Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: League cup group 2 week 4

Posted by No1 Nugget on 18-12-2013 07:00

Plan b 2 v 9 Farley legends

Great result tonight,Another top display by bunter tonight....3/3 Leon 2/2,
I do believe Legends go top :clap:

Posted by Kermy on 18-12-2013 07:12

Jacko 1 Prop 10
He came late,he played,he lost,then *******ed off.
Didn't even say goodbye. Nice one.

Posted by Special K on 18-12-2013 14:37

Highly amusing yessssssss the team player

Posted by Special K on 18-12-2013 18:12

1 simple answer to your question which I new was coming.....

When we played you last game of season how many players did we have....


That's why I left was the same every week

Posted by the-shark on 19-12-2013 00:05

Bit harsh kermy...he probably had to be up early this morning cause he was playing golf. :chair:

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 20-12-2013 05:57

To be fair i gotta agree with Kermy.if u don't wanna play then dont play quite simple.ive always thought u was alright jacko.but u saying to German ref for me I'm going with no please or thank you is just plain disrespectful.u packed ur cue then just *******ed off.great team player.

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 20-12-2013 09:54

My point is how u spoke to German n left.his ur TEAM mate for starters and I just thought it was plain all about team playing.i got stabbed n died in the back of the helicopter for 1.37 mins and was still playing for my team in crawley 3 weeks later.and for the rack pack.any one who knows me knows I'm a team point is that if ur hearts not in it and ur unwell maybe u should take a break.sort things out then come bk.i can see people's points of views.and the way u spoke to German was just plain rude ive got to say mate

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 20-12-2013 09:59

I'm in hospital right this second with a broken foot that snapped in 4 places and has had to have two metal plates and 5 or 6 pins to rebuild it.they said no walking or any weight on it for 6-8 weeks.then another 6-8 with light weight on it.but ill be bk in pain with my team in the next few weeks.and ill be there all night weather they decide to play me or not....Iay not even be able to play but ill go and support them.then ill travel 35 miles home which is two buses and a that's a team player jacko

Posted by Special K on 21-12-2013 05:13

Yessssssssss the team player :angel: you have proved on more than 1 occasion now that you ain't a team player mate you play your games then jog on and that's happening every week...... No 1 else does it mate I think you are not showing your team mates the respect they deserve they support you during your frames I think u should do that back for the team....get down a bit earlier indulge with your team mates San! The shoulder is fine aint a prob wen u swinging that golf club is it :sick:

Posted by Special K on 22-12-2013 05:48

Paaaahhhhaaa your own team mates come on here and even say your not doing things in the rite way......people can say what they wish about me when I am practise u slap things about mate! Hmmmmmmm wonder what song I shud choose this time running out of ideas for the old presentation nite as I am there collecting individual trophies every year :hand: see that the thing tony people talk to much mate point the old finger like a whisper or 2 but what they don't realise is its all about balls and not many in this league have that the old arse goes......mine don't! Was talking to me good old mate rodders we was having a laugh about that black u chopped the other day oh dear oh well there's always the singles :ohmygod:

Posted by Special K on 23-12-2013 01:24

Even if he did have 1 to many sherbets the truth is there in blk n white me old mucker you have this certain trend in turning up 3-4 games in playing last-1st in second set then putting the old jacket on and jogging on bit of a liberty me thinks but each to there own I guess mate. Just u bang on about being a team player clearly you ain't its ok winning the 80% as you proclaim but means nothing of you ain't being a team player so plz stop banging on about others wen clearly you need to realise your the number 1 culprit for being a non team player!

Posted by Special K on 23-12-2013 05:41

If u seriously mean what u say and u ain't enjoying it then prove yourself don't play no more.....but you won't as I think it's a ego thing with you mr j you crave attention

Posted by Special K on 23-12-2013 14:32

Yea my dad won quiet a lot in the 60's aswell won't mention what as its way to long ago to talk about it lol. And yea Neil had a canning plan dam I failed ha ha

Posted by Special K on 23-12-2013 18:18

Going thru hall of fame erm....... My old mate is above u San!!!! Rodderz won 19 individuals to your 16 San! And you been playing 10 years more than him!!! Oh dear dunno what u been reading my old mucker and that doesn't include doubles either that adds about 5 more than you!!!! Unlucky pal ;) there's always next year to try and close that gap chin up whacko

Posted by Special K on 24-12-2013 00:27

2001 rod 4-0 jacko. Blk n white

And your bar was only 3 years how on earth can he win 19 individuals in that space of time. His the best there is in Croydon it's that simple

Posted by Special K on 24-12-2013 04:20

Ha ha ha good old Kellogg's and whacko keeping the site alive!

Posted by Shaggy on 24-12-2013 17:21

Just for clarification rJacko, who is Kermy's boyfriend???

Posted by Special K on 24-12-2013 20:56

Told!!! See jacko every 1 says it your nooooo team player son! You fool!! :angel:

Posted by jacko on 25-12-2013 01:30

lovin that wooden spoon kellogs :angel: neil as defo giv u a bung to help me jack in...

Posted by Special K on 25-12-2013 02:50

There was a Brucey of an extra 100 if I got u to jack before Christmas Day me old mate as come thru for me thanks jacko! Although I no it aint true u be bk playing there San!

Posted by Special K on 25-12-2013 03:52

Class! :bow:

Posted by jacko on 25-12-2013 16:51

Forgive them Lord they no not what they do :angel:

Posted by Special K on 26-12-2013 00:48

All of Kermys comments gone? What the hell? Maybe his had the boss in his ear mr macca lol