Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Div 1 Week 21

Posted by Kermy on 07-05-2014 04:55

Prop 8 Forum 3
Neil mate,monies will be good next Tuesday. See u then.

Posted by Knocky on 07-05-2014 05:23

Unpredictables 5 eagles 6
Close game went to the wire
No complaints lost to a great team and worthy champions

Posted by longshanks on 07-05-2014 05:39

Cuemasters 7 4 Warbank

Posted by Nature Boy on 07-05-2014 05:51

longshanks wrote:
Cuemasters 7 4 Warbank

Cheers for the game, some frames could have gone our way, but when playing against a quality side as the Cuemasters, cannot afford to miss your chance. L overly table it has to be said, and no complaints there. My apologies for me throwing my toys out of the pram, very unprofessional and no need for that behavior.

Great banter between both sides and a special mention to our Gary who won 2 frames with quality clearances.

All the best for the summer div guys.

Posted by nuttmeg on 07-05-2014 06:24

that was even more intense than our cup semi final,fair play to MOD and the rest they were fighting to win.Graf and Mev were almost unplayable tonight, almost, Metin showed balls of steel tonight to clear up against Mev with the scores 5-5.

Posted by Richie on 07-05-2014 06:26

Loyalists 2 - Rack Pack 9

What can be said other than that's twice in two weeks we've been on the receiving end of a result that doesn't reflect what happened. No complaints with the lads attitude or our games in general but I wish someone could explain what the hell is going on. :o There's no way we deserved that tonight. Fair play Rack pack, took the frames well and other than the result it was an enjoyable evening.

Posted by Special K on 07-05-2014 13:52

Pond 7-4 legends

Lovely nite with pats men game was not tooken serious by both party's we just enjoyed the evening lovely food and tbh the table did not play as bad as we thought gonna miss croydon and miss the div 1 standard!!

Genuinely feel sorry for my captain has he is going through a bad time at the mo his lost his job and lost the bet the team hasn't played its part for him in the later stages as its had quite a few in house problems so no 1s had the heart in it cud not come at a worse time for ginge gutted for him!!

Cheers croydon it's been good and very enjoyable over the years!!

Posted by Knocky on 07-05-2014 21:00

Special K wrote:
Pond 7-4 legends

Lovely nite with pats men game was not tooken serious by both party's we just enjoyed the evening lovely food and tbh the table did not play as bad as we thought gonna miss croydon and miss the div 1 standard!!

Genuinely feel sorry for my captain has he is going through a bad time at the mo his lost his job and lost the bet the team hasn't played its part for him in the later stages as its had quite a few in house problems so no 1s had the heart in it cud not come at a worse time for ginge gutted for him!!

Cheers croydon it's been good and very enjoyable over the years!!

Sorry to here all about Neils and his teams problems,its sad that the legend s are no more and with regards to the bets that Neil made unfortunately for him a bets a bet and he will probably still have to pay out what ever he owes

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 07-05-2014 22:41

Yh its bad but Chris is right.a bet is a bet kellogs.are u implying no ones getting paid there money???

Posted by Special K on 07-05-2014 23:08

His jobless so what's that say?

Posted by The Big Show on 08-05-2014 00:18

Special K wrote:
His jobless so what's that say?

Shouldnt have run his mouth up and made bets with half the league then.

Jobless or not, a bet is a bet. Im sure some of the guys will take instalments

Losing your job is tough.. Losing face?!..............

Posted by Kermy on 08-05-2014 00:52

Come on Danny boy,we've had u and Neil all season tellin us ur gonna finish 2nd and beat the Prop. 3 weeks ago we ourselves started to think that u might catch us. Can u imagine the scenario if u had and how much stick u would of given us. I'm sorry that Neil has lost his job but that's irrelevant,our whole team had a stake in this bet,shame ur boys couldn't back there captain. Difference is we play for our captain with nothing in return,unfortunately the same can't be said about the so called Legends. It's sad that someone who wanted to be top dog had to bribe players to play for him. Think u all need to take a good look at yourselves.

Posted by nuttmeg on 08-05-2014 05:59

every week of badge kissing seemed to be followed by "I'm leaving". feel a bit sorry for Neal, should have kept the team that got him promoted year after year.

Edited by nuttmeg on 08-05-2014 13:17

Posted by jonny p on 08-05-2014 09:34

about the legends...they made some fantastic signings during this year and it was great to see a team that could maybe challenge will be a loss in the summer league cause they could be the ones to beat.......if they are no tparcipitating anticipating one of the finest summer leagues eve r with a few fine teams with a few this moment in time I've gone the strongbow I normally drink is purple...but hey... purpletoothless jon( at this moment in time...cause im home and I've lost my teeth).....I may have gone off the subject,.......from a man with no teethwho has to flower his ladies get yourself together and get the team in....................very slung jp

Posted by Special K on 08-05-2014 13:48

We closed the gap to 3 frames with a much easier running then the prop they didn't beat us we beat our selfs with in house problems.... We proved against the prop what we was all about 8-3 that night was the turning point but last 3 games we had so much *******going on in the camp it *******ED up all chances as the money became forgotten and nobody wanted to play....I turned up every week for Neil and played my part and got him decent results... Take a look at my self well I can as I have zero to feel bad about!! I stayed and played and more or less got a decent percentage a lot of teams don't like the legends as they no we will beat them but that's gone now! Neil put the bets up so that's down to him but all I am saying is we proved that we was a good side and last 3 games we had no heart! Losing to magnum pond and better halfs 11-0!

