Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: League cup stage 2 group b

Posted by Special K on 26-03-2013 05:58

Plan b 1-10 the better halfs

Firstly want to say what a great bunch the plan b are very gracious in defeat and was full of complements for us! Unlucky tonight guys!

Really steady performance by us tonight except my first frame :o 1 more game left now against our beloved prop....

Posted by No1 Nugget on 26-03-2013 15:32

Well done mate :thumb:what was the prop score do u know ?

Posted by Special K on 26-03-2013 15:44

I think the prop was 4-3 down wen we left mate.

Gonna be close!

Posted by jacko on 26-03-2013 16:36

Unprd 4v7 Prop ....massive cum bak by our lads after Fransoir n Mevstar abused me in 5th n 6th frame for us to b 4.2 down to say I'm loving the dead tables at frames ,they use to b pure n very very fast bak in the day but now they need sum serious ironing n cushions need tightening,I like frames as such but last nite seemed to crammed n I honestly think a snooker hall should look after there tables better,brush,iron or bock n level it,how add can it b ? :angel: always a pleasure playing against the unpredictables there top side with a gr8 attitude

Posted by Knocky on 26-03-2013 16:37

prop 7 unpredictables 4
terrible result for us after being 4 2 up we turned into jelly babies lol
in fair not a very good standered of pool from both teams apart from fran who did a great dish
going to be hard for us to get through now,need a massive result in our last match and hope that the better halfs win against the prop,
looks like only 1 more game for us on mondays and besides if we did get through to the final we would only have 3 players as the rest of the team are on holiday.
cant complain as we have won this comp the last 2 years lol
and lastly neil it looks like you are ?25 better off that is untill i win it back in our money match.(bring it on).lol:chair:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 26-03-2013 17:34

no chance mate, i told you and samuels you wouldnt qualify:P i am hoping i can come down for the last game in the cup as i have never seen you play, :saxton::haha:

Posted by Knocky on 26-03-2013 18:20

neil wrote:
no chance mate, i told you and samuels you wouldnt qualify:P i am hoping i can come down for the last game in the cup as i have never seen you play, :saxton::haha:

neil mate,if i play like i did last night you will beat me but im still offering you a 2 nil head start first to 10 for whatever you want to play for,
waiting for your reply.
if you dont fancy it i will understand.:D:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 26-03-2013 18:34

you said 4 head start are you moving the goal posts:boxer:
mr knocky are you getting worried now :haha:

Posted by Special K on 26-03-2013 19:08

Doing the maths on things the only way the unperdics can qualify is by....

Us beating the prop a minimum of 7-4

The unperdics beating plan b 11-0 and that ain't going to be easy as they ain't a bad little side!

Or on the other hand if the prop beat us 10-1 and unperdics get that big 11-zip

Our goal is to make sure we don't let the prop get a single frame :angel:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 26-03-2013 19:32

nooooo that cant happen mate you got to at least give them 4 or 5 so u both qualify as you top and prop 2nd,

Posted by Kermy on 26-03-2013 19:41

Sorry guys but was we watching the same match last night. I thought I see Hughie there,and did he not break dish and win 3/3. Man of match in my eyes.

Posted by Knocky on 26-03-2013 20:07

neil wrote:
you said 4 head start are you moving the goal posts:boxer:
mr knocky are you getting worried now :haha:

ok neil you win
ill give you your 4 start but my choice of venue so all it takes now is for you to say
LETS GET IT ON.and goodluck:D:

Posted by Special K on 26-03-2013 20:29

Sorry to disappoint u neil but mate u have to realise something

The prop and the better halfs are like

Millwall v westham arsenal v spurs Celtic v rangers Man U v man city

Can u see any of the above wanting to give the other anything? I think not i no the prop hate us they wud not even give us the steam of there own piss lol and neither wud we them lol so can't let them get anything I am afraid mate! Looking forward to playing them as its the fixture of the season I look most forward to!

Posted by No1 Nugget on 26-03-2013 20:40

i know that dan,:chair:ok mate no worries i predict you win 6 v 5 then both qualify and unpredictables go out,:haha:

mr knocky, BRING IT ON SON, thought you said thomas farley was the venue the other day you said, you keep moving the goal posts looooool,
to be honest anytime anywhere, if you want why dont we play at frames in a couple of weeks,:boxer:

Posted by Macca on 26-03-2013 20:44


Posted by Special K on 26-03-2013 21:16

Macca wrote:

Ha ha ha u caught me mr macca but I am rite though aint I mate its the game we all look forward to... And it's got that hate relationship about it but I can't hate u as u a nice bloke :bite:

Posted by Knocky on 26-03-2013 21:45

mr knocky, BRING IT ON SON, thought you said thomas farley was the venue the other day you said, you keep moving the goal posts looooool,
to be honest anytime anywhere, if you want why dont we play at frames in a couple of weeks,:boxer: [/quote]

game on
i can make either 14th or 21st april which are both sundays,say 3pm which gives us time to get to the poker at the farley and yes frames will do nicely.:D:
ps money on table no owes

Posted by Knocky on 26-03-2013 21:50

or if you want to play at the farley i will give you a 3 frame headstart,your choice mate.:D:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 26-03-2013 21:57

knocky wrote:
mr knocky, BRING IT ON SON, thought you said thomas farley was the venue the other day you said, you keep moving the goal posts looooool,
to be honest anytime anywhere, if you want why dont we play at frames in a couple of weeks,:boxer:

game on
i can make either 14th or 21st april which are both sundays,say 3pm which gives us time to get to the poker at the farley and yes frames will do nicely.:D:
ps money on table no owes[/quote]

So why don't we meet at farleys either day mate instead of going frames but it's your call and you already owe me ?25 so u will have my dough on you :haha:

Posted by Knocky on 26-03-2013 22:00

neil frames 4 start
farley 3 start
your choice.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 26-03-2013 22:08

Ok Farley it is then don't forget when you lose it's ?50 :boxer:

Posted by Knocky on 27-03-2013 00:04

excellient,which date neil 14th or 21st again i will give you the choice.
thats caus im nice.:D:

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 27-03-2013 18:42

Should have taken the 4 start Neil. you'll do well to get 6 against Knocky let alone 7.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 27-03-2013 20:46

do you think so i dont mate i think it will be a close finnish im predicting final score 10 v 9, to me of course loooooool:boxer:

Posted by Whatapisstake on 28-03-2013 05:42

That just proves your crap even needing a 4 start !!! Your get raped in div 1 if u do go up ...
See now if u had the ******* play chris double or quits first too 10 ...
If your that good you wouldn't be needing a start

Posted by Shaggy on 28-03-2013 06:53

I am sure Knocky and a few others would offer you the same bet Waters,

Posted by Whatapisstake on 28-03-2013 13:47

Shaggy my point is Neil brags he's that good y a start ... And if knocky was to ask me the same a race to 10 for 25-50 whatever it is I wouldn't ask for a start !

Posted by No1 Nugget on 28-03-2013 15:29

You thick c u n t read the posts baldy he offered a start cause he knows he is better than me so I'm gonna take it ain't I and I know he will prob beat me but at least I'm gonna try, and not make excuses like you,:blah::blah: he just wants to win his money back, (if they go out ) and yes we will be in the first division come next winter without fail and mr waters, as I recall you didn't give us a chance in this division and will prove the Croydon league wrong and get there on merit,so when your ready to play me I got 3 words for ya
BRING IT ON :boxer:

Posted by Knocky on 28-03-2013 16:22

waters wrote:
Shaggy my point is Neil brags he's that good y a start ... And if knocky was to ask me the same a race to 10 for 25-50 whatever it is I wouldn't ask for a start !

andy mate its there if you want it,
first to 10 no start,?50
whenever you want

Posted by No1 Nugget on 28-03-2013 17:02

he wont take that chris cause his arse gone mate, he all mouth and no cue action :haha:

Posted by BUNTER on 28-03-2013 18:19

Ill give you a game knocky you was meant to be playing me soon if I remember rightly

Posted by BUNTER on 28-03-2013 18:54

Am I getting 4 start to 10

Posted by Knocky on 28-03-2013 19:30

BUNTER wrote:
Am I getting 4 start to 10

haha,ill play you after i have played neil billy
race to 10
no start

Posted by No1 Nugget on 28-03-2013 19:43

im not even getting 4 start billy im only getting 3
i know it should be more, looooooooool:bite:

Posted by BUNTER on 28-03-2013 22:01

Ill be waiting knocky

Posted by Special K on 28-03-2013 22:15

I will back u bunter if u want make it a hundred chris mate ready wen u are.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 28-03-2013 22:18

14th april is when we are playing mate come down and get 2 games going on i wont need much time against him:boxer:

Posted by Special K on 28-03-2013 22:25


Posted by BUNTER on 28-03-2013 22:56

Unless you wanna scotch it up me n dan vs knocky n Mickey/Mev or someone?

Posted by Knocky on 29-03-2013 03:01

[quote]BUNTER wrote:
Unless you wanna scotch it up me n dan vs knocky n Mickey/Mev or someone?[/quote.

I'm sure me and mick would be up for abut of doubles for 50 a man:D:

Posted by Special K on 29-03-2013 06:37

Lovely me and bunter v knocky n mickey when u want to do this sooner the better coz all this money talk on this website and games still ain't been played I play wen u want so will bunter 50 a man first to 15-20?

Posted by No1 Nugget on 29-03-2013 06:53

Knocky me and leachey are also up for doubles with you and mick:chair: after your game with billy and dan just let me know some dates so I can give him some notice mate?
i do hope you save some energy for us if you except the challenge of course?:chicken:I think your in trouble when special k and mr bunter get there hands on you :boxer:loooooool ( only messing mate) :haha: pm me some dates mate?:boxer:

Posted by Kermy on 29-03-2013 15:24

Can myself & Hughie get some of this doubles action.

Posted by Whatapisstake on 29-03-2013 16:08

knocky wrote:
waters wrote:
Shaggy my point is Neil brags he's that good y a start ... And if knocky was to ask me the same a race to 10 for 25-50 whatever it is I wouldn't ask for a start !

andy mate its there if you want it,
first to 10 no start,?50
whenever you want

Chris ill play you to make it even ill play u at frames no start first to 10
Am tied up with work up until the 19th next month but can only do Sundays ! Work Saturdays sorry .. Let me no a date maybe a rematch in mk aswell :handshake:

Posted by Whatapisstake on 29-03-2013 16:12

neil wrote:
You thick c u n t read the posts baldy he offered a start cause he knows he is better than me so I'm gonna take it ain't I and I know he will prob beat me but at least I'm gonna try, and not make excuses like you,:blah::blah: he just wants to win his money back, (if they go out ) and yes we will be in the first division come next winter without fail and mr waters, as I recall you didn't give us a chance in this division and will prove the Croydon league wrong and get there on merit,so when your ready to play me I got 3 words for ya
BRING IT ON :boxer:

You've been watching too many chick flicks ginger !!
Ill play you after I've played Chris we will have to sort out a date
Neutral venue and to make it fair ill decide the venue on the date that way no 1 has the upper hand on the table if your up for that
First to 10 for ?50 up too you !

Posted by BUNTER on 29-03-2013 16:38

Chris you do know you will have to go to Milton Keynes to play andy as that's what he was saying to me. Or did he just bottle it when I asked him? Most probs

Posted by Knocky on 29-03-2013 16:54

Andy mate for 50 it's not worth going to Mk so ill let Neil play you at a neutral ground as for billy and dan let mm know what dates you are available and we will get back to you also the same with rick and Hughie may be possible to play a game this monday

Posted by Special K on 29-03-2013 17:03


Posted by No1 Nugget on 29-03-2013 17:30

Special k Chris is away for this weekend mate I think he playing golf and I'm up for you ref ing my game with andy if his arse doesn't go lol:haha:

Posted by Special K on 29-03-2013 17:40

Me n bunter would have some of that kermy mate we play these 2 then wud play u 2 wen Eva u want to.

Posted by Knocky on 29-03-2013 17:52

Special K wrote:

Today at 4 pm
First to 10
50 a man

Posted by Special K on 29-03-2013 18:46


Posted by Whatapisstake on 29-03-2013 19:03

BUNTER wrote:
Chris you do know you will have to go to Milton Keynes to play andy as that's what he was saying to me. Or did he just bottle it when I asked him? Most probs

bunter your a ******* i was trying too wind u up ref too you getting use out of your oyster card ... wait watkins is using it last i heard:lol:

Posted by Whatapisstake on 29-03-2013 19:06

knocky wrote:
Andy mate for 50 it's not worth going to Mk so ill let Neil play you at a neutral ground as for billy and dan let mm know what dates you are available and we will get back to you also the same with rick and Hughie may be possible to play a game this monday

knocky u didnt read what i put i said id play u at frames .... thought u mite of fancied a replay at mk once i nick your dosh :lol:
ive said id travel down but with work commientments i cannot do anything till about the 21 next month if your up for that illl play u then !!!!:handshake:

Posted by Whatapisstake on 29-03-2013 19:10

neil wrote:
Special k Chris is away for this weekend mate I think he playing golf and I'm up for you ref ing my game with andy if his arse doesn't go lol:haha:

ginger like you i have a life out side of pool ...and i work 6 days a week at the moment once ive sorted s spare weekend off id be more then happy to use bunters oyster card and bump down on the train ...
kellogs be happy for you too ref :dance:

Posted by Knocky on 29-03-2013 20:11

waters wrote:
knocky wrote:
Andy mate for 50 it's not worth going to Mk so ill let Neil play you at a neutral ground as for billy and dan let mm know what dates you are available and we will get back to you also the same with rick and Hughie may be possible to play a game this monday

knocky u didnt read what i put i said id play u at frames .... thought u mite of fancied a replay at mk once i nick your dosh :lol:
ive said id travel down but with work commientments i cannot do anything till about the 21 next month if your up for that illl play u then !!!!:handshake:

ok andy,
sunday 21st
first to 10
let me know if thats ok mate.:handshake:

Posted by Whatapisstake on 30-03-2013 13:33

Yep am up for that looking forward too it see you then :handshake:

Posted by Special K on 30-03-2013 18:37

Shud be a good game may even come along.