Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 2 Week 10

Posted by Pondlife on 20-02-2013 05:46

Pond Wheatsheaf 7 1NilDown 4

Our opponents turned up short because of Crystal Palace playing. As a result,it was a surreal experience. From 7-1 up we managed to lose the last three frames, but,at the end of the day it was a good result. Always a pleasure to play against our Addington friends. The very best of luck to them for the remainder of the season.We'll see you agaain soon in the League Cup ! :clap:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 20-02-2013 06:26

Farley legends 4 v 7 goodfellas

Terrible result for us tonight losing the first set 4 1 and lost the next one 5 1 then we pulled one back only to lose the next 6 2 then we took the next 2 and we lost the last frame again,
Well done to the goodfellas played well wish them well for the remainder,

Posted by A King Disher on 20-02-2013 15:55

Oh dear Neil, that's a real body blow !:violin:

I sincerly hope it hasn't hindered your hopes of coming to join us at the top.

How many sets do you play in a match bytheway ?
Sounds like you played 4 :eek2:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 20-02-2013 16:21

Very funny Steve we all had a bad night last night what can I say if we are serious we need to sort it out cause that was shocking we got a derby game next week against loyalists a win is needed to take 3rd spot then we shall see don't worry to much about us Steve make sure you still in the division loooool :boxer:

Posted by Merlin on 20-02-2013 16:31

Oh dear Neil, looks like the wheels have come tumbling off, and with us in waiting next week, looks like your promotion hopes will be dead and buried. I wouldnt worry about the better halfs as they will still be in Div 1 and you will be in Div 2. Just make sure you play Number 1 next week :boxer:

Posted by Pondlife on 20-02-2013 18:20

Updated Table after Week 10 matches:

Pond Wheatsheaf 71
Frames RackPack 70
Farley Loyalists 65
The Wizards 63
Farley Legends 61
Goodfellas 55
1NilDown 53
Flying Machine 42
Farley Dukes 33
The Folly 33

Posted by No1 Nugget on 20-02-2013 18:27

Merlin wrote:
Oh dear Neil, looks like the wheels have come tumbling off, and with us in waiting next week, looks like your promotion hopes will be dead and buried. I wouldnt worry about the better halfs as they will still be in Div 1 and you will be in Div 2. Just make sure you play Number 1 next week :boxer:

Lee I don't play first and as I recall you didn't play first when you had the small pots cause your arse went cause up steped mr ray Scott :bite: we will see come next week mate as this was a tiny blip and everyone had bad results this week I feel so 10 points off the top aint a lot so bring it on you and Steve want me come get me cause I'm waiting for you :boxer:

Posted by Merlin on 20-02-2013 18:40


You live in a dream world you have lost to us twice already, you are not going to get promotion. I always go number 1, and never shy away from playing anyone FACT!!!! I dont need to go into details as to why I didnt play Ray but as you dont know the full facts I would suggest you keep quiet. If you think you are that good go number one and shut me up :bite: I dont need to prove myself as I have already done more in this league then you will ever do :boxer:

Edited by Merlin on 20-02-2013 18:42

Posted by No1 Nugget on 20-02-2013 19:07

Lee stop biting mate I know what you have achieved in this league well done mate:winner:. it's a bit of banter mate don't take it to seriously. I hope we can push till the end and I know its not gonna be easy and it is only our first time in this division so we still learning and believe we are close to promotion so 1or 2 more additions and we could go up as we have given away some poor frames and know we got a lot to learn before div 1 and need to stop making mistakes, see you next week :chicken:

Posted by Merlin on 20-02-2013 19:26

LOL i believe I got a big bite :bite: I dont take it too seriously I just know the limitations of this league. Till next week, be a man go number 1 :whip:

Posted by Brooker on 20-02-2013 20:08

Pond 7 - 4 1 nil down

We only have 6 players & now only 5 as Clive Taylor has retired from the team to concentrate on practice as he is going to join the pool tour & is looking to play first division pool next winter for a mor competitive game.

With 2 of the 5 remaining players as the Palace last night that meant we only had 3 players, so taking 4 frames was not too bad a result. May struggle for the rest of the season with only a bare 5 players now registered, can see us turning up short a few more times yet this season.

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 20-02-2013 23:41

Neil wont play u lee....FACT..and were now second cos of the fact 1nil down seemed 6 nil down not a great result in honesty for the pond...

Posted by No1 Nugget on 21-02-2013 00:06

Terry give it a rest I don't pick as we at home told him I don't play first as that's Bernie but apparently he cherry picks when he goes first so we shall see

Posted by GrantS on 21-02-2013 00:12

Gents, been a while since had a look and nice to see everyone getting on so well. We lost to Mr Rowson's team 6-5, a good evening with lovely curry for food. Not sure if Mark Bannister will have a team next season as I am having a break, have been winding down for most of this season, and so are one or two other Dukes. If anyone is interested in joining the Dukes please contact Mark.

But on the plus side Wenger hasn't been sacked yet.... :haha:

Posted by Dogger on 21-02-2013 05:33

We're running out of players as well.. had 4 on tuesday, not for the first time this season, and won't be the last. And one of them is a bloke we've signed who hasn't played for us for 17 years! We'll be struggling to get a team out next season I fear.. but hopefully we'll be there.

Posted by Triple C on 21-02-2013 16:46

Possible merger - Flying Dukes?? or Farley Machine??

Posted by Merlin on 21-02-2013 17:02

Neil, you really are a class plum, I always go number 1, ask anyone in my team. I didnt go number 1 against the small pots for a specific reason that I dont have to explain to you :saxton: Dont worry Terry I will still play him, however its not much of a target as he is no longer top of the rankings :boxer:

Posted by Pondlife on 21-02-2013 17:26

We will not be entering a team in the forthcoming Summer League, as golf has become a more attractive proposition to the majority of our side. I suppose nothing lasts forever !! Hope to be back for the Winter League,God willing !!

Posted by Brooker on 21-02-2013 21:35

Pat, that would be because golf IS a more attractive proposition mate. You only need 2 people to have a game & you are in control of your own score & do not have to rely on other people to win or complete a game.

But mainly because there is not a "Croydon web site" fo golf where people can come on and go on and on about how great they are just because they beat someone else once on one hole once upon a time somewhere lol

Of course the downside is Jacko plays golf so that web site could very soon exist & if Rambo, Neil & Danny play golf too i dread the future posts that could follow :o

Posted by Pondlife on 22-02-2013 00:02

Spot on Chris,as usual !

Posted by No1 Nugget on 24-02-2013 21:58

Brooker wrote:
Pat, that would be because golf IS a more attractive proposition mate. You only need 2 people to have a game & you are in control of your own score & do not have to rely on other people to win or complete a game.

But mainly because there is not a "Croydon web site" fo golf where people can come on and go on and on about how great they are just because they beat someone else once on one hole once upon a time somewhere lol

Of course the downside is Jacko plays golf so that web site could very soon exist & if Rambo, Neil & Danny play golf too i dread the future posts that could follow :o

dont worry guys i dont play golf loool

pat i do have some wonderful news for you i have signed a new player yesterday and the paper work is on its way to the league? we missed out for this tuesday week which is a shame but he will be just in time to play against you in 2 weeks time i will let you know who once i recieve confirmation in the next few days, and what ive heard this guy is top notch so be warned:boxer
Give you a clue look at the photo gallery at croydon inter league (current):

Edited by No1 Nugget on 25-02-2013 03:07

Posted by Fat-Dart on 25-02-2013 19:55

neil wrote:

...... i have signed a new player yesterday and the paper work is on its way to the league? we missed out for this tuesday week which is a shame but he will be just in time to play against you in 2 weeks time i will let you know who once i recieve confirmation in the next few days, and what ive heard this guy is top notch so be warned:boxer
Give you a clue look at the photo gallery at croydon inter league (current):


Shouldn't that be "hired", considering you had to buy his services?


Posted by No1 Nugget on 25-02-2013 21:37

Fat-Dart wrote:
neil wrote:

...... i have signed a new player yesterday and the paper work is on its way to the league? we missed out for this tuesday week which is a shame but he will be just in time to play against you in 2 weeks time i will let you know who once i recieve confirmation in the next few days, and what ive heard this guy is top notch so be warned:boxer
Give you a clue look at the photo gallery at croydon inter league (current):


Shouldn't that be "hired", considering you had to buy his services?


Not really mate made him a offer and to pick him up and drop him off and he has now come out of retirement and he still agreed to sign so put that in your pipe and smoke it loooool
It's called looking after your team Mates and that's what I do mate and come to think of it don't you do that aswell with someone so there you have it

Posted by Fat-Dart on 25-02-2013 22:17

If I'm driving, of course I'll pick up as many of my team as I can fit in the car although I only drive to a couple of fixtures a season now as we tend to get a cab instead then we can all have a beer.

Edited by Fat-Dart on 25-02-2013 22:17

Posted by No1 Nugget on 25-02-2013 22:55

Well I don't drink and i always pick up all my players and drop them all home cause I'm a nice guy like that :P

Posted by Views on 26-02-2013 20:05

Neil - that is not quite true is it?
I do remember after poor show a few years back you made them all walk home!

Posted by Pondlife on 26-02-2013 21:07

That must have been where they got the name for the throat sweets: Hall's meant to lift us !!

Posted by No1 Nugget on 27-02-2013 07:45

Views wrote:
Neil - that is not quite true is it?
I do remember after poor show a few years back you made them all walk home!

Looool don't know who you are but I do remember saying that a few years ago but they didn't walk home they never have i always do take them home but lately the way some of them play :gettinghanged:they should get a bus home :P