Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Div 1 Week 17

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 10-04-2013 04:23

warbank 4 eagles 7

2-0 up
5-2 down
5-4 down
7-4 loss


Posted by Special K on 10-04-2013 05:12

The better halfs 6-5 unperdics

Gotta say these lot are such a gr8 bunch top guys and a pleasure to play against MeV is 1 of the nicest fella in croydon

Best of luck nxt wk in your last game :handshake:

Posted by nuttmeg on 10-04-2013 06:07

Warbank 4 Eagles 7 we started to get squeaky bum time when Harry Scottison and David Ianson cleaned up the first two games, but as Scott remarked "I went to the toilet 2-0 up and came out 3-2 down", very good match tonight with slight mistakes being punished by both sides, very impressed by Marks clearance. Before tonight I hoped for a 7-4, expected a 7-4, got a 7-4 happy days.

Posted by jacko on 10-04-2013 16:45

Prop 7v4 magnum force ...pretty much the worse standard ov pool iv ever seen in div 1,many long faces on either side with heads in hands asking themselves how they played so badly,twas truly a horror show as im sure our opponents would agree...special mention to Andy shaw who after takin the pis out ov my 2nd frame only to come on n play even worse...decent bunch ov guys the magnum force they no how to conduct themselves n r total gents :angel:

Posted by Metin250 on 10-04-2013 17:08

Our 7-4 result looks even better now, tough place to go and needed to dig in. Well played warbank , 3 good finishes by ian, scott and the other fella!
1 game to go and in a very strong position to retain the title.
But not over until its over but we have been very good since xmas.

Special mention goes to wiggy as he has been our best player all season !

Posted by Special K on 10-04-2013 18:16

Yh I think the eagles have got the title in the bag now as next week we don't really have a team to contend with the eagles as rod is not aloud in Riley's Steve k has something planned and Joel may be working so not looking good!

Posted by jacko on 10-04-2013 19:43

Eagles wer always gona smash u up last game anyway :D: n as for the league cup Monday woza cheeky result ,who would Ov thought coming 2nd would Ov been sucha good result :angel: u won the rankings yet Kellogg's ?

Posted by Special K on 11-04-2013 02:08

Mate if we had a full team we can beat n e 1 in croydon we have kinda always concentrated on smashing u lot up now we have done this for the 3rd time this season? We will now focus in the eagles especially for the league cup! And u lot was always gonna get smashed up by them any way :angel:

And as for rankings yes beat MeV last nite and heard met lost so all ova not bad i guess for sum 1 u don't rate :angel:

Posted by jacko on 11-04-2013 03:23

Uv beat us 3times av u? Thought we done the double over u in the league n u fluked the ko cup n we gave u the league cup game to get the easy draw n as for the eagles I think ul find we won 6.5 n lost 8.3 in the league n beat em 6.2 in the ko cup so don't no how uv cum to ur conclusion n since wen did I say I didn't rate u asa pool player? I think ul find I paid u a compliment by saying ur defo in the top 20 n maybe even in the top 10 in ability :angel:

Posted by Special K on 11-04-2013 04:10

Ok my bad I thought we beat u lot 2nd time we didn't and to call the final a fluke wot a poor thing to say we was class to come bk and shows how u think u want to come second in the league cup so u dont play the eagles ha ha ha ha worst thing I have ever heard u say jacko wow!!!!

Got a quote for u mr J

You ain't THE man until u beat THE man remember that.....

Posted by Rambo on 11-04-2013 04:18

Oh please. Jacko ill pick Danny any day.
The better halves has won a couple trophies WITH Danny in the team.

Not to mention back to back singles trophies. BEATING Metin in semi Final. i reckon Danny is better than some of the eagles players. Just watch this space because the back to back singles titles won't be his last that's for sure

He's what? 27/28 now. If I was you jacko I would retire now because Danny is the new kid on the block.

To win you have to beat the best team and yet your team lose on purpose to avoid the eagles lol. You don't win that way.

:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: v :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

Edited by Rambo on 11-04-2013 04:21

Posted by jacko on 11-04-2013 05:01

ov course we never gave em the game the other day,twas clearly a bit ov BS n by god u lot no all about that...but I do believe we didn't giv it 100% as it woza nothing game...n yea maybe I should not ov mentioned the 3frames u fluked in the 2nd set in the ko cup final as pool as always ad an element ov LUCK in it :D: :angel:

Posted by Special K on 11-04-2013 05:54

Nothing game???????? U lost lost 7-4 if the unperdics wud have got that big score they needed u lot wud have been out..... Come on mate u admitted u chucked it. And u bang on about being good sportsman n that oh dear...... It's a shame tho as I respected your team but to say that mate is awful!

Posted by Rambo on 11-04-2013 12:57

Who is in your top 20 list jacko? Just wondering.

Posted by jacko on 11-04-2013 17:25

I can promise u now we did not chuck it,like I said I woz giving it a bit Ov BS to disguise the embarrassment Ov the defeat,but I do believe after my win in the 5th we ad qualified n maybe let our guard Iv said it twice do u understand ...n Rambo top 20 off the top Ov me ed would b nearly all Ov the eagle team(6/7),half the prop team (4/5)n rod Danny Graf n half Ov the cuemaster (3/4),billy there's obviously a few more about but u get the drift..a lot Ov teams av at least 1 star :angel:

Posted by Brooker on 11-04-2013 20:20

You missed out Mev & Neil

2 players of such great stature they are recognised purely by their first names.

Posted by jacko on 11-04-2013 23:42

Whose this MeV fella? He's not that horrible aggressive bloke who goes round starting trouble is he? Erd any1 can beat him these days so il put him down in 21st n Chris ur in my top 10 son :angel:

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 12-04-2013 19:58

There is so much a rse licking from rambo i can almost smell dannys arse from here seems people in the croydon league love licking ars e hole

Posted by Special K on 12-04-2013 21:58

My arse don't smell tel :huh: lol

Posted by Rambo on 12-04-2013 22:15

Haha Terry, I used to polish it every night too! It's someone else turn!

It's actually called " sticking up for your mates "

Posted by Special K on 16-04-2013 18:12

jacko wrote:
Eagles wer always gona smash u up last game anyway :D: n as for the league cup Monday woza cheeky result ,who would Ov thought coming 2nd would Ov been sucha good result :angel: u won the rankings yet Kellogg's ?

Jacko :angel: coming 2nd is a good thing is it?? Oh dear only if you wouldn't have thrown the game (your words)

Semi final is prop v eagles

Better halfs v pond ques :o:angel:

Posted by jacko on 16-04-2013 19:58

bla bla bla sori dan as already mentioned we did not throw the game,how many times must I say this b4 it sinks in2 that thick ed ov urs....lucky to get threw last nite woz ya? n just think u can relax a bit tonight as the eagles rape u without fear ov relegation,think ur just about safe,JUST :angel:

Posted by Shaggy on 16-04-2013 21:47

Whatever the method behind anything it makes no odds, as it seems following the reduction in teams to 10 per league, that the draw and seedings have been altered.

Semi Final

Eagles v Prop
Pond v Better Halfs

Makes no odds to us if we wanted to win it we'd have had to beat Cuemasters, Prop and Better Halfs anyway.

Posted by Special K on 16-04-2013 22:38

I am aware of that Paul just a lil dig AT mr J

Posted by Rambo on 17-04-2013 01:11

Great draw for better halfs!!