Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Bunters 18th birthday

Posted by Special K on 08-02-2013 20:39

Wanna wish billy a happy 18th hope u enjoy your day bunter great player and getting the rite attitude lately have a gooden pal...


Posted by BUNTER on 08-02-2013 20:45

Thanks dan and don't worry I will have a Gooden mate. Cheers

Posted by Kermy on 09-02-2013 00:24

Happy Birthday Billy,don't get to messy tonight lol. Look forward to Tuesday when it's ur round ha ha. Have a good un mate.

Posted by jacko on 09-02-2013 01:24

now billy is 18 he would like to b known as william n maybe in time wills wat wat wat wat...happy birthday m8 n bring home the rankings yea :angel:

Posted by Rambo on 10-02-2013 03:33

Happy Birthday Billy, Remember to take your ID to pub for beer :)

Posted by Whatapisstake on 11-02-2013 00:15

Billy bob let's hope ... Turning 18 makes you more of a man and that you've ditched that dummy happy 18th