttmeg on 19-12-2012 08:18

Eagles 8 London snooker 3. Although we possibly could have won 2 of the 3 frames we lost,I would definatley have accepted this result before the match,nice bunch of blokes,had to feel sorry for a certain individual (name witheld) who lost 2 out of 2 tonight without having a shot.Every single Eagle tonight looking forward to our next match,the semi final cup clash against the Prop.

Posted by sparks on 19-12-2012 16:39

Warbank 6 - 5 Fugee's

Great Banter we wont mention the high quality pool it was funny though.

Meltsville comes to mind.

Good luck to my buddies from the Fugee's

YOUR GOING DOWN Hersey!! :lol:

Posted by jacko on 19-12-2012 16:58

Yes tone wer bang up for it n 4 ov us wer in the patriot side that played u in the cup final a few years ago 5.0 up 6.2 win for us ,so guess u owe us 1,think it wil b a big ask for u to take it tho...should b fun :angel:

Posted by jacko on 19-12-2012 17:05

As any1 else noticed how out ov date the fixtures n current tables r on this website most ov the time ? pul them socks up :dance: :angel:

Posted by Knocky on 19-12-2012 17:21

magnam force 4 7 unpredictables
was 4 2 down so very happy with result,nice bunch of lads,c u at our place.

Posted by longshanks on 19-12-2012 17:24

The Prop were very solid last night and hardly missed a ball. Any mistakes we made were severely punished.

Sorry seems to be the hardest word.

Posted by Teach on 20-12-2012 00:40

Well done to the Prop last night. As the skipper said, it was a very solid performance. From what I've seen so far, they are going to take some stopping. I think the key for them is that they now have a team that is 'mostly' harmonious, but more importantly, everyone seems to be playing regularly and turning up for every game!! They haven't had that for a few seasons.

Oh and they have Billy as well!! lol.

Posted by Kermy on 20-12-2012 01:24

Was a great result for us last night,at the mo we r doin the business but its early days. We all know how good the eagles r,and with the side they have u can't take things for granted. They r still the team to beat. I think Hughie signing for us in the winter was a massive plus and a big loss for them,along with billy & jacko I hope it's the final pieces of the jigsaw. Thought the cue masters wasn't at the best last night but agree with Phil that we was solid and punished them at every mistake. Always a pleasure playing against the first team I ever played for,good luck guys for the rest of the season. P.S Mr Nuttman we can't wait for the semi either,should be a great game.