Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: League Cup Group C

Posted by longshanks on 11-03-2014 07:50

Cuemasters 6-5 Rack Pack

Magnum 6-5 Legends

Posted by Triple C on 11-03-2014 17:28

Nice and tight in Group C after first round of matches. Very close in our game with the cuemasters... difference being Mark Eldridge who was clinical with 2 clearances. Very enjoyable night overall.

Posted by handbrake on 11-03-2014 17:51

Oh stop it u are embarrassing me :wub: lol anyway it was 3 clearances B)

Posted by Triple C on 11-03-2014 18:38

Apologies, 2 clearances in 1 visit! :P

Posted by handbrake on 11-03-2014 19:38

3 Clearances in one visit I won't have u take this away from me !!! :chair: lol

Posted by Triple C on 11-03-2014 20:08

I think the first one was in 2 visits... poor effort in my eyes, not worth remembering! LOL

Posted by handbrake on 11-03-2014 20:27

1 vist I will have u know sir!!ask mark :) on second thoughts don't lol

Posted by Triple C on 11-03-2014 22:33


Posted by No1 Nugget on 12-03-2014 00:03

Legends 5 v 6 magnum force

Not a great start from us last night but take nothing away from the magnum lads they all played really well, roll on next week and we will be back to a full strength team so beware rack pack,:boxer: