Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: League cup stage 2 group c week 2

Posted by Special K on 18-03-2014 05:53

The ratpack 1-10 the legends

Solid performance tonight top standard 3 break dishes in the first set only frame we lost was to a break dish from mark miller think tonight was our best performance to date!!

Unlucky to ratpack tonight they didn't really do much wrong at all!!

Posted by No1 Nugget on 18-03-2014 06:47

Totally agree mate,best performance tonight well done to the lads tonight:bow: special mentions Leon,grinch,2/2 and Bunter 3/3 the boy is different class....... Legends back on top of league cup group,

Wish the rack pack well for the rest of the season bunch the rowdy rack:handshake:

Posted by Special K on 18-03-2014 17:52

Just waiting for mr long shanks now he normally replies quite early hmmmmm wonder why he hasn't yet? Over to you Phil :bite:

Posted by longshanks on 18-03-2014 19:32

Unlike you I post win or lose.

Magnum 6 5 Cuemasters

we were worse than useless. Uphill struggle to get through now. Need to better Magnum by two and we are against an in form team whereas Magnum play a team who are already out.

Posted by Triple C on 18-03-2014 21:00

As Neil and Danny said, they were very clinical, the scoreline doesn't reflect the effort we put it but thats what happens if chances (no matter how slim they are) aren't taken.

Can't have any complaints though as the standard was ridiculously high!

PS We aren't out until it's mathematically impossible! We will fight for every frame! You can trust us on that! :P

Posted by No1 Nugget on 25-03-2014 07:03

Legends 3 v 8 cuemasters

Not a great start from us tonight and to be fair we didn't do much wrong as the cuemasters took their chances well, also a special mention for the grinch another 2/2 and also got to mention Gary Martyn with 3/3..... He didnt miss much.........I do believe we have qualified for the quarter final, bring on the eagles,

Well done to the cuemasters and wish them all well for the remainder of the season really top bunch:handshake:

Edited by No1 Nugget on 25-03-2014 07:07

Posted by handbrake on 25-03-2014 14:21

Very pleased to iron out and very good side, tbh they did not really turn up lots of mistakes that u don't normally see , tho we did play pretty well In fairness ,maybe knowing they where more of less already In the next round effected them being up for it , pretty disappointed that one member of our opponents had no interest in shanking hands at the end but hey I guess that's just the way it is :| well played all

Posted by Special K on 25-03-2014 14:42

Yea mark I think u hit the nail in the head we was dog! The grinch was the only 1 who turned up for us last nite terrible from us.

I've seen the cue masters play better I've seen us play better 1 of them nights I guess!!

Wanna be the first to apologise to the cue masters for a member of our team not shaking your hands I dunno who this was but it's unacceptable will be discussed tonight and I personally will have ago mark and the cue masters are proper gentleman (except Phil joking) well done lads hopefully we see u in the final!!

I love the fact we have the eagles gotta beat them at some stage if ya wanna win the thing! :bounce:

Posted by Triple C on 25-03-2014 20:10

Was very enjoyable last night. Not sure what the final score was in our game but as promised we scrapped for EVERY frame.

Well done to the Cuemasters and Legends for getting through! I do feel for Magnum Force who were exceptional in the group beating both the teams advancing... Unlucky guys and well done!

Maybe it is something to think about though as it does seem a little harsh that Magnum Force actually won 2 games and still went out, they deserved better imo...

Edited by Triple C on 25-03-2014 20:18

Posted by Shaggy on 25-03-2014 22:20

Whilst I understand what you are saying, the bottom line is that the Magnum Force new a win of any discription would have been sufficient to proceed. You cant have much more than knowing what you have to do, and whilst being unlucky might be true, they were in control of there own feit.

The fact is that the most imnportant thing is that their are no contrived results, or teams lacking effort or principals, that could impinge on others.

You played hard from the bottom of the group to make it fair for everyone, we played fair from the top of the group, and that ultimately helped the third place team in our group qualify.

Honesty is the key here, and it seems the basic principals of the league have been upheld, and I for one am pleased that is the case.

Posted by Triple C on 25-03-2014 23:38

Yes Shaggy agree with you, all valid points, just feel that winning games should come with greater reward. All the games in our group were 6-5 bar two games, one of which skewed the whole standing (where Legends tore us a new one!)...

I think a points system (maybe even just in the later group stages), keeps all teams interested till the last black is potted and you are less likely to get the scenarios which you speak of where teams aren't arsed if they have nothing to play for (be it even for pride)...

Edited by Triple C on 25-03-2014 23:38

Posted by handbrake on 26-03-2014 01:38

Fair play to ya dan, it's just disappointing few weeks back u ironed us out and I know for a fact every one of our team would have been walking over to say well played , for 90% of your team that was indeed the case , at the end of the day no good player likes to lose but losing is a big part of this game as it will happen a lot to anyone

Posted by BUNTER on 26-03-2014 01:58

Mark mate it's nothing to do with loosing, when I lost to you did I shake your hand and say well done even know I had played a number of bad shots? I was talking to a mate at the bar when the game had finished and didn't realise. Sorry if I offended any of your team but it was nothing like that. Anyway good game, we'll played to you boys and best of luck in the quarters

Edited by BUNTER on 26-03-2014 02:01

Posted by nuttmeg on 26-03-2014 04:09

foot loose foot loose everybody foot loose

Posted by handbrake on 26-03-2014 14:16

Fair enough billy , but I was talking about Robbie rob ...... Lol lol lol

Posted by jacko on 27-03-2014 00:21

we no it werent leachy,he luvs to shake hands :band: ...last time i saw him done the farly he ad jackd in...take it neil gave him a pay rise...:angel:

Posted by Special K on 27-03-2014 00:46

Absolutely superb