Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 2 week 16

Posted by No1 Nugget on 03-04-2013 05:57

Farley dukes 3 v 8 Farley legends

Another solid performance from us tonight taking the first set 4 1 dukes pulled it back 4 2 then we took the next 3 then lost the next one only for us to take the last one, special mentions for Leon 3/3 Bernie 2/2 Alfie 2/2
And I believe that result puts us top :Pfor the first time this season :trophyone: a message for all in division 2 catch us if you can 2 games left 22 points up for grabs

Posted by Special K on 03-04-2013 06:11

Well done the legends! 2 more games to go keep it up! prize div 1 rooting for u Neil and crew!

Posted by jacko on 03-04-2013 06:26

Neil is it true u pay people to play for u? Dilutes any achievements me thinks...:angel:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 03-04-2013 07:11

Jacko as you asked nicely I will tell you the truth mate a few of my team mates and future team mates were in need of some dough and I happen to have a few quid and gave them some to help them out as a favour as im a nice guy:handshake:and came to a deal to play for a team capable of challenging you and all in division one that the legends are comming to see you all next winter,and wanted to warn you we not just comming to make up the numbers we want your spot :haha::boxer:
So to answer your question I don't pay my players nothing just buy a few beers and pick up and drop off that's it, no crime fella,

Posted by No1 Nugget on 03-04-2013 07:16

Special K wrote:
Well done the legends! 2 more games to go keep it up! prize div 1 rooting for u Neil and crew!

Cheers mate:handshake: I think we gonna do it mate I believe we might be 3 points clear at the top with flying machine next up I'm hoping to double that lead to 5/6 points going into the last game, we almost there make room for the Farley legends:clap::trophyone:

Posted by jacko on 03-04-2013 07:54

Ur prerogative m8....think ul get a big wake up call in div1 unless uv got millions like that Chelsea dude romain abrahmavich :angel:

Posted by Kermy on 03-04-2013 13:44

U after a transfer Jacko? The sound of pay to play has got u tempted. Am sure though Neil has better things to spend his money on. Lol

Posted by Fat-Dart on 03-04-2013 14:30

neil wrote:
So to answer your question I don't pay my players nothing just buy a few beers and pick up and drop off that's it, no crime fella,


Well that's not what you've told Darren, so if you're changing his wages before he's even signed for you, you'd best let him know.

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 03-04-2013 15:01

jacko wrote:
unless uv got millions like that Chelsea dude romain abrahmavich :angel:

He's spent a lot of money to get Chelsea where they are now............fighting for forth!

Posted by Merlin on 03-04-2013 15:20

jacko wrote:
Neil is it true u pay people to play for u? Dilutes any achievements me thinks...:angel:

Jacko, you are quite correct, dont believe what Neil is saying as I know for a fact that he has payed Leon ?100 to play for him and his new signing Darren Leach a ?100 to play for him and a tenner for every match he wins. I thought this was a friendly league but I guess Neil wants to buy the title, surely it would be cheaper just to buy the trophies yourself, anyway doesn't matter as the loyalists have signed 3 quality players for the summer and the winter. As for last night bit of a disappointing result against 1Nildown, but fair play to them as they played really well.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 03-04-2013 15:25

Fat-Dart wrote:
neil wrote:
So to answer your question I don't pay my players nothing just buy a few beers and pick up and drop off that's it, no crime fella,


Well that's not what you've told Darren, so if you're changing his wages before he's even signed for you, you'd best let him know.

He signed already mate, you really do know nothing mate

Posted by No1 Nugget on 03-04-2013 15:44

Merlin wrote:
jacko wrote:
Neil is it true u pay people to play for u? Dilutes any achievements me thinks...:angel:

Jacko, you are quite correct, dont believe what Neil is saying as I know for a fact that he has payed Leon ?100 to play for him and his new signing Darren Leach a ?100 to play for him and a tenner for every match he wins. I thought this was a friendly league but I guess Neil wants to buy the title, surely it would be cheaper just to buy the trophies yourself, anyway doesn't matter as the loyalists have signed 3 quality players for the summer and the winter. As for last night bit of a disappointing result against 1Nildown, but fair play to them as they played really well.

Lee you don't know what you talking about mate it wasn't that much and you also don't know f u c k all :chair:geezer they was short on cash and cause I helped them out you all getting on your high horse why don't you ask them if I pay them cause I don't,
Its just Another excuse for you to blame someone for your season, let's face it you not good enough to get to division 1 well maybe next winter as we won't be there good luck next season mate,

Posted by Merlin on 03-04-2013 15:57


What the hell are you on about, for starters the season is not over and we could still qualify so I would be very careful what you say as if I remember correctly you have LOST to us 3 times this season and you lost to me as well. So basically you are saying that Darren is lying as this is what he told Steve. I dont care what you do Neil as at least I can say that I have not resulted to cheating in order to win matches by signing the card for a player that didnt turn up. This is supposed to be a friendly league and you want to buy the league. Well Jacko is right this dilutes your achievement, BTW I dont blame anyone for our season as I think we have had a decent season, so please dont comment on my team as you put it you know f u c k all

Posted by Metin250 on 03-04-2013 16:26

jacko wrote:
Ur prerogative

You must of spell checked that ??;)

Posted by No1 Nugget on 03-04-2013 16:37

I think I just got the biggest :bite:, lee whatever you say mate I really don't care that was a general mistake back in the day with that situation,and we payed for it and still won the league :trophyone:all you go about is you beat us 3 times and that's it really so you done one or to doubles this season we have loads mate and to be honnest we have been the better team this year and deserve to be where we are Top of league I say we are top of league :haha: updated tables

Farley legends. 109
Pond q. 106
Farley loyalists. 106
Rack pack. 104
Rack pack v loyalists who's gonna lose there bottle and Finnish 4th spot good luck everyone may the best team win:boxer:

Posted by jacko on 03-04-2013 17:14

metin since wen av u ever nown me 2 spil my wards corractly,funny enuf tho m8 i did start spelling that word wit per n my phone spelt it that way n the beer woz flowing by then so i went wit it ...n neil il sign for ?200 as am worth twice as much as leon n daren :angel: n neil im deadly serious...

Posted by Metin250 on 03-04-2013 17:24

Haha i knew it!

Posted by Kermy on 03-04-2013 17:31

Thought u was havin an op soon? So u wouldn't be able to play in the summer. Or was u thinking of nicking Neil's dosh and runnin. 200 quid,the way uve been performing lately I wouldn't pay u two bob.

Posted by Kermy on 03-04-2013 17:31

Thought u was havin an op soon? So u wouldn't be able to play in the summer. Or was u thinking of nicking Neil's dosh and runnin. 200 quid,the way uve been performing lately I wouldn't pay u two bob.

Posted by Shaggy on 03-04-2013 18:01

jacko wrote:
metin since wen av u ever nown me 2 spil my wards corractly,funny enuf tho m8 i did start spelling that word wit per n my phone spelt it that way n the beer woz flowing by then so i went wit it ...n neil il sign for ?200 as am worth twice as much as leon n daren :angel: n neil im deadly serious...

Maths is clearly as good as your English.

If you are worth twice as much as Leon and Darren and they are on ?100 each then.....

2 x (?100 + ?100) = ?400

Now if you had said twice as much as Leon or Darren, your ?200 quote would be correct.

Dont sell yourself short young Mr Jackson.

Posted by Fat-Dart on 03-04-2013 18:14

neil wrote:
He signed already mate, you really do know nothing mate

He's already registered for Goodfellas and stays so until you phone me, you mug.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 03-04-2013 18:56

thats not nice mate is it why you :bite: just let it go mate:haha:

Posted by Nature Boy on 03-04-2013 19:20

I am not taking sides here, but this is now getting ridiculous and stupid now!! are we going to have this go into about 100 posts eh??
This thread is really for results and match reports only!!

