Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Money match

Posted by Special K on 30-03-2013 06:37

Kelliher/bunter 12-8 knocky/Samuels

Good old match played in a nice atmosphere with the odd burp lol from knockys misses ha ha they played really well took out some nice finishes fair play to them although my partner missed x4 blacks :eek2: but kinda glad in a way that it went close coz they played some good stuff n didn't deserve to be beat with a low score. Wud love to play them again as it was an enjoyable match!

Unlucky guys and u are both top blokes!

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 30-03-2013 06:46

Well played......but on another note and im not sure who knows about this..but i wont be playing for the rest of the season due to me being stabbed 3 times in the crawley area after my pool match on wed...ive got a punctured lung which wont seem to heel.and was flown to brighton hospital by helicopter.they removed the drain to my lung but its still bleeding...i always wanted to go on a helicopter too lol

Posted by Special K on 30-03-2013 07:21

Sorry to hear that terry! *******ing hell mate hope u get better soon!

Posted by BUNTER on 30-03-2013 08:55

Missed four blacks but carried you through the second game.

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 30-03-2013 09:26

Cheers dan mate...typical bunter reply hence y he plays for no team....i wldnt of put it on this thread but dunno how to start a new one and something like that.if the knife was half an inch up it wld of hit my heart and killed me in 20 seconds..SO I HONESTLY THANK GOD

Posted by Kermy on 30-03-2013 14:07

Only just read ur post tel,get well soon mate.

Posted by Knocky on 30-03-2013 16:41

yes a good match,well played guys,think you both wanted it more than us,and yes my misses does burp alot when on the coke lol
good to have a money match,missed them to be honest.
next up neil:D:
then andy:D:
good times.

ps terry get well sone mate,

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 30-03-2013 16:47

Cheers lads.....long recovery.and a well erned rest last nite........ill try n play but looking doubt full

Posted by Special K on 30-03-2013 16:58

BUNTER wrote:
Missed four blacks but carried you through the second game.

You didn't carry me son I can count on 1 hand the balls I missed thru the whole 29 frames lol I think I carried you mate chin up bill it's only the 17th ball u have missed remember them words yesterday ha ha it's ok tho I think we play well together. And tbh u did deal with the pressure kinda good in our 2nd match the race to 5.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 30-03-2013 20:25

well with what i saw guys you played really well last night and deserved it i also got a chance to check out my opponant mr knocky and i got to say i fancy winning a few games:P
he missed a few shots that i didnt expect him to, but hey we will see come 2 weeks time?:boxer:

Posted by jacko on 30-03-2013 21:06

Get wel soon young Mr Brindle ....much luv m8 :angel:

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 31-03-2013 14:38

Thank you mr jacko..very much the in hospital at the mo.and in all honesty i didnt bring this on myself which im sure alot are thinking.i was sooo lucky the blade missed my heart by half an inch that im heading to the church hospital this mr brindle....peace

Posted by Knocky on 07-04-2013 16:52

well that's been a good week of money matches,have played danny k twice and lost 10 6 and 10 8 both very enjoyable games and would like to congratulate dan,top player and good bloke,then last night its doubles match with me and mickey against dan and mr bullam,at 9 6 down it looked like another loss for us but we dug deep and finally won 12 10,again a good match and well played guys
roll on the next game.:clapping:

Posted by Special K on 07-04-2013 17:02

Yea couldn't agree more mate great statement and you lot done extremely well to win after being 9-6 down :handshake: me and the bully for sum reason couldn't finish the match off but take nothing away from u and mickey roll on sat revenge ha ha :handshake: