Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: doubles KO

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 26-11-2013 06:16

Miller wilshere 3-2 mcintosh barns

2 hrs 45mins of which we were at the table possibly half an hour of, im glad the table was on a freebie. Im not sure what the rules are on a stopwatch in doubles, but when you're waiting 5 mins for one shot you must qustion it. Fair play to mark and luke, they played well and were entitled to the time.

Has there ever been a case for stopwatches at an agm if you bring a clocker with you?

Posted by Luke on 26-11-2013 06:54

I agree it was a long fought out game that went right to the wire and could have gone either way in the end. But in our defence I think you may be exaggerating a bit with your timings. There were occasions where time was taken but I felt it was from both teams. It always feels longer when you're the ones not at the table. After tonight I would definitely second your idea of a shot clock for doubles. Anyway well played Ben an Simon, great battle to the last ball and if it wasn't for Mr Millers outrageous long rail shot with the black over the bag the game would have been yours.

Posted by jacko on 26-11-2013 07:40

Doubles is the most boring pile ov sht game in the league n if it weren't for the stupidity ov it counting in the rankings I for one wud never ever enter it, n b4 any1 pipes up I only play it in the ssummer asa dry run for the winter...the clock isa must to rectify the slow sssssslow play n maybe enjoy the game...I no wat shot to play within seconds but etiquette to ur partner dictates 1 must play out a million shot scenario b4 1 plays the bloody obvious...iv always detested the game i as an individual av won the rankings bout 10 times but fking doubles as ruined that stat...O pls pls judge me on my partners ability rather than mine...doubles Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz dear god :angel:

Edited by jacko on 26-11-2013 07:53

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 26-11-2013 14:29

Luke wrote:
But in our defence I think you may be exaggerating a bit with your timings. There were occasions where time was taken but I felt it was from both teams. It always feels longer when you're the ones not at the table.

There's nothing to defend Luke, like I said there was no clock so you're entitled to take your time. But I'd say there was maybe one occasion where we took longer than a minute deliberating and a whole host of times we could go to the bar or go to the toilet and come back to find you hadn't played your shot. I'm fairly sure you would have played the exact same shots within a minute with a clock so for me a clock rule would be beneficial.

Well played anyway and good luck for the next round.