Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 2 week 14

Posted by No1 Nugget on 20-03-2013 07:02

Frames rack pack 2 v 9 Farley legends

What a fantastic result again from us taking the first set 4 1 then we took the next 3 to lead 7 1 they pulled one back then we took the last 2 special mentions to leon,alfie for 2/2 and bernie 3/3 :bow:and I do believe the Farley legends are back in the title hunt,

Bring it on and who said we was out of it :boxer:

Updated table top 5
Pond q 93
Loyalists 93
Frames rack pack 92
Farley legends. 91

2 points separating the top 4 teams with 4 games to go and looking at the rest of the fixtures with rack pack v pond q next week I fancy winning the league who wants a bet :boxer: looooooooool

Edited by No1 Nugget on 20-03-2013 07:35

Posted by Special K on 20-03-2013 07:34

Farley legends :bow: :trophyone: go on the boys.... New u cud do it Neil nice 1 mate did u play mayweather?

Posted by Special K on 20-03-2013 07:38

Oh and did u play mayweather first to 10 for that 100? I predict you are 8-2 up just a guess tho.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 20-03-2013 07:47

Yeah mate we agreed to play 10 games at his place and 9 at farleys and I almost whitewashed but played a few bad shots as I was distracted with what was going on and we smashed them, to be fair though they did miss some sitters and we took advantage we back in it now also I beat terry in the league game so as for the stats
Miller 11
Telford 11
Neil 11
Terry. 10
Game on with 4 to go :clap:

Oh don't forget andy owes you ?50 let's see if he pays up or he could be full of S h I t looooool he next on my list what's happening with the scotch are we still doing it :chair:

Posted by Special K on 20-03-2013 07:52

Yea your are right mate he full of *******.... Cor 8-2 that's a good result well done mate :clapping:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 20-03-2013 08:01

To be fair I played some decent stuff but was handed a few games on a plate but will take that overall fantastic night, did you win your game tonigh dan ? You top of the rankings:thumb: I see well done on that score you flying high this year,:trophyone:

Posted by Special K on 20-03-2013 08:22

Yea mate 2/2 well done tonight keep it up and get to div 1

Posted by Triple C on 20-03-2013 15:37

Well played the Legends... They were well and truly up for it and it became an increasingly frustrating night for us...

First off let me say I do like the Legends as you always need characters like that to keep the league interesting BUT I can see why others may dislike them... Cheering in opponents misfortune and team members leaving without saying goodbye / shaking hands doesn't do them any favours...

Anyway to the game... The scoreline does flatter them, as Neil said, when opportunities came our way we simply didn't take them. Bernie was excellent, he may not look it but he is very confident in his ability and didn't give me a sniff in either of the 2 games I played him in...

As for the league, we have been top for the majority of the season and still believe we have been the best team in the division... No one was going to hand it to us but believe WE WILL NOT GIVE UP!

Will be an interesting and exciting last 4 games... All the best to the teams involved!

Posted by qwerty on 20-03-2013 16:01

What was the grub like last night in frames? Did anyone order a brindle melt because one turned up :bounce:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 20-03-2013 16:26

Triple C wrote:
Well played the Legends... They were well and truly up for it and it became an increasingly frustrating night for us...

First off let me say I do like the Legends as you always need characters like that to keep the league interesting BUT I can see why others may dislike them... Cheering in opponents misfortune and team members leaving without saying goodbye / shaking hands doesn't do them any favours...

Anyway to the game... The scoreline does flatter them, as Neil said, when opportunities came our way we simply didn't take them. Bernie was excellent, he may not look it but he is very confident in his ability and didn't give me a sniff in either of the 2 games I played him in...

As for the league, we have been top for the majority of the season and still believe we have been the best team in the division... No one was going to hand it to us but believe WE WILL NOT GIVE UP!

Will be an interesting and exciting last 4 games... All the best to the teams involved!

Triple c only 2 of them done that as they needed to go as it was quite late but did tell me to say sorry they didn't mean nothing by it, as for cheering your misfortune well what can I say I didn't expect you lot to miss like that and we took full advantage, and to be honest you lot done the same to us when i potted terry ball, anyways no more talking let the pool do the talking,bar man make mine a double loooool, :boxer:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 20-03-2013 16:33

qwerty wrote:
What was the grub like last night in frames? Did anyone order a brindle melt because one turned up :bounce:

Classic Barry mate, all you got to do is beat them next week and they won't even get promotion :sick:looooool now who would of predicted that, good luck next week hopefully a 6 v 5 and a big win for us will put us top for the first time, come on the legends:clap:

Posted by Triple C on 20-03-2013 16:48

neil wrote:
Triple C wrote:
Well played the Legends... They were well and truly up for it and it became an increasingly frustrating night for us...

