Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: RAMBO

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 14-02-2013 22:23

i gotta say that ur the biggest ******* ive ever seen....ur *******at pool and ur ego is even worse...destroying NEIL HALL lol.i watched the game and it certainly wasnt a classic..and as for putting neil on jackos level is a joke...u must be mentally disturbed.and id gladly come to scotland to play u for 50 quid just to show u how *******you are even if it did cost me a 150...and ur just a reserve player for the better halfs and wld never make there 1st squad.i dnt think even neil wld have u in his team....ur the biggest plonker ive ever heard or seen.i nearly broke my phone cos ur such A MUG......wen ur down put ur money where ur mouth...........PRAT

Posted by Kermy on 14-02-2013 23:11

Lol. Well said Bindle,sorry I mean Brindle.

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 14-02-2013 23:20

[quote]Kermy wrote:
Lol. Well said Bindle,sorry I mean Brindle.[/quote well its about time some one said summing....

Posted by Rambo on 14-02-2013 23:33

mayweatherbrindle wrote:
i gotta say that ur the biggest ******* ive ever seen....ur *******at pool and ur ego is even worse...destroying NEIL HALL lol.i watched the game and it certainly wasnt a classic..and as for putting neil on jackos level is a joke...u must be mentally disturbed.and id gladly come to scotland to play u for 50 quid just to show u how *******you are even if it did cost me a 150...and ur just a reserve player for the better halfs and wld never make there 1st squad.i dnt think even neil wld have u in his team....ur the biggest plonker ive ever heard or seen.i nearly broke my phone cos ur such A MUG......wen ur down put ur money where ur mouth...........PRAT

3 Post, Neil new name?

Of course you was watching the game because you was playing in it lol...

At least I don't name hide like yourself... Be a man and own up.

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 15-02-2013 05:44

as i said propper the name surgests it says BRINDLE....terry brindle...and before u get rude id surgest u do ur home names on the croydon pool rankings where urs aint..and before u say it ahead...of the better halfs....u really need a slap but if someone done it it wld be like kicking a cat.....PUSSY

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 15-02-2013 05:49

and im only saying what people think and say about u...even ur own team say ur a *******.and if any one thinks im wrong then say it to my face instead of behind my back.....MAN UP

Posted by Special K on 15-02-2013 06:56

I fink all this Rambo business is getting a bit boring this site is great banter boy have I had my fare share of that! But now on the Rambo subject it's all a bit out of date now let others enjoy the site and use it for there enjoyment too. Mark I love u mate your a fellow team mate but now I fink u shud lodge the site of I like u a lot but all this winding up tho is becoming a bit of a bore and people r jus coating ya of so drop the site out bro as I said I like u mate and will defend u wen ur rite but until u come bk to London the only thing that shud do the talking is the pool table sweet mate :8ball:

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 15-02-2013 07:49

i think ur forgetting dan that its bambi...(oh sorry RAMBO)who rubs people up the wrong way every day,every just saying what every ones thinking.maybe he shld just post about the league etc...oh sorry forgot his not even in it...if better halfs had a d squad wld he even get in that???? his top player in croydon cos he beat neal sides are hurting..and danny im clearly not neil hall am i??maybe ur blind n miss the b u l l *******he keeps writing.his pissing me off now.i tell u what ill play him for 50 notes wen his bk down.and im not jacko,met,mev etc etc and hand him his arse on a plate....ill wait bambies reply xxx

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 15-02-2013 07:52

and danny i think what u said is pretty right.not 400 odd people can be sick of seeing rambo pop up....i dnt have the best of tempers and his not helping at all lol