Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 1 week 9

Posted by No1 Nugget on 08-01-2014 07:03

Magnum force 3 v 8 Farley legends

Great start from us tonight racing to a 4 1 half time lead, the next 4 games were shared 6,3 then we took out the last 2 frames, special mentions to bunter 3/3 Leon 2/2,
Want to wish the magnum all the best for the rest of the season, top bunch down there and the food was nice.....

Roll on next week pond q, and the legends will once again close that gap, the legends are on the up be warned, :boxer: and that's 2 points gained on them prop boys and we still have a game in hand,:P

Posted by Special K on 08-01-2014 07:17

Yea kind of feel like we are geling at the rite time gotta admit the prop wasn't not at the races tonight at all but they will be pleased with the 6-5 honest to god I've never seen a team throw away so many chances its unreal but the prop being a good side dug in and half inched the match who no's the legends cud spin these lot :shag:
Oh gotta mention my olde mate mr j strolls in about 10 tail between his legs not a dickie bird :sprint:

Posted by longshanks on 08-01-2014 07:31

Cuemasters 8-3 Pond

Posted by No1 Nugget on 08-01-2014 07:35

Totally agree mate the warbank could of at least got a couple more, but hey that's pool,does anyone know if jacko even got a game as i looked round he was time i looked he was gone,just like the props lead on us,3 games for us to the half way point and I promise you there won't be much in it,

Next week we gonna close it a bit more,:nerner:

Posted by Knocky on 08-01-2014 16:35

Unpredictables 7 forum 4
Was 4 1 up in first set to only be pegged back to 4 all then managed to win last 3
Good result in the end against a very good side.

Eagles won 8 3 .

Posted by Pondlife on 08-01-2014 16:41

The Cuemasters 8 Pond Wheatsheaf 3

Due to the adverse weather conditions we could only field a shadow squad this evening. Most of our A team are heavily involved in the plumbing industry , and are therefore extremely busy at the moment . As all of the Cuemasters are unemployed ,they can put out their top team on a regular basis. It gives them a major advantage against teams like ourselves who pay massive amounts of taxes to keep the economy booming . Our opponents next week are in a completely different situation. They all work for the same company, which can only have been saved by should be ok until the end of the month when the first instalment is due. It will be great to play our match before their inevitable demise.

Posted by Nature Boy on 08-01-2014 18:58

The Propeller 6-5 Warbank Allstars

A comedy of errors throwing away 6 frames, but give credit where credit is due, we came back very well from 5-2 down.

Not a great standard to be fair, but it was emotional for sure last night!!

Posted by handbrake on 08-01-2014 19:36

Great start for new year for us ,it really was a top notch standard couple of dishes from us and them , very enjoyable evening all round

Posted by Special K on 08-01-2014 21:38

Lol pat quite funny :winkgrin:

Posted by jacko on 09-01-2014 01:16

Add things to do places to be,so rather than rush around like a maniac n then get grief for bein late i decided it woz fairer not to play as we ad enuf players...which ur b glad to hear kellogs n neil wil b the norm from now on...not sure il b playing anymore as finding it ard to play to any sort ov standard n would not want to let the Prop down,ironically felt like i ada huge weight taken off my shoulders last nite by finally not playing...just need a time out from it n c if i mis it at all...just hope the Prop can still challenge if im not around...:angel:

Posted by TheProf on 09-01-2014 01:26

Had a few frames on the Magnum Force table after our match had finished. Much better condition table than the one we are playing on at the moment, despite attempts by Riley's to put it right.

With a bit more TLC to our table, and once we've got used to it, then the Prop home performances will improve well above last night's standard (and that won't be hard). The Warbank could have won the match easily if they had taken their chances, and good luck to them for the rest of the season.

Also, didn't help yesterday's match that one of our players managed to 'warp his 'tool' the night before the match ! Lol

Posted by No1 Nugget on 09-01-2014 03:43

Eagles. 70
Prop. 63
Unpredictables. 59
Warbank. 52
Cue masters. 50 +1
Forum A. 50
Farley Legends. 46 +1
Pond q. 42
Better halfs. 40
Farley loyalists. 39
Magnum force 36
Frames rack pack 36

Posted by Special K on 09-01-2014 17:10

Jacko stop talking fanny mate we all no your gonna play what's all this about? Coz cooky told ya about ya self? Well sometimes we have to get told what we don't wanna hear just have to man up and deal with being a fooooooooooooool seriously stop mugging ya self we all no your playing!

Posted by Shaggy on 09-01-2014 19:55

Would anyone like to provide a commenteay on what happened in the Better Halfs v Rack Pack game?

Posted by Special K on 09-01-2014 20:16

Better halfs 11-0 rowdy rat pack

I'd say that's punished!

Posted by Luke on 10-01-2014 00:30

Better Halves 11-0 Rack Pack

Not the best of nights for us. Mr Bird was happy to get a full team on Tuesday, which he said they've struggled to do this season so far. A combination of good clearances from them, us not taking chances and a little bit of run here and there all added up to a bad day at the office.

We all know that the Better Halves were in a false position, propping up the table at the start of the night as they have a good team still even after the departures of Kellier and Cox. Even still we should be doing a lot better than that but that's pool for you. Well played the Halves.