Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: rules

Posted by qwerty on 16-01-2013 16:29

Can anyone please clarify... both players are on a black ball game, the opposing player misses the black leaving it near one of the corner pockets , he then approaches the other player shakes his hand says well played and walks away from the table before the other player attempts to pot the black. Is this concession of the frame...?????

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 16-01-2013 16:37

Yes. And to avoid controversy the winning player shouldnt get down and smash the black in and send the white of the table or something stupid which i'm guessing is what happened? either way, once the hands are shaken the game is over.

Posted by Metin250 on 16-01-2013 16:38

I would have smashed the blk round the table!

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 16-01-2013 16:45

Or you could : lose a match then point out a foul on the black that neither referee saw, make a song and dance about it with peoples opinions of the incident split down the middle and not even accept a rerack. Just moan until the opposition secretary gets bored and gives you the frame. :bite:

Posted by Metin250 on 16-01-2013 16:51


Posted by jacko on 16-01-2013 19:45

iv heard unscrewing ur cue isa consession, u shake hands at the beginning ov the frame n once the frame is over so logic dictates its a clear consession but tbh i dont no if thats an actual rule :angel:

Posted by Luke on 16-01-2013 20:36

qwerty wrote:
Can anyone please clarify... both players are on a black ball game, the opposing player misses the black leaving it near one of the corner pockets , he then approaches the other player shakes his hand says well played and walks away from the table before the other player attempts to pot the black. Is this concession of the frame...?????

So whats the full story Barry? I take it someone kicked up a fuss?

Posted by Shaggy on 16-01-2013 20:41


I think its a misconception that undoing your cue is a concession. Its been asked many times on other sites, and I think (though I may be wrong) that it only becomes a mandatory concession if the cue is put in a cue case. Perhaps its making the rules the same for those with one piece or 2 piece cues.

I would be suprised if anything with regard to shaking hands was in any rules anywhere however you could argue that either this or the cue ondoing mumble is certainly implying a concession, and that both are in breach of good sportsmanship.

You also have to remember that Croydon do not enforce all EPA guidlines nor have to, so can add such to the 'local rules'.

Either way I personally would be too embarassed to consider playing another shot under such circumstances.

Edited by Shaggy on 16-01-2013 20:42

Posted by Fat-Dart on 16-01-2013 21:09

Shaggy wrote:
I think its a misconception that undoing your cue is a concession. Its been asked many times on other sites, and I think (though I may be wrong) that it only becomes a mandatory concession if the cue is put in a cue case. Perhaps its making the rules the same for those with one piece or 2 piece cues.

It's covered in the EPA Referees Guidance, under
"Loss of Frame Fouls:
Points that will be classified as ?Breaching the Spirit of the Game? are:
? Foul language
? Player throwing cue around
? Arguing with an opponent, spectator or Referee
? Continuously disagreeing with the Referees decision and/or ruling
? Repeatedly marking the table (rule W2)
? Player (or players partner in doubles) breaking down, or putting away, cue "

Posted by Shaggy on 16-01-2013 23:29

Happy to be wrong, although though after some shots in scotch doubles, I have seen many a player breaking down.

Posted by Shaggy on 16-01-2013 23:29

Happy to be wrong, although though after some shots in scotch doubles, I have seen many a player breaking down.