Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 2 week 17

Posted by No1 Nugget on 10-04-2013 05:32

Farley legends 8 v 3 flying machine

Not a great start from us tonight going 2 v 1 behind and to be fair we kept our heads up and took the next 4 to take the lead only for the flying machine to pull another one back 5 3 then we wraped it up taking the last 3 to keep us top going into the last game with the title :trophyone:up for grabs, catch us if u can loooool:P
Want to wish them well for the remainder of the season top guys :tongue:
Once again well done to the lads last night we all dug deep to pull this result out special mention to Leon 3/3 and Daniel 2/2

Edited by No1 Nugget on 10-04-2013 18:04

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 10-04-2013 05:53

Wow....u didnt say much neil...respect for that.i wld respect u more for doing the talking on the table.well done lads...unfortunatly i gotta say the title may be urs now.especially as u had to get players in half way threw the season.but credit where credit is due.u had to pull the gap back.but i do think the rack pack threw it away more than u winning it.with some very poor results after having a nice lead....well done

Posted by No1 Nugget on 10-04-2013 06:04

Players we only signed one mate and thanks for your comments and there one more game left yet and we in the driving seat loooool one nil down next week bring it on, and you say do the talking on the table and we have mate in the last 6 games winning big and still believe we deserve to be where we are

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 10-04-2013 06:35

I know thats y im saying its better that uv done the talking on the table...yh u deserve to be up there for sure..but we did lose it.a very bad result to u.and many times in the second half we just didnt show up...hence y i said we threw it away as much as u have won it..well either way well done to u all.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 10-04-2013 15:57

Updated table as pat doesn't do it anymore looool:haha:

Farley legends. 117
Pond q. 113
Loyalists. 111
Rack pack. 110
One nil down. 96
Wizards. 91
Goodfellas. 91
Folly. 75
Flying machine. 67
Dukes. 64
Can anyone stop us :boxer: