Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Rodderz!!

Posted by Special K on 06-04-2013 05:56

Been playing with rod a lot lately and he is getting bk into the game again so he has asked me to put this post up he challenges ANY croydon player to a money match any takers.......

B4 n e 1 says dan u play him I cud not do this as we are pals and don't play pals for dough.

He wants games for 2-5 hundred

Posted by Shaggy on 06-04-2013 08:58

Not suprised to be honest. I once heard Morray Dolan say il play anyone but the Mexican! lol

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 06-04-2013 13:50

Neil hall????

Posted by Special K on 06-04-2013 16:13

Neil wouldn't play rod mate.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 06-04-2013 17:39

Yes dan your right on that score and I refused I got along way to go b4 I play rod as he to is a good friend of mine back in the days when we were playing in kennington, why dont u play him brindle when you back on your feet,

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 06-04-2013 18:04

Im on my feet.its just my arm wnt move lol.and it cld also be a very long time.and to be honest i dnt fancy it rather put my money on the grand national haha

Posted by No1 Nugget on 06-04-2013 18:08

Loool he is mustard mate 1 mistake and it's over I would want 9 start looooooooooool

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 06-04-2013 19:09

Hahahaha i know.ive played him twice.once he went for a break dish and missed.and i cleared up.second i missed the black and he cleared up lol.a 9 start hey loool...offer him 8 :o

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 06-04-2013 19:10

Hahahaha i know.ive played him twice.once he went for a break dish and missed.and i cleared up.second i missed the black and he cleared up lol.a 9 start hey loool...offer him 8 :o

Posted by Knocky on 06-04-2013 20:41

i have put this on surreys website to see if theres anyone wiling to play rod as clearly theres no one in croydon who thinks they are good enough to take rods money
perhaps a certain mr petty may be or even a mr hope,personally think rod would beat them both.:D:

Posted by Luke on 07-04-2013 03:55

Let me tell u all now, for me, Rod is the best player I've seen in the Croydon Pool League over the years I've been playing.I've been lucky enough to be team mates with him in the past, but I wish good luck to any challengers he gets, coz you'll need it!

Posted by Special K on 07-04-2013 04:21

fieldsy wrote:
Are drugs allowed?


Posted by jacko on 07-04-2013 15:59

whys that pathetic dan? seems like a legitimate question to me as many would deem it to b cheating...n yes luke hes a gr8 potter,i remember wen I beat him 6.0 thinking he woz the best :D: :angel:

Posted by Special K on 07-04-2013 16:57

I tell u why it's pathetic jacko....... Lets be honest here if you was to take drugs then play pool does that make u a better player???? Rod doesn't need anything he is a great talent and wud BEAT any 1 in this league FACT hence why there is not a single challenger lol. All this drug thing has become very boring and very pathetic u grassing him up to Riley's is gonna back fire on you lot (the prop) hard this time coz we have eagles last game of season and let's face it with rod playing it wud have have u lot that bit more hope of getting a decent result against a well organised team coz u lot *******ed it up and are now relying on us :angel: see my point is wen your the best people hate that and try n CHEAT n get rid of them so they can't play!

Since you've shown interest in my thread maybe u will play rodderz for reddies? Then again you do have a bad shoulder :violin: or maybe u will prove me wrong n except the challenge? Doubtfull tho? Loooooooool

Posted by Metin250 on 07-04-2013 17:44

Danny just coz players dont say yes to playing rod it could also mean that they respect how good a player rod is and know that it would be a risk to your money.
There are easier money matches out there .
Having said that if i was financially better of (kids r expensive) i would have no problem playing him for a couple of hundred.
Other problem is the tables in most venues r terrible lately and frith is the only place where there r 2 good tables around here so i would have to be happy with the venue.

Posted by Special K on 07-04-2013 18:30

Thomas Farley table on the left is quality ask bunter knocky mickey Joel been in there last couple of weeks mate in all honesty it's a lovely table! Neutral for u both.

Posted by Special K on 07-04-2013 18:32

Also haven't said once that n e 1 is scared of n e thing rod ask me to put up the post so I have let me no if u wanna play him Thomas Farley 2 hundred a man.

Posted by Metin250 on 07-04-2013 18:38

Lol u dont know me at all if u think i would ever agree a money match in the farley .

Posted by Special K on 07-04-2013 18:43

Nothing wrong with the Farley at all good table and u Both wud be playing on it not a problem tho if u don't wanna u dont wanna.

Posted by Special K on 07-04-2013 18:47

Table 1 caulsdon played singles final on it great table jus another option met.

Posted by BUNTER on 07-04-2013 18:59

Table 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 in coulsdon there all bad slow dead. The only decent tables in frames are the snooker tables upstairs.I'd much rather take a set of pool balls and play on a snooker table then one of there pool tables.

Posted by Metin250 on 07-04-2013 19:05

Coulsdon tables change every week and i been playing on them every week and dont trust 1 of them. They get moved to accommodate a disco which means they r never the same.

Posted by Metin250 on 07-04-2013 19:06

BUNTER wrote:
Table 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 in coulsdon there all bad slow dead. The only decent tables in frames are the snooker tables upstairs.I'd much rather take a set of pool balls and play on a snooker table then one of there pool tables.

When money involved id 100% agree

Posted by jacko on 08-04-2013 00:35

Sori m8 taking drugs is illegal is it not n taking them to get u in the zone is cheating is it not? Iv beaten rod a hell Ov a lot more times than he's beaten me FACT n the hall Ov fame don't lie...ko cup final did I not own him again? If I wer fit I'd take his money...we played in loads n loads Ov money comps n I won most Ov em so don't bang on about stuff u no nothing about...if he don't dish he as always lost simples :angel: I'd fancy Metin to out dish him

Posted by jacko on 08-04-2013 01:23

O yea n 1 more thing, the eagles Wil smash u up with or without rod,there ina different league to u lot...league is done n dusted n at least we pushed them this year as u can c by the gap bak 2 the team in 3rd n wherever u lot r...hats off to them,we asked them the question n they stood up to the challenge like champs do...I'm sure tho there must Ov been a few times that they thought we may wel nick it...:angel:

Posted by jacko on 08-04-2013 01:33

Where's Steve fields post gone ? I'm sure it it woz not aimed at no1 'twas a simple question n now he's account as been closed ? WHY ?

Posted by Special K on 08-04-2013 02:21

Eagles won't smash us up we a good team our problem is having the team we got week in week out if we did then I'd fancy us winning it! And taking drugs to get in a zone? What the hell I don't need that to get in a zone lol your head is the only thing u need to have rite to be in the zone? And any way rumour has it u used to have a joint b4 your games out side the eagle pub so u kinda being a hypocrite mate? And hall of fame didn't rod smash u 4-0 in a comp and many more times aswell he beat you. As for met beating rod well we jus have to see wen they play! Gotta comment on kermeys post about u being worth pence and saying u been dog rough this season......that ain't gonna be good Enuff to take on rodderz is it? Come on mate u may not be taking part on the next stage of the ko cup either u lose 7-4 and our mates the unperdics get 11-0 u lot r out! Oh dear.

Posted by jacko on 08-04-2013 02:52

I av partenken in the reef b4 but woz after me game,I used to get told off for refing from outside after me game whilst smoking...all I no is it does get u in the zone n sum people use it b4 they play to stop them twitching...n dan last comp I played rod in I woz 4.2 down in Farly final n won 6.5 n Iv always Ad a substantial winning record against him...I used to mess about wen we wer kinda m8s taking the piss about him bein in my pocket coz I beat him so much...6.0 son now that tops any 4.0 malarkey surely...n leave off u could av ur fool side every game n u stil would not contend n challenge us or the eagles in the league...didn't u av ur fool side 1st game Ov the season wen we dispatched u 10.1 at ur own gaff? Haha

Posted by Whatapisstake on 08-04-2013 03:06

jacko wrote:
I av partenken in the reef b4 but woz after me game,I used to get told off for refing from outside after me game whilst smoking...all I no is it does get u in the zone n sum people use it b4 they play to stop them twitching...n dan last comp I played rod in I woz 4.2 down in Farly final n won 6.5 n Iv always Ad a substantial winning record against him...I used to mess about wen we wer kinda m8s taking the piss about him bein in my pocket coz I beat him so much...6.0 son now that tops any 4.0 malarkey surely...n leave off u could av ur fool side every game n u stil would not contend n challenge us or the eagles in the league...didn't u av ur fool side 1st game Ov the season wen we dispatched u 10.1 at ur own gaff? Haha

Kellogg's Jackie kind of has a point I mean u top boys cannot even win the Wednesday lewisham league with Croydon players in it !!!
Jacko maybe you fancy a bit more wetter halves on a Wednesday the refugees are the team if you fancy another bite at them :nerner:

Posted by jacko on 08-04-2013 03:18

N yea Iv Ada pis poor season but yea I'm injured n ain't practiced for nearly 3years hench I'm not top Ov the rankings or individuals or won the singles but m8e I'm up there n there abouts stil so ain't that bad is it...u boys av2 play all the time to reach any kind Ov standard I'd like to c others do so wel with neck n shoulder injuries n no practice..I'm gone at the game which is lucky for sum :angel:

Posted by Whatapisstake on 08-04-2013 03:23

Kellogg's is rod only wanting Croydon players to play or is he interested in any others ... Kinda mite no a few players my end plus am sure a few London boys mite fancy a knock !

Posted by jacko on 08-04-2013 03:24

Once I recover from me neck op I'd luv to help dispatch em ona Wednesday aswel Andy :angel:

Posted by Whatapisstake on 08-04-2013 03:26

jacko wrote:
Once I recover from me neck op I'd luv to help dispatch em ona Wednesday aswel Andy :angel:

Ill let redders no there could be a new addiction to the refugees clan :handshake:

Posted by Special K on 08-04-2013 03:30

Andy andy andy u nuff chat sum breeze! We won the Wednesday league last year u r soooooo silly mate how's my players has the refugees signed lol bout 50 we always had the same team end of! U gaffa zen and efdal lol x4 new players who turned up for 1 game against us and lost!!!!!! Ha ha ha we done the Wednesdays mate even wen I played for hotshots we done it went unbeaten son! U give me my 50 and stop evolving your handicap self :thumb:. Jacko mate what happend team ko final u couldn't handle us at all think I owned u and not for the first time either booooooom :angel: mate every 1 hates playing us and why do u think that is? Hard team to play full squad for us nxt year u will see! And kinda gotta face the facts about the prop since bunter gone so have you's ha ha ha 7-4 us tomoz! ;)

Posted by jacko on 08-04-2013 03:41

Dan check bunters league record b4 he woz left out,it weren't pretty n we av stil ad sum big results since then...n u own me haha yea ok ura fair player dan but ur nota contender n think u no that :angel:

Posted by Special K on 08-04-2013 03:53

Never once bragged on here about what I have won mate but back to back singles winner and ranked no 1 in croydon not a contender.......... :o

Posted by jacko on 08-04-2013 04:13

Without me there really or rod n woz Bunter not clear in the rankings b4 he got dropped...the question 1 must ask is r u good enuf to make the eagle 1st 5 I said dan ura fair player but ur not a real contender, maybe top 10 at most n that's bein flattering...steady top 20 player most definitely n u do av that Wil to win which is a massive plus...but sori m8 uv done wel but ur not in the same league as sum players in my opinion :angel:

Posted by Special K on 08-04-2013 04:23

Lol. Ok mate well we all entitled to our opinion mate u regard top 5 eagles players as the best in the league your choice! I don't have to prove my self to any 1 mate. And if I did have to prove my self I have don't you fink!! And do the maths I was 10 behind bunter he got knocked out semis I gained 5 and another 5 for winning it AGAIN. So plz no the facts mate.

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 08-04-2013 19:21

People dnt like playing the better halfs cos there all *******y n mouthy u kellogs shouting for the last game wen u still had balls to pot.yh easy balls granted but it was a piss take.i prayed that u miss cued for being *******y........and if metin played rod for money id have a black book on met all day long.....just saying

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 08-04-2013 20:19

mayweatherbrindle wrote:if metin played rod for money id have a black book on met all day long.....just saying

As Metin can't afford the expense because of the little'un, you could back him then we get to see a moneymatch between two of surrey's best?

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 08-04-2013 22:14

Id happily front some of it.but i also have 4 little ones ben lol

Posted by Special K on 09-04-2013 06:01

Seriously u dont no how good rod is! No disrespect to met has I also think he is a good player for me tho rod is in a different league and many wud agree if we are gonna go into this! Even pro's don't wanna play him. But money talks tel so am game for backing rod n e time! As I say no disrespect to Metin has he even admits rod is better but if met plays well on the day n dishes his breaks then he has a chance! But I think for met he his happy to play a better player coz it wud only improve his game!

As for me celebrating in the final yh so wot there was a lot of hype building up to that match and if I didn't finish it I wud have been the biggest ******* Eva but that didn't happen so no need to discuss it any further

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 09-04-2013 06:23

I was just saying i thought it was a bit disrespectful and thats my for met its not for me to say weather he should play or just saying that ive seen met play some quality stuff and wen his on his game he could beat any body.wen people play for money it is a diffrent game and rod has played alot of money not sure about met......and as ive said it was my opinion.and not for me to put mets name to play rod.although id love to see the game.......just saying

Posted by Truey on 09-04-2013 16:19

Met is a class player no doubt about that, but rod is different gear to any other player i have seen in the croydon lge - if any money matches happen ag Rod from anyone in the croydon Lge
i will have ?200 side bet with anyone
any of the Egos fancy it ?
If anyone fancies it

Posted by Brooker on 09-04-2013 16:32

I cant really see anyone taking Rod up on the offer of a money match.

Most people would consider him the best player in the league & as some have already said he is in a different class.

So with all the offers of money matches being banded about by several "lesser" players than Rod, why would anyone play Rod for ?200-500 when they can get a game against someone not considerd to be anywhere near as good as him.

Posted by Metin250 on 09-04-2013 16:32

Rod would be clear fav in a match with myself. he has won a lot of things and like u all say" in a different league to any in croydon"
So what start am i gonna get then?

Edited by Metin250 on 09-04-2013 19:09

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 09-04-2013 19:10

Hahaha....i didnt mean to bring ur name up.all my point is that if ur playing on ur best form then the game cld go either way from what people say about rod.but id fancy u to still pinch it

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 09-04-2013 19:13

And truey who has an ego by saying they think a certain player wld beat another player?????

Posted by Truey on 09-04-2013 19:19

Doubt i have an ego fella - well maybe in smalls :mad:
, was reffering to the Eagles as the 'Ego's'......Just thought as the best team in croydon maybe 1 of there top players i.e Met/Shaggy/Esgrove may have been up for it
But it seems we all agree that Rod is too good for all concerned
All i was trying to do was nick some ?? on the back of what i think is a very backable player @ evens ag anyone from croydon

Posted by Metin250 on 09-04-2013 19:20

Terry - the ego thing is what true called and still does call the eagles !
Nothing to do with u!

Posted by Special K on 09-04-2013 19:28

You haven't even picked a venue yet met? Farley nothing wrong with in my eyes table is good iron it and its as good as I've seen in this league! Dave well done for that! So after u agree the venue we can talk about things ie, starts race to etc.

Posted by Metin250 on 09-04-2013 19:40

I will never play a money game down farley( sorry dave)
1. He always plays there.
2. Your opinion on tables dont mean anything the min u said your table was best in league (lol)
3. I dont like and never have liked the farly tables( sorry dave...again) and for me to risk money on the them is laughable.
Unfortunately for rod my venue is frith so unless u come up with a good offer for me to play arguably the best player of all time on a good table where money is right otherwise it aint happening.

If not il play u for a bit of cash down frith if u like?

Posted by Special K on 09-04-2013 19:47

Oh dear! U no he aint aloud in Riley's otherwise he wud!

Posted by Special K on 09-04-2013 19:51

Also just a question what's the best table in div 1 then met?

Posted by Metin250 on 09-04-2013 20:03

My honest opinion is its the eagles table in frith, looked after very well, fast table and doesnt roll 1 bit.
Frames tables were ok but unfortunatly get moved every other week so they r never level now.
Sydenham tables were bad everytime i have played on them.
The problem is there are very few tables that r actually any good.
Purley way closing has robbed the league of a great pool venue.

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 09-04-2013 20:21

How about we either speak to simon to try n get rod in for a couple of hours as i would love to see this...or maybe talk to frames to see if they would level and iron a table.especially as frames did say they were going to look after the tables as it was them that wanted to host county for surreys home sure it wld benefit them as there wld be a few people wanting to come and i have said i know where my money is....if not maybe kellogs could take up mets offer as he is the one going on so much about money matches.i also know where my money would be

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 09-04-2013 20:24

And i see u avoided mets question or offer kellogs??

Posted by Metin250 on 09-04-2013 20:32

Danny- u have my mobile number so text me rather than posting on this site as i dont like these back and forth threads.
It does no 1 any favours.

Posted by Special K on 09-04-2013 21:18

I don't have your num mate as my phone is broke n I lost contacts I wud have no problem playing u wot so eva..... Considering rod ask me to put this thread up it was about playing rod not me but I don't mind playing u met. It won't be a frith road tho like me saying play at the windmill wud u..... and tel why do u keep involving your self mate you have said your piece that u fancy met beating me and rod so leave it at that now coz u have a habit of bringing up old stuff like the team ko final which has nothing to do with this thread mate if u want to bk met then do so.

Met play rod then I will play u. Spots n stripes Waterloo there u go decent venue. Or if rod is allowed in frith road he will play you!

Posted by Metin250 on 09-04-2013 21:44

Spots and stripes is alien to me also, will have a word about playing in frith but im sure very unlikely for obvious reasons so not looking likely to happen.
I would play u in windmill if u want as u played me in doubles down frith , no problem but would insist u need to sort the table so it is level as it has been bad of late.

Posted by Special K on 09-04-2013 22:10

Ok mate get the table perfect suppose u Wud not play rod in the windmill?

Posted by Metin250 on 09-04-2013 22:16

What his home table? Lol..... No, il want home advantage playing him and if that happens then a return match to his venue can be arranged if both parties agree.
When ever u fancy it let me know.

Posted by handbrake on 09-04-2013 22:45

Having played with rod for many a year and not just at a pub or club format but at national events he is indeed a right handful to play, capable of going 5 ,6,7 frames Literally not missing, I've only Personally seen 1 other do that in recent times in croydon most of us when on song can go 3,4 frames without missing , but 5,6,7 is different level , on a different note anyone want to play squash for money ?:lol:

Posted by Metin250 on 09-04-2013 22:53

No but il play tennis!

Posted by handbrake on 09-04-2013 22:59

U are on met!!! Where's the number 1 court in croydon I won't play in Thornton health court rolls all over the place lol

Posted by Metin250 on 09-04-2013 23:01

Its ok i have a good steam roller!!

Posted by handbrake on 09-04-2013 23:04

We can play AT my club if u do want to play

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 10-04-2013 00:04

Errrr am i missing some thing then??i thought this was a public bad lol...if i wanna mention something or bring up something then i will one will tell me what i can and cant say.....u express ur opinion many many times.and so am i

Posted by Spudangles on 16-04-2013 08:41

No offence to Met, I know Rod has not been at his best the last couple of years, but if they played over any sort of distance (best of 25 upwards) Rod would run out an easy winner. Rod at his best a few years back i'd go for 13-4 to Rod.

Edited by Spudangles on 16-04-2013 08:42

Posted by nuttmeg on 16-04-2013 13:48

Mets a different player nowadays to the one you know Sean,very gifted player now playing very good stuff and if I had any money I'd back him against Rod (who is also very very good)

Posted by Metin250 on 16-04-2013 14:06

Spudangles wrote:
No offence to Met, I know Rod has not been at his best the last couple of years, but if they played over any sort of distance (best of 25 upwards) Rod would run out an easy winner. Rod at his best a few years back i'd go for 13-4 to Rod.

13-4 ...... Hahaha

Posted by Special K on 16-04-2013 18:04

Well it looks as the match ain't going to happen as met wants it in frames n rod ain't aloud. there has been other venues suggested but not to mets fancy so won't happen any way!!!

Posted by Metin250 on 16-04-2013 18:21

U mean hes banned from rileys ?
Im not stupid and gonna play rod for sake of it. He offered up a match and as much as id like to play him i would want it on my home table being that he is such a big favourite and its unfortunate that he is banned from rileys.
I would happily play lesser players in their venue no problem !

Posted by Special K on 16-04-2013 18:38

Met pm me your num!

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 16-04-2013 20:49

Nuttmeg must be smoking u must of watched met wen he was 6 hahhaha

Posted by nuttmeg on 16-04-2013 23:06

read the post again,it was Sean(spudangles) with that prediction,

Edited by nuttmeg on 16-04-2013 23:06

Posted by Rambo on 17-04-2013 01:08

Haha terry