First off let me say I do like the Legends as you always need characters like that to keep the league interesting BUT I can see why others may dislike them... Cheering in opponents misfortune and team members leaving without saying goodbye / shaking hands doesn't do them any favours...

Anyway to the game... The scoreline does flatter them, as Neil said, when opportunities came our way we simply didn't take them. Bernie was excellent, he may not look it but he is very confident in his ability and didn't give me a sniff in either of the 2 games I played him in...

As for the league, we have been top for the majority of the season and still believe we have been the best team in the division... No one was going to hand it to us but believe WE WILL NOT GIVE UP!

Will be an interesting and exciting last 4 games... All the best to the teams involved!

Triple c only 2 of them done that as they needed to go as it was quite late but did tell me to say sorry they didn't mean nothing by it, as for cheering your misfortune well what can I say I didn't expect you lot to miss like that and we took full advantage, and to be honest you lot done the same to us when i potted terry ball, anyways no more talking let the pool do the talking,bar man make mine a double loooool, :boxer:

LOL I can't believe out of everything I wrote - you managed to pull out only the negative things! I'm sure I said positive things about your team (which you seem to have ignored)... All about you I guess LOL

There is a difference... when you fouled we cheered on Terry... When one of our players went in-off you shouted 'get in'! Don't chat S LOL

Posted by No1 Nugget on 20-03-2013 17:35

triple c we shouted get in there cause we had our players with a great chance to clear up and like i said we took full advantage i predict you will finnish 3rd or 4th, ohhh and by the way many thanks for all your comments good luck next week u can't afford another defeat or your season will be over,:o

Posted by Triple C on 20-03-2013 18:44

neil wrote:
triple c we shouted get in there cause we had our players with a great chance to clear up and like i said we took full advantage i predict you will finnish 3rd or 4th, ohhh and by the way many thanks for all your comments good luck next week u can't afford another defeat or your season will be over,:o

PS - Great to see Leon again

Posted by No1 Nugget on 20-03-2013 18:52

its a shame you guys are in div 1 next season as you could of seen a lot more from him,loooool but maybe we might get you guys in the cup :boxer:in the summer maybe or if you stay up we will see you there?

Posted by Special K on 20-03-2013 21:50

qwerty wrote:
What was the grub like last night in frames? Did anyone order a brindle melt because one turned up :bounce:

Quality mate superb!!!!! I did tell him Neil wud beat him....

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 20-03-2013 22:20

HOLD ON A MINUTE.....neil played some good stuff.but in all honesty im trying to play a game and all neil did was keep walking away wen im trying to play my shots and putting me off.walking past the end of the table wen im about to play the shot.we was ment to be playing a money match where neil kept walking off to the other side of the room.pretty off putting.yh he played some good stuff but in all fairness the score shld never of been that if we was playing for the league the legends played very well and took chances that we never did..they had better team spirit and we did look deflaited after going 2-0 down..but paul is right.some of the things that were cheered were wrong.and they never cheered wen u potted my ball.they cheered me on

Posted by Special K on 20-03-2013 22:54

So what your are saying his he was not concentrating at all and still won 8-2?

Tel I fink u are alright mate never donee no harm but telling the truth I think Neil has proved his point that he is a better player!

Posted by No1 Nugget on 20-03-2013 23:50

Terry that's a s hi t excuse mate I probably walk past you once or twice and you walked pass me mate and it didnt bother me as things like that dont but look overall I deserved it mate and when we meet up in a couple of weeks we can Finnish it mate and I will give you another shot at me if you dare loooool:boxer:

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 21-03-2013 07:57

oh shut up danny....and no neil u never done it once or twice...if were playing a money match then u should be staying playing our game instead of walking off every 2 mins.i kept telling u every other shot that its ur go.and yh its off putting to me...may not effect u or ur game but hey were all starting to realise that ur games not pool.its getting in to other peoples heads.if we was in a venue where were playing a game where its not off putting the score would be diffrent....u 2 wanna stop getting up each others arses before i stick one of ur heads up the others...funny how everyone else says neil wld never beat me....maybe we should restart in a venue where its just us.and no other games are going on and ill give you 2-1 on your money....u know what u was doing was wrong.every time it was my shot u would walk off until i had to wait till you come back so i couldnt get in to a ritham......i never walked off once when u was playing ur shots....or at all in fact