Edited by Nature Boy on 03-04-2013 19:22

Posted by No1 Nugget on 03-04-2013 19:29

dont know who you are nature boy? but i totally agree lets just keep it that way and as it stands legends are top,whos got the balls to catch us as i dont fancy no ones chances:haha::winner: up the farley legends

Posted by Fat-Dart on 03-04-2013 19:37

Nature Boy wrote:
Are we going to have this go into about 100 posts eh??

Probably, Neil's paying himself ?10 a post.

Posted by Viper on 03-04-2013 19:47

Fat-Dart wrote:
neil wrote:
He signed already mate, you really do know nothing mate

He's already registered for Goodfellas and stays so until you phone me, you mug.
Just to clear this little matter up, Mr Leach's summer league registration is currently being held by the Goodfellas. He would be available to register for the Legends should Mr Hall enter into negotiations with Mr Stallard re a reasonable transfer fee no doubt so any contractual playing arrangements that Mr Leach and Mr Hall think they may have is null and void at the moment gentlemen.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 03-04-2013 20:14

ok mark cheers for that i will talk to mark and talk business with him to sort this out, good luck for the remainder of the season,

Posted by the-shark on 03-04-2013 20:44

sometimes i wonder if this sites been hacked into by a load of primary school delinquents reading some of the crap thats posted on here lately! grow up its meant to be a friendly fun night out nothing more.:no:

Posted by jacko on 03-04-2013 21:33

Sori shaggy I is a bit dumb I guess:violin:...rick uv spoilt a good winde up there m8 ,he woz gona pay an extra fiva if u signed aswel n Scott cum on son it's all a bit Ov fun n games most Ov the time,would b a tad boring without it :angel:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 03-04-2013 21:54

looooool jacko you should of been a comedian mate:thumb:,anyways good luck for the rest of the season guys, we will show you how to take the eagles down come next winter,looool only messing cant wait to get to the top division and play the top boys as its been hard work but finally paying off:boxer:

Posted by Special K on 04-04-2013 05:23

Neil u ain't really paying people 100 pounds to play for u and bonus 10 pounds for every match won mate are you? That wud be extreme madness mate? :eek2:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 04-04-2013 05:30

No mate that's crazy the way we been playing I would be broke loool it was started as a wind up that got out of control and I don't pay no one just helped out a few mates with money issues that's it mate

Posted by jacko on 04-04-2013 06:08

Tbh Neil I don't think it'sa good thing to cum on here telling the world u helping people out with there money problems coz we all no who ur talking about n I'm sure he would not appreciate u telling the world he as money problems,not cricket m8...think sum times it's best just to tel the truth which may wel b that no money would Ov parted hands if the guy woz a crap pool player...Tis all a bit sad really m8 n ul no doubt defend ur actions but think we all no wat as happened m8 so maybe put ur hands up n admit uv bought a player to try n win div2 title...if I'm wrong I apologises :angel:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 04-04-2013 14:34

Jacko tbh mate I didn't start all this crap as everyone were assuming wrong things and listening to b u l l s h I t,And you say we trying to win div2 but we already are top of the div 2 on merit mate and we still had to win these points no frames were handed to us and no matter what anyone says I don't pay no one to play a bit of pool so as far as I'm concerned matter is closed now so let's focus on the rest of the season, good luck to you all,

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 04-04-2013 16:13

jacko wrote:
n Scott cum on son it's all a bit Ov fun n games most Ov the time,would b a tad boring without it :angel:

Im not Nature Boy.

I only post results and not pointless comments....

Posted by Nature Boy on 04-04-2013 17:09

the-shark wrote:
sometimes i wonder if this sites been hacked into by a load of primary school delinquents reading some of the crap thats posted on here lately! grow up its meant to be a friendly fun night out nothing more.:no:

I could not agree more on that statement, if I am totally honest, there are some arrogant and idiot players who have massive egos in this pool league, bragging how good they are, going to bash up everyone etc.. Oh come on please give us a break eh and its getting really boring now!!
I think I speak for the majority of the pool league, but we all love the banter, which is all well and good, but some of the stuff which has been posted on here is just crap and by the way I don't have a problem telling them to their face either!!


Posted by Shaggy on 04-04-2013 19:52

Its not the first time its been done in this league, whether payment for playing, signing on, tour fees, money match backing or whatever, and I'd' be suprised if most other leagues arent the same. I havent got a problem with it myself, people are free to do what they like.

I personally wouldn;t do anythingh for cash only, if it meant I was doing it for myslef and was turning up on a Tuesday, and had no real care for the team, and was only out for my own end.

Ill use an example which I hope he dont mind to prove this point. Rod was backed (rather than paid I think) by Simon whilst play for the Hotshots. Whether there was a stipulation he played for the team I do not know for certain but expect so.

In the time he was backed Rod won uber numbers of tournaments and presumably money matches to give Simon his return financially, and in the same time turned the Hotshots for a lower league team to Croydon, and subsequently National Champions (with others obviously!). It was therefore for a whole package not just to play for the Team.

On top of this Rod won Rankings, Singles, Divisonals etc, which ultimately paid nothing but was under the Hotshots Team Name.

I dont necessarily know what Neils intentions are, nor for that matter what Leon and Leachy's are but if it is for same reasons it has merits. If its for either party to piss off at the drop of the hat, or just for cash with very little sentiment for anybody else in the team then its probably not.

Edited by Shaggy on 04-04-2013 19:55

Posted by Special K on 05-04-2013 00:26

I personally think this site wud be a complete bore if there wasn't all the banter n dramas we have on here. I personally really enjoy a bit of stick bit of banter makes Tuesdays more fun more enjoyable!

Posted by Teach on 05-04-2013 17:32

Couldn't agree more Danny! In my opinion, if you just want to read results, then log in on a Wednesday. As for the rest of the week, Neil is like your modern day pantomime villain. Keep up the good work!!! And by the way, loyalists are coming to get ya in the summer!! LOL

Posted by Dogger on 05-04-2013 20:17

Just for the record, I was told at Tuesdays match, by Darren, that it was ?180 for the season he was offered, not ?100.
Plus ?10 a win.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 05-04-2013 22:23

Teach wrote:
Couldn't agree more Danny! In my opinion, if you just want to read results, then log in on a Wednesday. As for the rest of the week, Neil is like your modern day pantomime villain. Keep up the good work!!! And by the way, loyalists are coming to get ya in the summer!! LOL

really teach all i got to say to that mate is BRING IT ON:boxer: we gonna take some stopping you do know that dont you as we will be crowned div2 champs:trophyone: this winter and with the 2 new signings i have made for the summer:bow: this team is capable of winning the summer title and all we have to do then is challenge div1, and win that aswell:drunk:

Posted by Fat-Dart on 05-04-2013 22:47

neil wrote:
Teach wrote:
Couldn't agree more Danny! In my opinion, if you just want to read results, then log in on a Wednesday. As for the rest of the week, Neil is like your modern day pantomime villain. Keep up the good work!!! And by the way, loyalists are coming to get ya in the summer!! LOL

really teach all i got to say to that mate is BRING IT ON:boxer: we gonna take some stopping you do know that dont you as we will be crowned div2 champs:trophyone: this winter and with the 2 new signings i have made for the summer:bow: this team is capable of winning the summer title and all we have to do then is challenge div1, and win that aswell:drunk:

So who are your 2 new signings?

Posted by No1 Nugget on 05-04-2013 22:51

dont worry its noone from the goodfellas looooooooool

Posted by Fat-Dart on 05-04-2013 23:04

neil wrote:
dont worry its noone from the goodfellas looooooooool

Not for the want of trying though.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 05-04-2013 23:10

well its fine mate and i can wait till next winter when he comes:thumb:, so good luck in the summer you gonna need it, its gonna be a relegation fight for you guys,

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 05-04-2013 23:41

Neil ur such a liar..u offered me to play for u and pay me ? 10 a winso u cant lie..and for u to say that u have been the better team is a joke.u was an AVERAGE team 1st half of the season and we was smashing it...u then BOUGHT players in to get u your results.yh good results but uv been payiny em.some one from ur team has told me..why do u feel u have to do anything u can to win it???the better team in the second half has been loyalists and the pond...away from a table and pool talk ur a top bloke.but around it ur the biggest ******* ive ever met.u could be related to rambo...i stick up for u all the time saying away for from pool ur a nice bloke.and u wnt win div 1.fix up and spend ur money on ur kid and family.i got stabbed 3 times and nearly died.and ive realised theres more to life than pool.seems u will do anything to win at pool and its PATHETIC.grow up.its not the premier league.good luck to all teams for the remainder of the season.even the legends...

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 05-04-2013 23:47

Pls just stop ur bull*******.theres banter.then theres alot of bul l sh it waffle.ur stressing me out and i aint even seen u.i need to rest and now my chests hurting cos ur being a *******ber.these people are relegated and were gunna win.blah blah blah.we have 13 players in our tean and on average 10-11 turn up and all play.if we just played our best 5 all season im sure we wld be miles ahead...but its a GAME neil.......its sad and pathetic.not wveryone in this pool forum is wrong.except kellogs.(only joking mate.bit of banter for ya)...but even he said its sad what uv done.and his been up ur arse most of the season lool...

Posted by Viper on 05-04-2013 23:55

Neil, I do have to laugh at your comments at times but to be fair there is no taking away from you and your teams achievements since becoming members of the league and I have to say you are a character but I feel a a saying may apply to you at sometime being "The bubble will burst" ............ If i could offer a word of advice and have a look at the achievements of the eagles over the last 25 years, you will note that not one of these players have shouted from the roof tops about what they are going to do because they don';t have to ............ They do it!!!!!! with dignity and style. No doubt you will be a force to be reckoned with and I hope your new signings stay with you ...... Good luck m8 for the last 2 matches of this winter campaign

Posted by No1 Nugget on 05-04-2013 23:57

Well no one nos nothing mate and you just get well geezer as we have unfinished business, I take it u got my money ready for me

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 06-04-2013 01:34

I wnt be playing for a while baring in mind i was stabbed in the lung underneath my left arm and i play pool left handed.dnt know even if i can play again as my arm in numb and could be for months possibly yrs.dnt think u realise how serious it was mate.and i dont mean to be horrible in my posts.but its just boring now...nd to be fair wen i played u it wasnt really many times did i say about walking off whilst im playing and in a rhythem then i had to stand up and wait????

Posted by No1 Nugget on 06-04-2013 02:01

You said it once or twice and I don't care mate I have proved it by always beating you, you ain't good enough for me so u have forfeited the rest of the game so you owe me ?100 and just tx me when you have it no worries

Posted by Fat-Dart on 06-04-2013 02:12

neil wrote:...u have forfeited the rest of the game so you owe me ?100 and just tx me when you have it no worries

Counting Terry being stabbed as forfeiting the match? Wow, that's lower than I thought anyone would go.

You didn't pay the bloke with knife as well did you?

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 06-04-2013 02:26

Hahaha u really are a pr ick...u have ALWAYS been lucky.i think u have won the lotto.hence u paying ur wasnt once or twice.and u done it wen i had clearences on.about 3 or 4 should oh been 6-4 at worse to u..if not 5-5.ur lucky ive changed my ways neil or next time i saw u id bang u out.tell u what ill fight u for handed cos thats all i got.cos i got STABBED and i got no feeling in my left arm...fat dart good post and sums neil up

Posted by No1 Nugget on 06-04-2013 02:27

No mark it's called a joke mate and as he still comming on the website giving it large so I replied large and I also pm wishing him well mate, and I knew and was told by a few people he wouldn't play or pay me so end of, I have proved that I beat him and told him we would win div2 and I'm almost correct on all fronts :boxer:

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 06-04-2013 02:54

Do u remember the games???first game u shld of broke dished and rattled an easy black.i had all my yellows arond and near ur balls.i had just started playing pool and didnt really know the rules.the second game i had just lost my flat an hour before and didnt even know where i was staying that nite.i shldnt of even played.any decent pool player knows ur head had to be in a good place.i had 2 shots.ball in hand with 2 easy reds and an easy black.and missed never of missed that....and last game u played better granted..i missed a shot with 2 and u cleared happens.and in the money match u clearly was putting me off as i have said many times.u play mind games on here and u know wot ur doing around the table.keep walking past and walking off.everyone knows what u do and have said it many times.....and as for me being stabbed ur an inconciderate ******* and so low.i couldnt believe that :|

Posted by No1 Nugget on 06-04-2013 03:23

Tel I wouldn't wish anyone being stabbed not even my worse enemy mate and i feel for you I really do, and hope you get better and you keep saying I'm lucky when I have played you, you just need to except that I am a better player than you, and to be honest I thought you changed your ways and this was a wake up call but u still offering to fight people, it's a game of pool mate seriously grow up geezer there's more to life than fighting and getting pissed and starting trouble mate

Edited by No1 Nugget on 06-04-2013 03:25

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 06-04-2013 04:30

Thats what i was saying to u about theres more to life than ur not better than me.ur a very good player but u have caught me on a bad day.ive said uv been lucky on a couple of games.and the last one i said u played very game was a joke.and u know wot u was doing.i kicked off cos of ur comment about me and being was very inconciderate.even fat dart see it.i was half an inch from being murdered.and all u was thinking about was pool...i cant move my left arm as it cut nerves and alsorts.oh and my lung was stabbed and colapsed.but apart from that im awsome lol

Posted by No1 Nugget on 06-04-2013 04:57

Tel I didn't mean anything by it geez and wishing you well and a speedy recovery:hugs: when you due out of hospital mate

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 06-04-2013 06:03

Ok i accept what u say.and i appreciate ur comment.i got out yesterday afternoon.but have to go bk in on monday to remove all my stitches..and a couple of chest xrays.may have to stay in the still very very sore.and have about 50% breathing at the arm is still numb and i can hardly move it.maybe i went a bit over the top.but the comment really pi ssed me off i said i think ur a quality bloke away from pool.

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 06-04-2013 06:03

Ok i accept what u say.and i appreciate ur comment.i got out yesterday afternoon.but have to go bk in on monday to remove all my stitches..and a couple of chest xrays.may have to stay in the still very very sore.and have about 50% breathing at the arm is still numb and i can hardly move it.maybe i went a bit over the top.but the comment really pi ssed me off i said i think ur a quality bloke away from pool.

Posted by Special K on 06-04-2013 06:25

I think bunter is one of Neil's new signings as he told me earlier.

Posted by BUNTER on 06-04-2013 07:27

haven't spoke to you all day so don't know what your on about

Posted by Special K on 06-04-2013 08:09

Don't be a flange all your life bunter u told me earlier u was playing for Neil for 100 bucks......

Posted by BUNTER on 06-04-2013 08:13

what ever you say dan

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 06-04-2013 13:48

Emmmmm kellogs has a point..this could be very true...dnt know wot the big secret is any way.if someones left a team to play for neil good luck to em.neil is a good bloke..just a bit much around a pool table

Posted by Special K on 06-04-2013 16:16

Defo is bunter has he called me yesterday on my life! Am really disappointed in bunter tbh coz he has chosen not to play in div 1 really shocking!

Posted by No1 Nugget on 06-04-2013 17:45

Special K wrote:
Don't be a flange all your life bunter u told me earlier u was playing for Neil for 100 bucks......

Dan mate don't know what you talking about, no money has crossed hands and I wish all this talk stops now as its getting out of control, I am to in shock :bow::nerner:

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 06-04-2013 18:06

I dnt care who he plays for.or any one else for that matter.he cld play for plan b for all i care loool