Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: League Cup Group 2 - Week 3

Posted by Nature Boy on 27-11-2013 05:57

One Player Short 3-8 Warbank Allstars

Solid performance by the Warbank, played on a fast but great table I have to say!
All the best to One Player Short for the remainder of this group and the season, as always all frames played in great sportsmanship!

Posted by No1 Nugget on 27-11-2013 06:53

Farley legends 7 v 4 prop

Took the first frame then lost the next 3 and we was gifted the 5th by the german :P down 3 2 in the first set again,:wall: then it became 4 2 and we all dug deep and to be fair the frames could of gone either way,and we took the next 5 to take the match, wish the prop lads well for the season really top guys down there and all the banter made it a good nite,

Prop 1 v 1 legends

Posted by jacko on 27-11-2013 07:18

As I misd the last few frames I can only comment on wat I saw wat woz a pis poor standard, watching kellogs n the german chop around woz embarrassing I actually wanted to cut my eyes out n unfortunately that weren't the only frame with such shenanigans goin on...wel done legends for gaining wat must ov been a sweet revenge but really must say that we should ov gone 6.1 up n ironed u out but thats pool n decent players can all av bad nites...look forward to our next encounter MUCH ...jesus I would so much rather b playing golf mr B :angel:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 27-11-2013 07:39

jacko wrote:
As I misd the last few frames I can only comment on wat I saw wat woz a pis poor standard, watching kellogs n the german chop around woz embarrassing I actually wanted to cut my eyes out n unfortunately that weren't the only frame with such shenanigans goin on...wel done legends for gaining wat must ov been a sweet revenge but really must say that we should ov gone 6.1 up n ironed u out but thats pool n decent players can all av bad nites...look forward to our next encounter MUCH ...jesus I would so much rather b playing golf mr B :angel:

Totally agree you should of been 5 1 up but you didnt take your chances and it's all ifs and buts jacko, we should of had at least 2 frames last week and we didnt, so after 2 matches we all square and I to am looking forward to the return at yours now I know your order of play,

Posted by TheProf on 27-11-2013 07:39

Don't usually come on ere, but I just have got to say that I was too busy admiring Leon's tattoo to concentrate on the game ! So, money well spent ?:D:

Posted by Special K on 27-11-2013 07:59

My shoulder was hurting me in the first frame.

Posted by jacko on 27-11-2013 08:18

Funny that thought it would ov been ur arse as it fell out Sso Sso many times....still u played the best u can n thats all any1 can do...shoulder fckd neck fckd but stil without practice doin a job...thats wen u no kellogs thats wen u no...mind the gap:angel:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 27-11-2013 08:18

TheProf wrote:
Don't usually come on ere, but I just have got to say that I was too busy admiring Leon's tattoo to concentrate on the game ! So, money well spent ?:D:

Loooooool nice one prof who ever you are? But to be fair you Shouldn't always believe what you hear from certain people who think they know everything, and know nothing and should know there's no i in team, and after they all left it was up to the 4 of us and we all got our heads down and won 5 on the spin........BOOOOOM loooool, see you down yours should be a interesting game can't wait,

Posted by jacko on 27-11-2013 08:36

Funny that thought leachy jackd in tonight? N wat do u no bout team? Uv no loyalty u aint gota team where is ur team? Coz ur current side does not resemble any so called team uv ad....dont wori son ur stil win our grand or whatever it is...haha enjoy tonight coz it wil b ur highlight ov the year...all u av is bunter n for how long?:angel:

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 27-11-2013 10:07

Got to say very true jacko.....

Posted by Special K on 27-11-2013 16:38

Erm all we have is bunter? Suppose me Leon and Steve and Neil are all *******then?? Joker!!! My arse fell out? What planet you on mate? How did I get on I my second frame? Erm dished up against deano! But u Wud not no the "team player" as u decided to jog on half way thru the match! U talk to much on here u regard bunter as the dogs yea the kids class and all that but until u win things and go in that record book individually then your somebody! Yea was a poor frame against German still won it! Suppose my arse fell out in the last shot I done against him which was best shot of the nite by a country mile! No ur facts before u preach! Oh and this bottle job u wanted so bad to be a prop player may I add! Oh and your scotch partner short memory San? Team player lmao!!!!

Posted by jacko on 27-11-2013 17:07

Yes dan potting that straight pot into a big pocket with top spin on the white woz clearly the best shot ov the nite....take it u never saw my deflection cover to get both corners then n tie up 2 ov his balls n win me the frame...obviously so far over ur ed u didnt understand the shot n thought it woz luck....we all play good n bad shots but fck me urs n germans left splat marks all over the farly floor...stil u won in style in ur ed...gud for u bruv such amazing talent n knowledge wish u would teach me such things...:angel: there is winning n there is winning m8

Posted by Special K on 27-11-2013 17:19

If u would of stayed u would of learned how to dish up at 4-4 and take the lead for your team! Never mind mate I understand the old shoulder muscle was hurting and you ad to get the old ointment out my shot was the shot of the nite was not as easy as you preach! You ad dollys twice but yet u still seek for 2 shots that's painful mate! 7-4 end of 1-1 ta-la

Posted by jacko on 27-11-2013 18:05

Doing a job for my team m8...making ego doesnt require any flairy sht all I do is get me 80% or so for the team...n just so u no I av trapped nerves in my neck n bak so need to b in n out so I can get home n take medication which cant drive once iv ad it...cripple son but stil mixing it n always turn up for the all the bs bout not bein a team player is made by those ov simple minds..I should not even b playing at all but fck it...:angel:

Posted by Reigatesfinest on 27-11-2013 19:23

You two are really boring, who cares who played the best shot, its a game of pool with your mates, not who has got the biggest ego.

Posted by the-shark on 27-11-2013 20:16

Lol well said...I think some people have far to much time on there hands.

Posted by jacko on 27-11-2013 20:49

Surely u guys can c its all a bit ov fun n who can winde each other up the most....n as others av said many times before u really dont av to read it...I think kellogs isa good player n he nos that but its always good to dig each other out a bit....I believe sum may call it banter...twood b boring without it...:angel:

Posted by Special K on 27-11-2013 20:51

Jacko well said :handshake: