Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 1 week 8

Posted by Knocky on 11-12-2013 06:01

War bank 3 8 unpredictables
Happy with result but to be honest war bank will feel hard done by, could have easily been 6 5 to either team

Posted by nuttmeg on 11-12-2013 06:46

Eagles 10 better halfs 1

Posted by Shaggy on 11-12-2013 07:41

I genuinely feel sorry for Steve and the team. All the players can play but not having Rod availablest times plus the loss of Steve and Danny k will generally kill the spirit.

Fair play to the guys and girls it's a tough league and fortunately it appears the team will put in an honest shift.

Edited by Shaggy on 11-12-2013 15:13

Posted by Kermy on 11-12-2013 12:37

Pond 4 Prop 7
Great result for us after bein 3 down.

Posted by Special K on 11-12-2013 18:32

Think u hit the nail on the head Paul with wot u say, the thing is I love the better halfs we achieved lots in Croydon as a team.....but it gets harder and harder to field a squad with Joel working late quiet a lot and rod not being able to go into Riley's at all which is a liberty tbh we play in the league let the man in to play his games then go where's the harm? Like I say with them 2 missing it gets pretty difficult! Look for example last season the only time we turned up with a full squad we won 11-0 not naming the team as there's no need but giving that example wen the better halfs have that famous 5 we was the buzz but it don't happen any more look the games against you lot and the prop are hard enough as it is without them 2 there leaves me and Steve and Donald and Steve bird that's how it ended up and I for 1 ain't in this league to get bashed every week not my way of yea feel sorry for Birdy and my old team but what do you do.

Posted by Triple C on 11-12-2013 19:28

Better Halfs / Legends merger?? Could work...

Posted by Special K on 11-12-2013 23:55

Lol that could never happen mate as mr bird and mr hall are not the best of friends wot so ever be like rangers Celtic millwall westham trying to become as 1 not a prayer lol but idea is good that be a team and a half tbh.

Posted by Triple C on 12-12-2013 17:16

LOL it would be... Better Legends! LOL

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 12-12-2013 18:38

more like half legends.......if that.

Posted by A King Disher on 13-12-2013 15:36

Oh behalf of my team mates and myself, we thank you for your kind words Paul. An evening well spent in the company of the Eagles. As I've always said, you Guys are winners whether you win or loose.

Now onto other matters.
Terry, it's news to me about the Lambert Bro's. I have it in texts that they are too busy at this time of year. Mind you, I also have it that they are fed up with loosing games. I did tell them that Div 1 is a different ball game to what they are used to with the Legends.

A merger between The Better Halfs and The Legends ! I don't think so, do you lol.
I stand my ground and don't make deals I can't keep. Just ask Danny if you don't believe me.
And Danny a merger has nothing to do with Mr. Hall and myself not being friends, this is really not the case. It's about rights & wrongs & loyalties. Just ask his former team mates.
it's more of a case of the Walmart group introducing a new idea into the system and forgetting to register it. Then your corner shop nicks the idea. Silly Walmart group !

Well here we have afore us the last match of the year so I and the Better Halfs team would like to wish everyone a happy Christmas & New Year.
Effectively the January transfer window opens after this match so Secretaries, keep an eye on your team mates cos I believe someone will be requiring new signings lol.

It's just a game afterall !!!!!!!!

Posted by Knocky on 13-12-2013 20:41

Omg where's Neil gone.
A whole week without any posts,must be ill
Come on mate sort out your team it won't be the same without the legends