Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Money match ???????

Posted by Special K on 24-09-2013 05:13

Danny kelliher/Robbie rob 10-5 billy Barnett/Barry Watkins

Good old match in the Thomas Farley enjoyed it...... Who's next?

Posted by Rambo on 24-09-2013 07:50

How much?

Posted by Teach on 24-09-2013 13:08

I've already offered to play you in a singles match Danny and you haven't come back to me. We even discussed the cash involved.

Are we playing???

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 24-09-2013 16:59

Good result mate

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 24-09-2013 17:00

Good result mate

Posted by Special K on 24-09-2013 17:25

Cheers the new team mate........

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees the legends!!!!

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 24-09-2013 18:25

Should be a very good season..u going for practice on Sunday mate??

Posted by Special K on 25-09-2013 00:19

Yea mate am up for that...... Just waiting to see if there is any challengers for a bit of scotch

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 25-09-2013 02:09

Lol..I don't have a partner so I won't be.just need some good quality practice

Posted by Kermy on 26-09-2013 01:45

Myself and Hughie will have some of that Danny.

Posted by Special K on 26-09-2013 02:08

Ready wen u are.......

Posted by Kermy on 27-09-2013 01:51

Saturday 5th oct. 4-4.30. Is that good for u.

Posted by Special K on 04-10-2013 17:21

Had a chat with me cook today his partner is in Yarmouth tomorrow so we gonna arranger for another time. Any 1 up for a scotch match tomorrow??

Posted by Special K on 12-10-2013 13:18

Danny 10-4 Mickey Samuels

Posted by No1 Nugget on 12-10-2013 22:47

Well done mate :thumb: ......who's next up for the champ........:bite:

Posted by Knocky on 21-10-2013 20:32

Last night saw me play teach for ?50 first to 7 at the Farley after we both lost in the poker.teach stormed into a 3 nil lead before I finally won a frame, I was then 4 2,5 3, and 6 4 down before coming back to win 7 6.
Happy to finally beat Steve as he's a much improved player and will be difficult to beat in money matches. Can't wait for our next game.respect

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 21-10-2013 20:43

A great hustler always keeps them tight. Fair play.