Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 3 - Week 10

Posted by Welshy on 20-02-2013 02:59

Beechtree Boshers 5-6 MOTs

Played a night early at the request of our visitors, and well they took home the win, a battle all the way but eventually we were beaten :(

2-0 up, became 4-2 down, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6 and 5-6, we just lacked the finishing at the end of the day.

As always, a good laugh with the MOTs, good luck for the remainder of the season :handshake:

Posted by Statto on 20-02-2013 07:56

Penge Con Boys 5-6 Penge Conquerors

A bad night at the office for us...we were missing one of our stronger players, and the Conquerors had as strong a side as they have been able to muster in recent weeks...

We were never in front, and we weren't able to put a run of frames together either...Lady Luck decided to have a night off too...two if not three frames were decided on unforeseen occurrences which didn't go our way...

However, it was an enjoyable night, with a couple of serious scraps to decide my first frame I potted 11 balls before I had a shot at the black...

As always with Mark Anderton and co, a match played in the best spirit, and a friendly atmosphere - including a smile, a handshake and a well played from Jamie Kay when he lost the last frame to end on 2/3....

Good luck for the rest of the season guys...if you can get that team every week, you will win more than you lose!!

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 20-02-2013 16:51

Lsports 9-2 sailor

Good result tonight. Not always easy getting a big result against the lesser teams for some reason. Other results went our way too which was nice!

Posted by Cyber The Crucifier on 20-02-2013 22:31

Thanks Jason u was the man of the of match with 3/3
pleasure playing u guys
good luck rest of the season