Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 1 - Week 10

Posted by Nature Boy on 15-01-2014 05:45

Warbank Allstars 7-4 The Cuemasters

Great result for us after our emotional match with the Prop last week. Great standard of play from both sides, Gary Swettenham winning 3 out of 3, and Scott winning both his games also.

Solid performance and also enjoyable banter all round.

All the best to the Cuemasters for the rest of the season.

Posted by Special K on 15-01-2014 06:14

Legends 7-4 pond

4-1 down again dunno wot it is just aint happening in the first set boi was pat smiling birds was signing all was beautiful half time came the nugget gave the boys a good talking to we punished the next 6 really clinical to be honest proud of the team nice 1 lads!

Posted by No1 Nugget on 15-01-2014 06:23

Yes totally agree mate,:handshake:Couldn't believe it 4 1 down again :wall: in the first set.........then to take the next 6 was great and the fighting sprit from everyone tonight was awesome and want to wish the pond q well for the rest of the season,

Bring on the warbank next week... Revenge looooool

Posted by jonny p on 15-01-2014 07:32

rack pack 4-7 Farley loyalists..great result against a good team...we only had 4 players as well...had a bit of luck at times but it all pans out, some nice finishes as well....good luck for the rest of the season...roll on magnum force next week

Posted by jonny p on 15-01-2014 07:34

getting infront of myslf...league cup next week

Posted by Knocky on 15-01-2014 16:33

Eagles 8 3 unpredictables
Solid performance by them bit lucky in a couple of frames but fully deserved the win

Posted by Pondlife on 15-01-2014 16:59

Legends 7 Pond Wheatsheaf 4

A truly baffling capitulation by our team. As has been stated, we walked the first set 4-1. Unfortunately the food was then delivered. Before we knew what was happening, our opponents descended upon it and ate the lot. This seemed to galvanise them into action , but had a negative effect on us. Our players were starving and our performance level was totally diminished. I have tried to impress upon the team the importance of the regular intake of food. I think that the statistics will back up my argument. The top teams are all made up mainly of obese players. It would be too embarrassing to name individuals , but you all know who you are.

Posted by Special K on 15-01-2014 18:19

Absolutely superb!! Pat gotta say I kinda like you mate you was great in first set by the way unlucky to you and your troops think you will stay up as you have a good lil team!

Funny bloke really are hahahahaha

Posted by A King Disher on 15-01-2014 19:35

Magnum Force 4 -v- 7 The Better Halfs

Great match and in good company of the Force. Although I think we gifted them a couple of win. And all this without Rodderz on board !

Special mention to Stuart for a well earned 3 from 3.

All the best to the Magnum Force for the rest of the season.

PS, I think the Better Halfs are starting to cue again. Must be the new year lol.

Posted by BUNTER on 15-01-2014 20:52

Legends 7-4 pond. Not a lot to say really had to let them win a few coz our team felt abit bad about how *******there doing in div 1. But a job well done to send the old aged pentioner and his little fishes back to the pond where they belong.

Posted by Special K on 15-01-2014 21:24

Hahahahaha bunter class!!

Posted by Shaggy on 15-01-2014 21:30


You are a nightmare for the Pond, you lost all your games when you played for them and win when you are against them.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 15-01-2014 23:23

Updated tables

Eagles. 78
Prop. 70
Unpred. 62
Warbank. 59
Forum a. 54
Cue masters 54 +1
Legends. 53 +1
Better halfs. 47
Pond q. 46
Loyalists. 46
Magnum force 40
Rack pack. 40

Posted by Special K on 15-01-2014 23:41

Shaggy wrote:

You are a nightmare for the Pond, you lost all your games when you played for them and win when you are against them.

And he as now left us......I like the kid a lot I known him a long time billy gets things into his head and acts upon this I really dunno why he as left but billy is his own man I am not gonna bad mouth him just a shame for the legends that we lost a great lil player we have now got 4 players will still try lol but now the task is impossible congrats prop! U heard it from me first well done chaps.

Posted by Brooker on 16-01-2014 00:33

It's not going to be a massive surprise to anyone really that Billy has left considering his recent record, but why now only 4 players. As i remember at the start of the season your team was as follows

Danny Kellier
Neil Hall
Leon Pope
Darren Leach
Steve Krishnan
Terry Brindle
Robbie Rob
Daniel lambert
Alfie Lambert

That was 10 players at the start of the season, now only 4 left !!

Whats happened boys ?

Edited by Brooker on 16-01-2014 00:33

Posted by BUNTER on 16-01-2014 02:21

Brooker wrote:
It's not going to be a massive surprise to anyone really that Billy has left considering his recent record, but why now only 4 players. As i remember at the start of the season your team was as follows

Danny Kellier
Neil Hall
Leon Pope
Darren Leach
Steve Krishnan
Terry Brindle
Robbie Rob
Daniel lambert
Alfie Lambert

That was 10 players at the start of the season, now only 4 left !!

Whats happened boys ?
my point exactly. And before people start going on and on I have my own personal reasons why I'm leaving and which I feel is the right thing to do this time lol

Posted by Brooker on 16-01-2014 03:27

Yeah don't take it as a dig Billy, because it wasn't mate. I don't really know you or your reasons for leaving teams in the past & to be honest have no desire to know either, it's nothing to do with me & i am not really interested.

Was just pointing out that for whatever reason the Legends seem to have had 6 players leave in less than half a season. I beleive Danny himself announced he had left on this web site too but, seems to be back now.

Posted by nuttmeg on 16-01-2014 04:48

Is Bunter and Jacko building a new super team ?

Posted by nuttmeg on 16-01-2014 06:20


Whats happened boys ?
my point exactly. And before people start going on and on I have my own personal reasons why I'm leaving and which I feel is the right thing to do this time lol[/quote]

How very noble

Posted by jacko on 16-01-2014 09:39

Funny how the guys who bang on bout team players dont appear to ava team...strange...n it woz never gona b a contest between us n the legends really...bunter jacko team? At golf :angel:

Posted by Special K on 16-01-2014 14:27

Played you twice 1-1 no contest REALLY......

It's amazing how people don't turn up for there own team and come on here waffling REALLY.....

Rather be playing table tennis :angel:

Posted by jacko on 17-01-2014 00:24

points make prizes san...stil cant take nothing for granted,think u mite make a charge in the 2nd half, which may b a BETTER HALF for u...boom boom :angel:

Posted by Special K on 17-01-2014 04:27

No charge here mate as we only have 4 u win well done tony 1 day ill play for a team with no problems or silly distractions.