Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Valentines --- "A TABLE FOR 2"

Posted by A King Disher on 15-02-2013 20:07

Here's a classic about the Slippery Houdini.
And trust me, he does manage to get out of just about anything ! I should know.

He calls his misus up yesterday afternoon and says, get yourself ready for 6 because I've booked a table for 2 at 7 o/c.
She being overwhelmed and besotted by a romantic side never seen from him before, felt over the moon and a special Lady on this lovers day.
She hurried along, arranged a baby sitter, went and had her hair done and even bought herself a new outfit.
Danny arrives home late and without even a red rose in his hand, looks her up and down and says "you look nice love but jeans and a T shirt would have done".
Useing his usual persuasive charm, he asks if she would mind driving because he's running late, to which she obliges. When in the car she asks "where are we headed" he replies "Woolwich"
Having parked the car and now walking down the busy high street, she's wondering which restaurant they're going to because they all look pretty full. He then leads her up the stairs of Rileys to which she asks "why are we coming here, are we early" he replies "no, we're on time and I've booked a table for 2
and got 1 hour free"

I'd love to know how the "Slippery Houdini" get out of this one.