Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Doubles final

Posted by handbrake on 05-03-2013 05:39

Hugh/ Ricky 3.1 mark /John

First and foremost very well done to Ricky and Hugh on winning back to back doubles events well deserved , Disappointed to lose having played so well to get to the final , sadly tho the table was just not up to it!! first fame that we won was only due to a roll that made Hugh miss a ball that was a inch from the pocket to hit the wrong side of the ball totally and leave us in , we only missed 2 balls we went for and one was again due to a full ball roll off with all our balls in open , as was Discussed after its a real shame that we had to play on Such a dead table that rolled all over the gaff , for me it's spoiled what should have been a much better standard final , :(

Take nothing away form our opponents tho they dealt with the table much better than us well done lads

Edited by handbrake on 05-03-2013 05:41

Posted by jacko on 05-03-2013 07:57

Wel done prop boys gr8 frames but must say its a total disgrace avin to play a final ona piss poor table...I believe tables should b checked before any final by the refs n players n the venue b made to adjust the table to a suitable standard or not b allowed to hold any more finals there...wats the point Ov bein a sponsor wen ur gona get a negative feed back about ur standards...:angel:

Posted by nuttmeg on 05-03-2013 18:47

Well done to Hughie and Ricky.

Posted by Blockapocket on 05-03-2013 23:47

dads army marches on....
well done Hughie & Ricky :thumb: