Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: League Cup Group A Stage 2 Week 1

Posted by Pondlife on 12-03-2013 06:20

Pond Wheatsheaf 7 Magnum Force 4

A very enjoyable evening with hilarious events on some of the other tables. It was almost a laugh a minute. Good result for us. Bad luck to the Magnum who could have nicked a couple more games. Good Luck to them for the rest of the season !! :clap:

Posted by Brooker on 12-03-2013 18:05

Eagles 8 - 3 1 Nil down

Turning up with only 4 players against the Eagles isn't the best of starts, but don't think it will be the last time this season.

Good fun as always against the Eagles though & an enjoyable night.