Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 3 week 12

Posted by Cyber The Crucifier on 06-03-2013 07:09

Woodside 5 Penge conq 6
They only had 4 players so the result is not to bad for them
lovely food
nicest team we have played this season
good luck rest of season

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 06-03-2013 15:22

Sports 7 4 beechtree

Good win for us in an important game. We didn't deserve to win though, there were rolls all over the table, a 0-11 loss would have been a much fairer reflection of the two sides abilities. We're now saving for a state of the art table like the one at the beechtree..... :bite:

A good enjoyable evening of pool nonetheless, cheers guys and good luck

Posted by Welshy on 06-03-2013 16:03

As Ben has mentioned the score, and to be fair I think it probably was about right I shall add my two pence worth as always lol.

Hopefully our luck levels out because we were bang out of it yesterday. Yes indeed we did have a moan about the table last night because it "wasn't fit for purpose" for a top of the table match. Simples :P Everyone knows when they play in Bromley, our table is rancid, that's why I apologise before the match, but with our resources from our Sheikh were investing in a table :lol:

Problem is with the Langley table was that it had two speeds and a nasty roll on the bottom left-middle and top right, that's the first time in the years I've played its been anything other than splendid :winking: #honestcriticism

Langley lads always a top bunch of lads, good luck for the remainder of the season :handshake:

Posted by Statto on 06-03-2013 16:38

Penge Con Boys 4-7 MOT's

Third loss in a row for moaning about luck here...more about poor finishing in all honesty...however there were a couple of lesser spotted strong players in their team...despite that we should have won, just didn't take our chamces and they did...

MOT's are having a strong run in recent it perfectly timed to steal second, or will their poor start cost them? made me ROFLMFAO!!! To say you need your luck to even out suggests it has been off for a while, but I fail to see where you get bad luck in an 11-0 win! Selective amnesia maybe???

Next week will be interesting...

Posted by Welshy on 06-03-2013 17:29

You know the phrase Jason, 7-Days is a long time :lol: Should be a good game next week, The Shiekh unfortunately says he can't put the new table in for next week, so it'll be in a sad state after the weekend drinking players but I'm sure we'l just roll with it lol

Selective amnesia? Not at all, I only remember the things I want to lol