Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Eagles pulling dirty tricks.

Posted by Kermy on 12-02-2014 06:39

Imagine our disbelief tonight,when after months & months of askin for our table to be sorted(which it was last week)we find it had been switched with the eagles table. Only blamin one certain eagle but come on,did u really think we wouldn't notice. The skid marks on the floor proved u had moved it. When u had ur table done last year we didn't say a word and just got on with wot we had,but now we get our table done and ur switching them about,don't take the p--s. I know winning the league continuously means a lot but mr Nuttman u need to address this with ur player cos he is bang out of order. Never thought I would be sayin this about any eagles player cos have always held them in high regard. Don't let one player drag ur team threw the mud and lose all the respect u have gained over the years.

Posted by nuttmeg on 12-02-2014 06:49

firstly not having been at Frith for a couple of weeks I don't know what you mean? did an Eagle physically move our table with yours???
Was told last week that our table had been reclothed(which is desperately needed) so don't know whats going on.

Posted by jacko on 12-02-2014 07:14

It's quiet funny I no y they keep winning the league they steal all the best tables....I'd like to propose instant disqualification for the eagles for the last ten years or so....the sneaky so n so's :angel:

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 12-02-2014 08:45

Emm a bit naughty if u ask me.change it bk then lol