Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: League cup group b match 3

Posted by Special K on 09-04-2013 06:09

The better halfs 7-4 the prop

FIRSTLY I wanna apologise for the worst coaching call Eva thought I heard Gary say something different I got it wrong so wanna say sorry to jacko and the prop!

good old little match between us as normal always enjoy playing these lot as its always good to play your rivals good bunch really just the better halfs are the Better team :nerner:

Posted by jacko on 09-04-2013 07:25

Nice to hear dan but tbh everytime we play u guys the same things happen n it really does become tiresome,I'd played sum really good pool tonight n then after a 3hour discussion a lose concentration n Mis a dolly black..strange that..mentally weak yes but that's y no1 likes playing ur team as u av no idea how to conduct urselfs n seem to b terrible's fair enuf u admitted u woz out Ov order but y does it av2 happen 24/7 m8...I like to forgive n forget but wow even Jesus himself would start to b getting fckd off with the regularity in ur bad behaviour...would b blinding to Ava ard fought match without sht m8,ur not doin urselfs any favours but ur the better halfs n no1 likes u n u don't care...pretty sad me thinks :angel:

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 09-04-2013 10:31

This is what i said in another thread about no one wanting to play the better halfs.and not cos of the pool.but because of the indaviduals i like u all.but as a team its a bit boring like mr hall and rambo.all be it i have to give credit to rambo.he said rather him on here than neil loool

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 09-04-2013 10:33

But i all honesty u shouldnt be missing dolly blacks jacko disrespect intended

Posted by Rambo on 09-04-2013 13:11

Good win Better Halves!!!

Hey brindle sorry to hear about yourself and yea I still read this everyday and its too funny /-)

Posted by Special K on 09-04-2013 19:45

U cued in a gr8 yellow after the 5 minute dispute so plz dont use missing the easiest black I've ever personally seen as an excuse to the dispute.

No 1 likes playing us coz we can beat n e team we have a great team and can upset any 1 if u go thru all the threads this season who has moaned about us? Another than the prop bad attitude I think not? We are a confident team and if that's bad attitude then sorry!

Posted by jacko on 09-04-2013 21:37

How many times av u guys disrupted a match by accusing others Ov cheating n also not admitting ur own fouls n then start an argument ain't right dan it's very unsporting n breaks people's concentration ,think i ad played sublime pool in both my matches until that point n yes I woz mentally weak to av Misd that black but that's not the point..the point is yet AGAIN u guys cause bad feelings ina match by ur poor unlike u...MUCH :angel: