Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Tables and Stats

Posted by Reigatesfinest on 06-11-2013 17:41

Just a general enquiry, when do the stats get updated on the web-site. We are a good few weeks into the season and it would be good to see who's doing what! This is in no way a pop at anyone just asking the question.

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 06-11-2013 18:11

I think its normally at the half way point.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 06-11-2013 21:47

the tables are sent to your secretary, and yes ben is right the stats and individuals are sent half way through, im not sure why its not on the website, that's down to the admin or site team,

Posted by Fat-Dart on 06-11-2013 22:28

neil wrote:
the tables are sent to your secretary, and yes ben is right the stats and individuals are sent half way through, im not sure why its not on the website, that's down to the admin or site team,

Because we're not at the half-way point yet.

Posted by Triple C on 06-11-2013 23:22

I think its more about the tables (League/League Cup) Mark...

We are some weeks in but still nothing available...

Posted by Site Team on 07-11-2013 06:01

The league and league cup tables are now available

Mark Halsey normally distributes the other stats just before on at the half way point, as Fat-Dart has said