Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Rules

Posted by Kermy on 04-06-2013 15:19

First set of 5 has been played,home team fills the card in as do we. 2nd set gets under way then home teams 10th player walks out. What's the ruling on this?

Posted by the-shark on 04-06-2013 15:39

You claim the frame surely!

Posted by Special K on 04-06-2013 16:53

If the name is on the card and the player walks out then that's a loss of frame surely

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 04-06-2013 17:00

there's no way theyd be allowed to put someone else in as that would defeat the object of putting five down at a time. I guess it depends on which team it is :bite:

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 04-06-2013 18:36

Kermy wrote:
First set of 5 has been played,home team fills the card in as do we. 2nd set gets under way then home teams 10th player walks out. What's the ruling on this?

I suppose Ricky you could say putting Jacko in at 4 / 5 in your first set and him then turning up other teams can claim the game then as he was not there when the card was written out 'you cant have your cake and eat it?!'

Just my view...

Edited by SCORCHIO12 on 04-06-2013 19:35

Posted by sparks on 04-06-2013 18:57

If we all adhered to the rules most certainly would have to concede frames and that would go against the grain of our upstanding Gentlemen?s league, so let?s not split hairs.


Posted by Teach on 04-06-2013 19:04

Does this help? It's from the league rules.

'Alterations are not permitted after the away team names have been entered, other than for an unforeseen situation, in
which case any alteration must be agreed by the opposing team secretary. Failure to comply will result in the frame being
awarded against the team in default.'

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 04-06-2013 19:37

Teach wrote:
Does this help? It's from the league rules.

'Alterations are not permitted after the away team names have been entered, other than for an unforeseen situation, in
which case any alteration must be agreed by the opposing team secretary. Failure to comply will result in the frame being
awarded against the team in default.'

Case closed...

This was an unforeseen situation as our guy 'spat his dummy' and left after not getting a game.

Jury you are dismissed.

Thanks Judge 'Teach' Judy.

Edited by SCORCHIO12 on 04-06-2013 19:37

Posted by sparks on 04-06-2013 19:51

Teach wrote:
Does this help? It's from the league rules.

'Alterations are not permitted after the away team names have been entered, other than for an unforeseen situation, in
which case any alteration must be agreed by the opposing team secretary. Failure to comply will result in the frame being
awarded against the team in default.'

Teach we are all aware the rules and sucking eggs is something i do not take to kindly.

but we all bend the rules to suite and they are there to be challenged!!

Judge Teach Judy, :lol:

Posted by Brooker on 04-06-2013 19:58

So i am guessing you had filled out the card & then one of your players who's name was down to play left before his game (for whatever reason)

Common sense would suggest you ask if you can put another player down instead if you have a spare one available, this would then be down to the opposing team to agree or not.

Surely sporting behaviour would prevail & the problem would be resolved, although the rules do say that the opposing team can refuse & claim that frame.

So what happened, do tell

Posted by sparks on 04-06-2013 20:01

Brooker wrote:
So i am guessing you had filled out the card & then one of your players who's name was down to play left before his game (for whatever reason)

Common sense would suggest you ask if you can put another player down instead if you have a spare one available, this would then be down to the opposing team to agree or not.

Surely sporting behaviour would prevail & the problem would be resolved, although the rules do say that the opposing team can refuse & claim that frame.

So what happened, do tell

Thankyou, someone with some common sense! :o

Posted by Kermy on 04-06-2013 21:19

U can't have your cake and eat it. I just wanted to know what the rule was Scott. When your player left,one of your team altered the card without mentioning it to our captain or secretary. Then when I spotted it was told by one of your players"it's allowed trust me" his actual words. As for jacko the card is not altered to suit his lateness.

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 04-06-2013 21:46

Kermy wrote:
U can't have your cake and eat it. I just wanted to know what the rule was Scott. When your player left,one of your team altered the card without mentioning it to our captain or secretary. Then when I spotted it was told by one of your players"it's allowed trust me" his actual words. As for jacko the card is not altered to suit his lateness.

For which you are entitled to ask no questions there..
I agree the card should not have been altered without asking Paul first and was not aware it had happened.
As for Jacko are you saying he's not good enough to get in the top 3 therefore he turns up late?!? :D:

It was all over well before the 10th frame anyway so it didn't matter. As for our guy I wonder if he will turn up tonight... Hmmm..

Posted by Teach on 04-06-2013 21:57

sparks wrote:
Brooker wrote:
So i am guessing you had filled out the card & then one of your players who's name was down to play left before his game (for whatever reason)

Common sense would suggest you ask if you can put another player down instead if you have a spare one available, this would then be down to the opposing team to agree or not.

Surely sporting behaviour would prevail & the problem would be resolved, although the rules do say that the opposing team can refuse & claim that frame.

So what happened, do tell

Thankyou, someone with some common sense! :o

Just to clarify, Chris has simply reiterated what the rules state, which is what I indeed posted!

Posted by Kermy on 04-06-2013 22:00

Dunno mate,he looked pretty angry as he sped past.

Posted by Macca on 05-06-2013 00:13


Posted by Kermy on 05-06-2013 00:17

Maybe he was late for a photo shoot!!!!

Posted by jacko on 05-06-2013 01:42

barely good enuf to make the 1st 10 these days m8 but just about sneak in the top 5 as names wins frames so they say n if I played scott all the time then maybe I mite win enuf to get in2 the top3 :bite:...even tho I left early its clear the only issue last nite woz they changed the card without asking,there a good bunch n im sure it woz not done ina under handed manner as they no we would b fine with it,just think the not asking bit n simply presuming as been taken the wrong way n theres no harm done,we can all b a little wiser for the future n maintain a sporting attitude n etiquette :angel: