Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Gazza Sectioned

Posted by Spud on 21-02-2008 23:32

Gazza has been sectioned under the mental health act. . . .

He claims Spurs were gonna win 2 cups.

Posted by the-shark on 22-02-2008 01:04

but we may well win 2 cups? beating the most boring team to watch (chelsea) on sunday will be a good start.

Posted by Cyber The Crucifier on 22-02-2008 23:49

gazza is a twat who plays with his parrots

Posted by nuttmeg on 23-02-2008 00:18

Gazza and Ian Wright spent the whole day at the Eagle,a few years back, although they did get drunk John Garbutt the then gov said they were both a delight and gave everybody who came in the time of day.

Posted by Cyber The Crucifier on 23-02-2008 08:41

no disrepect nuttmeg
its just my opiniun
and if u ask the population
most would say he is a twat

Posted by nuttmeg on 23-02-2008 15:25

in your opinion. Every body who has had dealings with him have said the same thing,troubled genius.

Posted by the flash on 23-02-2008 17:37

Not everyone, I know a few people who have dealing with him at charity events and they have all said he was a complete sh*t

Posted by Sass on 23-02-2008 18:36

Twat, genius or shit I hope he gets the help he needs and gets well soon.

Posted by Cyber The Crucifier on 23-02-2008 20:09

when i call him a twat its because
he is a a wifebeater
and he treats women like shit
how many people on here would take a parrot to a hotel and tell it to use obscene language that is not proper behaviour