Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 3- week 9

Posted by Statto on 10-07-2013 06:47

Bricklayers Lament (ex Penge Conquerors) 3
Penge Con Boys 8

A match that had everyone on the edge of their seat all night. 7 of the 11 frames could genuinely have gone either way - rattled blacks, flukey pots, and back-against-the-wall finishes were regular features. Even the smokers were watching through the window!!

3-2 up at halfway showed how nip and tuck the first set was - we could have been 5-0 up or 4-1 down. Frame 6 was lost because the black hung on the lip, only to be potted after a do-or-die clearance. However, we reeled off the last 5 frames, having total control of the last 3, including a break and dish.

Fair play to the ex-stablemates, they gave us a good scrap. We were happy to get a win, having showed indifferent form lately.

As a venue, the Bricklayers is a good one, and they served good food too.

Until next time, all the best!