Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 2 week 12

Posted by No1 Nugget on 06-03-2013 07:14

Pond q 2 v 9 Farley legends

Great performance from everyone tonight we played some great stuff and to take the first set 3 2 was great but the second set we :boxer: whitewash them 6 0 and that puts us 5 behind them and come next week we will be back in it also special mentions to Daniel and Alfie for 2/2 and Leon 2/3,:bow:

Wish the pond q well for the rest of the season they have some top blokes down there,:thumb:
Wizards next up and a big win there could see us close the gap on the top 2 you have been warned looooool bring it on

Posted by Fat-Dart on 06-03-2013 13:52

Wizards 4 - Goodfellas 7

Great match and very pleased with the end result as we started off by losing the first 3 so had to turn it round.

Best of luck to Chris and Co. for the rest of the season; always a pleasure to play you guys. See you in a few weeks anyway for the League Cup.

Posted by Merlin on 06-03-2013 16:06

Farley Loyalists 8 - Farley Dukes 3

Great performance again for the loyalists as we complete the clean sweep against the other Farley teams (Beating the Legends 3 times, the Dukes twice and the Small Pots once) To be fair to the Dukes they had their chances but could not convert them. Good luck to the Dukes for the rest of season and I hope they stay up. also I believe the rat pack won 7-4 which means there are 5 points seperating the top 3. Next up for the loyalists is an away trip to the Pond so should be a good match

Posted by Pondlife on 06-03-2013 17:39

Pond Wheatsheaf 2 Farley Legends 9

I am sorry for the delay in submitting this article. I have been too distraught to comment thus far. Congratulations to our opponents who rode their luck on more than one occasion, and eventually came up trumps, more often than not. Apparently there was an insignificant soccer match on the television which reduced our concentration to an extremely unacceptable level. Nevertheless all is not yet lost. I do wish our semi-professional opponents the very best of luck for the remainder of the season. Neil really must have more money than sense !!:clap:

Posted by Triple C on 06-03-2013 18:14

Pondlife wrote:
Pond Wheatsheaf 2 Farley Legends 9


Posted by No1 Nugget on 06-03-2013 18:47

I know what a result and in 2 weeks time triple c we comming for you next:boxer:and come next week when you drop more points we will close the gap on you and when we come to you we will do the double over you so be warned :P

Posted by Pondlife on 06-03-2013 18:58

Hi Paul,can you please keep your posts as brief as possible,as they are taking up a lot of my valuable time reading them !!

Posted by No1 Nugget on 06-03-2013 19:03

Pondlife wrote:
Pond Wheatsheaf 2 Farley Legends 9

I am sorry for the delay in submitting this article. I have been too distraught to comment thus far. Congratulations to our opponents who rode their luck on more than one occasion, and eventually came up trumps, more often than not. Apparently there was an insignificant soccer match on the television which reduced our concentration to an extremely unacceptable level. Nevertheless all is not yet lost. I do wish our semi-professional opponents the very best of luck for the remainder of the season. Neil really must have more money than sense !!:clap:

Ohhh pat I thought your computer must of been down :computer: looooool good luck next week hopefully you can pull it back as you've dropped out of the promotion place.
Updated table top 5
Frames 84
Loyalists 80
Pond q. 79
Farley legends 74
Wizards. 72

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 06-03-2013 19:36

Neil do ur talking on the table.all this waffle and speculation is BORING lol.wont it be funny if you dont win ANYTHING.the pack will just plod along and what will be will u said-one match can change it.which also means that u could take a bad beat and go further back than u already are :o

Posted by No1 Nugget on 06-03-2013 19:58

Well to be honest mate touch wood I always win something every year so we shall see mate:boxer:

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 06-03-2013 20:05

Yh but div 5,4 and 3 are a bit easier...well good luck any way

Posted by No1 Nugget on 06-03-2013 20:12

We shall see mate like I said this is our first time in division 2 and we doing well and with 6 games left with you still to play loyalists And pond q we will close the gap for sure see you in 2 weeks :chair:

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 06-03-2013 20:33

Its not for sure at all.u also have us to play.and if u think thats a walk then ur very much mistaken...this year NEIL HALL will be exposed lol.see u soon buddy

Posted by No1 Nugget on 06-03-2013 20:41

so u got 3 tough games Out of 6 so you better keep an eye on the teams below cause promotion will be gone for you loooooool

Posted by Triple C on 06-03-2013 20:44

Pondlife wrote:
Hi Paul,can you please keep your posts as brief as possible,as they are taking up a lot of my valuable time reading them !!

LOL - Sorry Pat, was just getting over the shock, as I didn't expect it...

As stated before somewhere Rack Pack won 7-4 against 1 Nil Down...

Decent game and was close until we took the last 4 frames...

Posted by The Big Show on 06-03-2013 20:45

neil wrote:
I know what a result and in 2 weeks time triple c we comming for you next:boxer:and come next week when you drop more points we will close the gap on you and when we come to you we will do the double over you so be warned :P


Nuff said!!

Ironic really Neil that the "team" that you are is NOT the same team year in year out, so to be honest your attributes and wins are made up of talented players that make their way through the leagues simply looking for a "temporary" home... I think next year you should rename your team to "Farley Mercs" Apt name considering the signings ;)

:trophyone: Croydon Pool League couldnt give a ******* award
:trophytwo: Croydon Pool league who are you award
:trophythree: Croydon Pool league Dispatchers!!!

Posted by No1 Nugget on 06-03-2013 22:17

Marc there is still 3of us from when we played back in div 5 as some have been passed on and some who couldnt hack the put that in your pipe and smoke it.

You should spend some more time getting some practise in mate cause u got a tough few weeks ahead of you?Don't want you getting :sick: or making excuses loool

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 06-03-2013 23:14

As marc said.....blah blah worried about ur own team in stead of ours...NO MORE TALKING

Posted by Whatapisstake on 07-03-2013 04:01

pat u have disappointed me i had you down as winning the league...... watkins dear chap did your arse go

Posted by No1 Nugget on 07-03-2013 17:16

To be fair Barry was their best player the other night with a break dish in his first game to pull it back to 2-2 and surprisingly missed a str8 black to Finnish Leon off and he got punished,8-2

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 08-03-2013 04:59