Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Predictions summer league div 1-2

Posted by Special K on 19-05-2013 19:18

Div 1= the better halfs

Runners up= the prop/unperdics gonna be close but think prop may edge it

Div 2= the Farley loyalists good team think. They gonna run away with it sorry Neil!

Runners up legends or Langley sports again be close!

Team k/o the better halfs!

Singles rodderz all day long!

Doubles no comment yet!

1 things that's a guarantee aswell is we will be hearing from mr Jackson

Posted by Knocky on 19-05-2013 20:26

ok ill have some fun.
div 1
runners up
better h
andy shaw
runner up
mev and andy
runners up
me and the old git that is m samuels
knockout cup
propella got to give them something lol
runners up
should be an exciting season,def going to be closer than winter league.

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 19-05-2013 23:40

knocky wrote:
knockout cup
runners up

Better bet may be runner up in the plate given their first game

Posted by No1 Nugget on 20-05-2013 03:39

Special K wrote:
Div 1= the better halfs

Runners up= the prop/unperdics gonna be close but think prop may edge it

Div 2= the Farley loyalists good team think. They gonna run away with it sorry Neil!

Runners up legends or Langley sports again be close!

Team k/o the better halfs!

Singles rodderz all day long!

Doubles no comment yet!

1 things that's a guarantee aswell is we will be hearing from mr Jackson

Dan you've all ready made a mistake in your predictions loyalists won't win it we will 100% mate just you wait and see :boxer:

Posted by jacko on 20-05-2013 04:58

Ok then kellogs I fancy the ranked 1 player in croydon to win the singles n prove it werent a fluke :angel:

Posted by Special K on 20-05-2013 06:08

Winning 18 matches in a row over 2 seasons summer and winter cud never be a fluke mr J c'mon son........;)

I seriously think the bh will do the double team k/o again and the league it's ok tho as u are used to runners up trophys ha!

Posted by jacko on 20-05-2013 06:25

Not sure uv looked at the hall ov fame there m8 ...pretty sure theres a few more winners trophies there than runners up...u boys r favourites to win most things as eagles av not put a side in n wer somewhat diluted,but uv stil got to do it...hit a 67 the other day so fck pool,didnt do so wel on the 2nd hole tho :D: ....pool is easier as the under dog as u no but wen ur the favourite to win there isa different kinda pressure as ur ina no win situation as such n thats a bit harder as u no :angel:

Posted by BUNTER on 20-05-2013 19:38

my predictions=
div 1- better halfs
runners up-prop (theyve lost a couple players this year ie shawsy,myself,swetty,hughie.)
div2-loyalists. WRITTEN ALL OVER IT!
runners up- not really bothered but would say langley sports

singles main- danny k
singles plate-dave addy
doubles- me and chaslington
k/o cup- loyalists or better halfs

Posted by Special K on 20-05-2013 23:23

Bunter u fraggle u ain't funny I am out the main as u no ha ha! And am sure hughie still plays for prop!

Posted by BUNTER on 21-05-2013 01:03

I heard Hughie signed just to play doubles

Posted by Kermy on 21-05-2013 04:26

U heard wrong then bunter.

Posted by the-shark on 21-05-2013 16:54

div 1 the propeller

div 2 the loyalists (WRITTEN ALL OVER IT)

singles rod altes

doubles hughie telford & caveman cooky

Posted by The Big Show on 21-05-2013 23:42


Rack Pack A and B for top 2 slots of div 1!!

You're all getting Patched!! :clap::D:

Posted by BUNTER on 21-05-2013 23:58

Rod won't win the singles because he's bound to get drawn in rileys

Posted by BUNTER on 21-05-2013 23:59

Rod won't win the singles because he's bound to get drawn in rileys

Posted by Special K on 24-05-2013 20:26

Is that wot u fink bunter he won't play a single game at Riley's ; )

Posted by No1 Nugget on 28-05-2013 19:12

BUNTER wrote:
my predictions=
div 1- better halfs
runners up-prop (theyve lost a couple players this year ie shawsy,myself,swetty,hughie.)
div2-loyalists. WRITTEN ALL OVER IT!
runners up- not really bothered but would say langley sports

singles main- danny k
singles plate-dave addy
doubles- me and chaslington
k/o cup- loyalists or better halfs

loooooool langley sports runners up:bite:, you do talk some b u l l s h i t dont ya bunter,? and you guys think you are gonna win div2:trophyone: without a fight, well guys i got news for you, its on :boxer: may the best farley team win it, {and we will no doubt about it}:haha:

also noticed you not doing well in your predictions are you bunter? singles=wrong/plate=wrong/doubles=wrong, you should just play and not speak, so just 2 more predictions to go with the league and knockout cup, which you guys wont win,:P

Edited by No1 Nugget on 28-05-2013 21:06

Posted by BUNTER on 28-05-2013 22:45

I predict I will beat you for 50 first to ten but I must be wrong you fancy it?

Posted by Special K on 28-05-2013 23:20

I predict that u won't be putting the 50 up your self coz u are so skint u went to oxfam for a loan.... But yea I take that bet any day! Name a time and place

Posted by BUNTER on 28-05-2013 23:42

If I play you theres a small chance you will win but with Neil there's no chance he can win. With the 50 I wouldn't even need to take it to play him

Posted by Special K on 28-05-2013 23:46

Sorry bunter I thought u was offering me out for dough I take my comment back but yea if u play Neil I will bk u any day! Sorry Neil but money is money I will offer u a 2 start on bunters half!

Posted by BUNTER on 31-05-2013 21:12

You taking that bet Neil?

Posted by No1 Nugget on 31-05-2013 22:07

No mate cause you never got money so how can you bet you can't even afford to pay for the games let alone anything else but when we Finnish above you we can have a ?50 bet on it :handshake:

Posted by BUNTER on 31-05-2013 22:54

See you at the Farley tomorrow 1 o clock 50 a man if your not gonna bottle it? First to 12

Posted by BUNTER on 31-05-2013 22:55

I'm sure Danny will have 50 on it aswell if you wanna make it a ton?

Posted by Special K on 01-06-2013 05:39

Bunter he ain't got the arsehole to play u mate I will put up any stake for billy against u Neil what do u say ginger B O L L O C K S well we all no the answer

Posted by BUNTER on 01-06-2013 10:27

Up for it Neil? Ill even give you double or quits on who finishes higher in the league?

Edited by BUNTER on 01-06-2013 10:28

Posted by Nature Boy on 13-06-2013 00:52

Its a supprise that the Warbank never got a mention as possibly a team which will cause a few smelly results in Div 1.
In true Neil Hall style, the Warbank have a very strong team and don't be supprised if the usual favorites dont take the top spot this season!!

Posted by No1 Nugget on 13-06-2013 05:04

sorry nature boy but don't know the warbank very well but I hear you got a very decent old boy there? only messing {gary} :haha: good luck warbank and I hope you lot smash up the weaker halfs:saxton: and shut them lot up:boxer:

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 13-06-2013 06:31

See u didnt take bill and kellogs up on there offers and didnt reply lol???

Posted by No1 Nugget on 13-06-2013 20:04

Mr brindle don't worry yourself to much about me replying to them as I will have danny come next season when I see him face to face and take there div1 spot as for bunter I lost my respect for that guy for what he did last week,so don't need to reply to him?

Posted by BUNTER on 13-06-2013 20:17

And what did I do last week?

Posted by B mcCabe on 13-06-2013 20:27

Think he's on about what was said in our pairs match bunter

Posted by No1 Nugget on 13-06-2013 20:31

In my doubles game shouting out your b u l l s h I t that Bernie failed and hit the yellow, i tell u 100% mate he would be the first one to call it on himself, FACT and as for your bets no thanks I have bets with grown ups and who will pay their dept unlike some people?

Posted by No1 Nugget on 13-06-2013 20:45

mcCABE wrote:
Think he's on about what was said in our pairs match bunter

See bunter even your own team mates know so grow some balls and just let your pool do the talking cause im not gonna lie mate you are to good for this division and come next winter your be on the move again and no doubt be back in div1 where you belong?

Posted by BUNTER on 13-06-2013 21:14

Bernie hit the yellow first and you know it thats why you looked around to see if anyone saw it straight after. We all know you need to cheat to win just like you bought Leon, so you have no excuse ginge. As for this division your totally right your gonna smash it lets just see if the loyalists (underdogs) can win it

Posted by No1 Nugget on 13-06-2013 22:25

See there u go again don't know s h I t do ya that's y I ain't got time for little boys like yourself and i didn't buy anyone as I've explained I was helping out a friend as you wouldn't understand the meaning of the word, loyalists underdogs see another bu ll s h it story when they have signed 3 div1 players, go do some homework or something u little rat:haha:

Posted by Merlin on 13-06-2013 22:36


Give it a rest will you, we have heard enough of your crap. The only reason you mention about our players is that your could not sign Billy and Barry as they saw through you and realised that you are just full of hot air. You lied to Billy saying that you had already signed Barry when in fact he had signed for us. Dont knock my team, just cos we are better than you and players WANT TO PLAY FOR ME. Yes Billy is definately a Div 1 player but he has turned up every week, and has been a team player getting behind all of us. Maybe you should take a leaf out of his book. Its funny that noone else from your team comes on here as they are probably embarrassed by your antics. Enough said we will do our talking on the pool table

Posted by No1 Nugget on 14-06-2013 03:26

Better than us loooool you do make me laugh where did u finish in the end 4th/3rd or where ever u was, so surely we were the better team:haha: just admit it and congratulate us, the rest of ur team mates did:handshake: and for the record, so u know I didn't chase billy he asked me and contacted me and he said he would try and get Barry and turned up to ur last game stiring it up so before u go on and on :blah::blah::blah:get your facts right manister I can see u :bite:so I will leave it at that and let the pool do the talking:boxer: oooooooohhhhh by the way we not giving up on our title without a fight and that my old mucker is a FACT,

Posted by Shaggy on 14-06-2013 07:07

I played in the 2nd Division Winter when I was 15 in 1988. Never played anywhere other than Div 1 in the Winter since. Id suggest you get some perspective.

See you next year, and the presentation obviously.

Edited by Shaggy on 14-06-2013 07:09

Posted by Special K on 15-06-2013 21:56

Neil u do talk crap mate like seriously never known anything like it lets get some facts here mate u may have a decent player in your team since u signed him all u have banged on about is how great you are well I rarely see anything positive u say about any 1 else other than your self u congratulate your self on a regular for winning a frame of pool u need a reality check mate u aint ever gonna be a big player in croydon u ain't got the rite attitude for it for some 1 who has won nothing big you nuff say a lot! Now wot u fail to realise " my old mucker" the loyalists have bags and bags of experience in there team from every player they have they are always there or abouts! U have 1 player with the experience some how I don't think that's Enuff! You sometimes can't even get a team now how u fink u will run away with div 2 is insane! And as for div 1 the better halfs will steal it out of the props hands you will see I am confident on that! So u gonna make it 200 or what or u gonna keep taking ginger talk!

Posted by Merlin on 17-06-2013 15:16

Couldn't agree more Danny :D: