Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: league cup quarter finals.

Posted by Knocky on 31-03-2014 22:56

Am I right in saying that this is tonight or is it next week.
So confused.:|

Posted by Viper on 01-04-2014 00:00

Its tonight Chris ........ Semi's are next week

Posted by Knocky on 01-04-2014 01:27

Thanks mark :clap:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 01-04-2014 05:37

Eagles 8 v 5 legends

We started off well taking the first set 3 2 then they turned it on a bit with a couple B/D to take the second set 4 1, 6 v 4 then man of match andy esgrove with another B/D 3/3 then took the next to 7 5 and had chances but we didn't take them, want to wish the eagles well they gonna take some stopping,see u guys tomorrow,

Posted by nuttmeg on 01-04-2014 06:09

Neil YOU are a gentleman.

Posted by jacko on 01-04-2014 06:10

Unlucky Legends can't believe u took 5 off the eagles....n just a lil word for any pis takers with there sniddy remarks during my game, who r u? Av u ever won jack sht. ..b quiet practice n learn sum reasons for playing like a mug is thro injury but urs is simply that u r a mug, a jealous lil wana b mug....Sssh:angel:

Posted by Teach on 01-04-2014 12:18

Cue Masters 8-3 Loyalists
Played over two tables and all done by 9.20. Oh and they only had 4 players....

Posted by Special K on 01-04-2014 13:37

Wrong Neil,

He didn't win 3/3 and didn't do x3 b/d has I beat him to make it 7-5

Nuttman your no gent kicking of during my frame coz I chalked my cue whilst Aaron was walking around the table it's the only way to get in my head for you lot no need for it you and a couple of your team the red said f all about it so spectators should spectate I thought u lot was Alrite total wrong about that! Acting up coz I do what a lot of people do and chalked my cue wtf loads of your players have chalk on the table played your number 1 twice for dough his had chalk on the table both times!

Want my congrats then have it but I lost 1 from 3 tonight I think I wud have beat Aaron in that frame but u lot had to get in my head and make me lose every bit of intrest........

Wen I beat met at Riley's for dough he smashed the balls every were they shot of the table and smashed against my cue did I cause a fuss no......

U speak about gentleman well gents don't get in peps heads to try n beat them gents don't cause a fuss about chalking my cue ffs it's a liberty my last season in this league

Posted by Viper on 01-04-2014 14:25

Teach wrote:
Cue Masters 8-3 Loyalists
Played over two tables and all done by 9.20. Oh and they only had 4 players....

Well played to you and your players Teach and good luck from the Loyalists in your semi-final next week. Even if we had had a full side I feel that you had more in your locker than us and we would have liked to take you to the third set but thats a big ask when you giving someone a 3-0 start. Anyhows, no complaints the game was played in good spirits and we did take 3 more frames this season than we did at this stage last season when we lost 8-0 against the prop.

Posted by nuttmeg on 01-04-2014 15:05

Danny is that an April fools joke, while Aaron was about to play his third shot, you smashed your chalk so hard on the table I thought it was going to break. Not my fault if your attempted mind games back fired on you. If you remember the ref said he could have called a foul on you,I told him not to.

Posted by Special K on 01-04-2014 15:26

Mind games? Your so wrong u have no clue about me or the game Aaron is a nice bloke I seriously didn't slam nothing ur a joke seriously well played last nite tony....... U must be proud of your performance again I never play mind game especially wen the mans at the table he didn't even no what was going on!!

Money game? Na thought so

Posted by nuttmeg on 01-04-2014 15:56

So you didn't smash the chalk down, the ref didn't say he could call a foul,you didn't say "take two shots then" it's my imagination and all my fault.

Posted by A King Disher on 01-04-2014 16:10

Thank goodness we didn't qualify and I'm still a Better Half !!!!!!!!!

Posted by Special K on 01-04-2014 16:42

Tony, I said take 2 shots if you really wanna call a fail for chalking my cue! U really don't understand I have zero reason to play mind games with you people I don't need to lol! Seriously u have no clue see u tonight hopefully I play better than last nite shouldn't be hard as u didn't play wot a surprise.......

Posted by Special K on 01-04-2014 17:23


Posted by nuttmeg on 01-04-2014 17:24

Thank you for advise on team selection 😵

Posted by jacko on 02-04-2014 06:20

Kellogs keep playing in our league n let ur passion n determination win the day, iv always used such things in the past asa incentive to do better...almost everytime iv played 1 ov there players in the singles or other comps iv ironed em out...don't let em win n keep fighting bruv...iv won all that iv won just to say fck u to all the arrogant people who look down on everyone..uv gota gr8 game m8 n mental strength n passion can make u win many more things...Giv em pain m8 :angel:

Posted by Special K on 02-04-2014 13:37

Nice 1 really nice of ya actually yea I just felt there was no need for it! But things happen I guess next winter is the time to put them to bed