Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 2 Week 9

Posted by Pondlife on 13-02-2013 06:14

Pond Wheatsheaf 9 Flying Machine 2

Very enjoyable evening with our good friends from Biggin Hill. Always a pleasure to meet up with them again. Shame it was a tad one-sided for most of the match. Our games are normally a lot closer. Looking forward to the return fixture which will be the last one of the current season. Good Luck to our opponents for the remainder of the season. :clap:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 13-02-2013 07:21

Pat why are you starting another thread didn't you read what mark S was saying, please in future can you just reply thanks see you in a few weeks :boxer:revenge loooool its really tight at the top now I believe with what Ive heard these are the

Updated tables
Frames 64
Pond 64
Loyalists 59
Farley 57
Wizards 57
One nil down 49
Goodfellas 48
Flying machine 37
The folly 28
The dukes 28

Edited by No1 Nugget on 13-02-2013 21:50

Posted by Rambo on 13-02-2013 08:27

Who wants to post in. Thread started by you Neil. Ginger

Posted by Pondlife on 13-02-2013 18:04

Neil,I do apologise for my error. We would appear to have produced the threads almost simultaneously. Unfortunately I cannot depend upon you to post too regularly, as you only appear to do so on the rare occasions that your team happens to win. No doubt that It will be me doing the posting after our forthcoming meeting. :bite:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 13-02-2013 18:16

No I don't think so be ready:boxer: cause we comming to you in 3 weeks time and we comming down with a strong team,good luck next week as one nil down are comming for you again loooooool

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 14-02-2013 22:05


Posted by A King Disher on 15-02-2013 20:25

It would appear that Neil is soooo obsessed that he's even forgotten his own team name let alone his team mates !

Watch out Neil cos my paper and pen is ready for Nel, Alfie and Daniel for this Summer Lge. This ain't pouching, this is new signing for a new Lge !

Oh and 1 more thing, never underestimate Mr. Flynn & co. He has more strings to his bow than you probably even know about. We should know as we fell victim to it.

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 15-02-2013 22:27
#8 just wondering if neil is a man of his word and play the likes of watkins,miller and darren leach to win the divisionals...i very much doubt it as he will wanna win at any cost...protect himself and play the weaker my opinion u dnt have the minerals to play and beat the best...the way thrillers playing u wldnt get a shot haha

Posted by No1 Nugget on 16-02-2013 15:15

Ohhhh terry you still going on Loooool awwwwwwwww bless you I will play the best in this division, as I have already dispatch you and a few other players and also beat Clive Taylor last week with a fu cked up arm and also done you a favour so you could catch him up in the singles as I've said mate I will play them and you so I can do the double over you loooool:boxer:

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 18-02-2013 22:42

Funny thing is I wasn't really at my best and had a lot of problems as u well know..and to be honest I shouldn't ov played full stop.any good player knows if ur not in the right frame of mind then u don't play we'll.i said we can sort this out with a money match....which u gracefully declined as where ur mouth is.should play for a lot as uv got a BIG MOUTH lool...race to 10 for a hundred quid.and the best player will prevail...I'll wait for ur response.and how did u do me a favour? Play n beat miller and that wld do me a favour mate

Posted by Special K on 19-02-2013 02:03

mayweatherbrindle wrote:
Funny thing is I wasn't really at my best and had a lot of problems as u well know..and to be honest I shouldn't ov played full stop.any good player knows if ur not in the right frame of mind then u don't play we'll.i said we can sort this out with a money match....which u gracefully declined as where ur mouth is.should play for a lot as uv got a BIG MOUTH lool...race to 10 for a hundred quid.and the best player will prevail...I'll wait for ur response.and how did u do me a favour? Play n beat miller and that wld do me a favour

I give u a money game tel?

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 20-02-2013 23:31

Wen neil mans up and plays me ill play u with the winnings..aint u having a money match in doubles with bunter n met???

Posted by BUNTER on 21-02-2013 00:23

think they bottled it as danny is now saying let me play with jamie fay instead of joel

Posted by Special K on 21-02-2013 06:13

Bunter what u on I have agreed to play with Joel drugs are bad for u billy. Stop taking them.

Posted by BUNTER on 21-02-2013 07:10

we will arrange a suitable date and crack on with it. I know joel is working this sat and met is at yarmouth the following sat, so what about the one after that? it would be the 9th of march you up for that?

Posted by Metin250 on 21-02-2013 17:10

Do not attach my name to this thread!
Bunter I am certain you have Danny's number so there was no need brining this up on here - zero class and so for that reason I am out!