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 21-03-2013 08:04

and yh fair play u deserved to be infront on some games u played....but not was off putting and i said it to u at 3-2...and once after..i shouldnt have to keep sayng when its a money match.and kellier ur point means nothing too me when ur a cheat and full ov shut up before i shut u up....neil u even done it in the 3rd when i had an easy clearence to go 2-1 up and u walked past and i missed the ball...not acceptable in a money match

Posted by Triple C on 21-03-2013 16:41

Terry - I did try to protect you and asked you not to play the money match as the league match was more important at the time but you chose to go ahead with it...

Also I'm all for banter, anyone that knows me or the team know that we like to have a good time having a laugh while (trying) to play pool... BUT calling someone a cheat and threatening people is another and it reflects badly not only on yourself but the team... We don't want to be known for that...

So please refrain from anymore outbursts - Thanks

Edited by Triple C on 21-03-2013 16:42

Posted by No1 Nugget on 21-03-2013 17:23

Totally agree triple c :handshake:I also said to terry outside before the game started when we was having a fag if he wanted to postpone and he said no we have agreed to play 10 games ,with everything you have said I understand but I think you lot was shocked with what was going on in the league game and when I beat you in the league game mate your head went down,and some of you were talking and throwing their towels across the floor when one of my team mates were taking their last shot on the black? And we didn't say nothing about that did we, we just got our heads down and done the job?
Look all in all we deserved to beat you?as triple c said we played great and was up for it more than them, And terry you still got the second leg to come and when you come down don't make the same mistake you did and underestimate me cause I predict final score 10 v 3/4 :boxer:

Edited by No1 Nugget on 21-03-2013 17:44

Posted by Triple C on 21-03-2013 17:53

Neil - Don't make it worse! I think you've proved your point... Enough on the subject

Posted by No1 Nugget on 21-03-2013 17:59

Ok triple c no worries good luck next week :thumb:

Posted by Special K on 21-03-2013 23:49

No 1 don't talk to me like I am some c***

No 2 u started it on here saying u going to beat Neil bla bla bla I voiced my opinion and said Neil will beat u I was rite!

No 3 u are mugging your self off so much asking Neil to start again wtf!

No 4 if u want to get personal u will see me Monday in frames so u will have your chance to shut me up!

Posted by The Big Show on 22-03-2013 13:53

Special K wrote:

No 4 if u want to get personal u will see me Monday in frames so u will have your chance to shut me up!

Mate seriously this is gonna do NO ONE any favours is it?! Rise above the threats guys, its a game of pool FFS

Posted by Special K on 22-03-2013 23:33

Was not me starting threats mate I am all for banter that's what I thought it was its your player doing the threats mate in black n white and he just didn't threaten me if u read the posts he threatened Neil I don't no what the problem is wen it was all banter but if I am getting told that my mouth is going to get shut for me I ain't just going to say oh ok am I? Maybe u shud chat to terry and get him to sort it out I am for shaking hands and moving on as its a game of pool but on the other hand I ain't gonna get spoke to like I am a kid.

Am sure it will get sorted out as we grown men thanks for your input and must add triple c u are a 100 percent rite!

Posted by No1 Nugget on 23-03-2013 00:32

Good call dan I think it's getting out of hand with all the threats ? It's a bit of pool people and a bit of banter to see who's the best team that's how it should be? So may the best team win :trophyone:(Farley legends) :P

Edited by No1 Nugget on 23-03-2013 01:44

Posted by The Big Show on 24-03-2013 22:49

IF you read MY post correctly it does say RISE ABOVE THE THREATS GUYS does it not?

At no point Dan was any referral to yourself with regard to who started what.

Have a nice day

Posted by Pondlife on 25-03-2013 03:56

Updated table after week 14 matches:

Pond Wheatsheaf 93
Farley Loyalists 93
Frames RackPack 92
Farley Legends 91
The Wizards 79
1NilDown 77
Goodfellas 76
The Folly 64
Flying Machine 55
Farley Dukes 50

Posted by No1 Nugget on 25-03-2013 04:40

so we done you another favour then pat:clap: loool
good luck next week one of you will be out of it hopefully:handshake: if a big win is on the cards if not a 6 v 5 would be great and we can go above u both as we are waiting to pounce next week, may the best team win:trophyone: