Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: div1 week 13

Posted by jacko on 13-03-2013 07:04

Prop 9v2 rileys snooker ....1nil down so a superb effort from the prop boys full ov determination n gr8 team spirit again,this woz our last chance to put a good result in before its all to late n to stand up n b counted,yes we need this every week to apply pressure to the eagles to giv ourselves a chance n wev took our 1st step bak in the right direction...sum decent pool from the snooker lads n woz played ina friendly atmosphere which woz nice :angel:

Posted by Metin250 on 13-03-2013 07:12

10- wiggy
Great table!

Posted by nuttmeg on 13-03-2013 07:56

Refugees in hand 1 Eagles 10. For me the best performance of the season,determination on a dodgy table was excellent.Andy was very unlucky to lose his frame, but the reason I'm most delighted was that this performance was against a very good team,apart from being very nice people, they have a team
Good enough to finish top 5 in Croydon

Posted by Nature Boy on 13-03-2013 08:19

The Better Halfs 8-3 The Warbank

Not a good performance tonight, missed chances and opportunity on both sides to be fair, but the Better Halfs took their chances slightly better than us.

All the best to the Better Halfs for the remainder of the season..

Posted by Special K on 13-03-2013 17:48

jacko wrote:
Prop 9v2 rileys snooker ....1nil down so a superb effort from the prop boys full ov determination n gr8 team spirit again,this woz our last chance to put a good result in before its all to late n to stand up n b counted,yes we need this every week to apply pressure to the eagles to giv ourselves a chance n wev took our 1st step bak in the right direction...sum decent pool from the snooker lads n woz played ina friendly atmosphere which woz nice :angel:

Just awaiting Mondays report now........

Posted by longshanks on 13-03-2013 19:04

Not sure why there are three threads for Division 1.

Right now the results are in lets have a hundred posts from the usual suspects about who has got the biggest dick (metaphorically).

Posted by jacko on 13-03-2013 22:19

monday won 7.4 played poor,ad to go after my games but as i lost both mine i thought id better stay for another couple ov frames b4 i departed,got dug out for innocently smiling in an ironic fashion so ada row n which i erd a bunch ov wonkers shouting out hes doin a bunter,these complete idiots wer not to realise that i ad stayed longer than planned, so just like dumb people they av no idea wat there saying just trying to b clever wen there clearly thick as shat scummy cants...happy now dan :angel:

Posted by Whatapisstake on 14-03-2013 06:54

whacko do u think your ever write a post in full english grammer and without having a moan .... you sure you and pat aint related

Posted by Macca on 14-03-2013 08:28


Posted by qwerty on 14-03-2013 15:08

waters wrote:
whacko do u think your ever write a post in full english grammer and without having a moan .... you sure you and pat aint related

Correct grammar Andy would be, do you think you will ever write a post in full English grammar without having a moan? Are you sure you and Pat are not related?

Posted by Whatapisstake on 14-03-2013 22:31

Dr Watkins .... The Sherlock homes has come out !!

Posted by Whatapisstake on 14-03-2013 22:34

Macca my point is ... I love reading whacko's post but it takes me an entire evening to figure out what's he's wrote ( Jackson has my vote )
Tony on a serious note .... You should be the table inspector for the Croydon league ...