We played against a team who was flukeing balls in left rite n centre they was cheering it in all nite kinda *******sportsmanship but if that makes them happy then koolio but sealed our minds to leave the league sorry jp but it's over croydons not the same no more smaller and less exciting the league we are going in has more frames and more teams

Posted by jonny p on 08-05-2014 14:46

cant remember posting that... but it's only 8.30

Posted by Knocky on 08-05-2014 15:37

Losing 11 nil to better halfs
When did that happen ?
Or is that next weeks result lol
I take it no ones turning up for your last game
Not good

Posted by jacko on 08-05-2014 16:06

legends did av a decent side but a poor team...being a team is all about turning up even wen ur ill or busy,fighting ard for every frame n bouncing back from defeats...problem is neil sold his soul to the devil turned his back on his former team m8s n brought in sum non team orientated players who r weak ov mind n av no heart,tis easy to get the odd big result but at the end ov the day the teams who grind out results week in week out tend to do wel...u lot gave urself a chance to finish above us but just didnt av the minerals,heart n mind set to c it thro...neil show us the money :angel:

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 08-05-2014 16:30

Kellogs yh u did turn up every week.and Neil did make the bets.but I seem to remember that u was the one egging him on to double the bets.i do feel sorry for Neil but bets are bets.jacko is right.u had a great team but it fell apart from lack of commitment.ive played every week for the teams i play for even when ive had serious problems etc.i got snapped my ankle in 4 places,had operations,plates,pins etc and still only missed one week and played in a cast and crutches.

Posted by Special K on 08-05-2014 16:45

Jacko bangs on about us lot but he sent a message on this site slagging his team saying that they split coz they argue etc wen that was not the reason I was not saying nothing to Neil he asked my opinion and asked cud we finish above them I said I yes as I believed we cud have! U gotta be positive or u shud not play!! Kinda funny getting lectured from people wen they argue and throw dummy's out them selfs

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 08-05-2014 17:17

What do u mean about throwing dummies out of the pram?and I remember a post u saying to Neil about doubling the bet mate

Posted by The Big Show on 08-05-2014 18:19

So Neil loses job, has no money, can't pay betd and can't pay debt's, team disbands cos don't get paid. That's not a team, that's mercenaries! Good luck in whatever league you play.

Maybe if Neil had stuck with his team that gained him promotion over the seasons the Legends would be "Legendary" and without the promise of payments and poaching the Better halfs "Better!" And probably a ironically better contention for the title.

Posted by Special K on 08-05-2014 20:37

The team has 4 players that's why! No Leon pope or no billy that's why it folded hope that clears it up I ain't playing all season with 4! I ain't aloud to play for better halfs as I am not allowed to play pool in Croydon coz my team folded! That's the *******rule that stops a pool players playing in a pool league.

Posted by Knocky on 08-05-2014 21:16

With regards to the bets Neil had
Micky Samuels and myself had 2 bets ,1 for £100 each with Neil and another£50 with 1of Neils teammates each.
We told each other a few weeks back that we needed to win this bet as we couldn't see us getting paid if we won the bet but we would have paid up straight away if we had lost even though times are tough for us as well

I honestly feel some sympathy for Neil but put yourselves in our shoes if Neil had won the bet come next week he would have been all over us like a rash for the money

That's the bottom line.
That's our view on the subject I'm sure the prop will have there own views on the subject

Posted by A King Disher on 08-05-2014 21:48

The Better Halfs are the quietest team on this site this season but yet I see their name mentioned quite a bit, although I do understand why.

There has been much talk throughout this season that The Better Halfs and The Legends had joined forces or operating side by side to try and combat the top teams and hence why a certain individual was gutsy enough to take on all these wagers. This is utter rubbish and has never been the case. Infact he laughed in my face with The Better Halfs ex team mates behind him and took on a bet with me that we will be relegated. We're not in the relegation zone and yet another bet that's not going to be paid I think, but certainly not going to be forgotten either.

On to bigger issues now. I'm sure we're all aware that are League is decreasing in size which is no fault of anyone other than the enviornment and we should all do our best to keep it as fruitful and pleasant as possible. Croydon is the best League I've played for and it is well managed by the League Secretary and it's committee. Even the fees have been brought down in order to keep what we have and hopefully introduce new teams in too.
It's a sad day when certain people do what they want which can be disruptive and causes the league and those teams in it and probably also the sponsors to suffer as a result.

I'm old school and taught to believe that the captain is the last to jump. I can't comment on The Prop because I don't know what went on there But I certainly can comment on The Legends and have it from good source that their Secretary was the first to jump ship and will not be showing. I wonder why !!!!!

With regard to the summer league ahead of us, I can only imagine how these teams dropping out will affect everyone including the headache Mark Halsey must have.
I don't believe that the Secretary of the Legends who chooses to pull the team out of the summer due to his own personal reasons has the right to dictate the future of his team mates within the League thus having them all suspended for this summer season. I am told that he will not be reinstating the team by the said date.
He leaves behind some of the quality players of our League whom have been with us all for years and have never been suspended from any League and above all produce some great competitive pool.
It will be a great loss to us all to loose these players to another League and thus find our League decreased further. I know they don't really want to go but have no choice because of their love to continuously play the game.

I personally think that rather than have this problem resolve via this Website, that an emergency meeting should be called to discuss it in detail before the season starts and of course all Secretaries be invited to cast a vote whereby majority wins.

Sorry to have dragged this on a bit Guys but what do you think or shall we just let another team disappear ? Excluding the Secretary of course !!!!

Posted by Special K on 08-05-2014 22:33

Brilliant idea mate

Posted by Viper on 08-05-2014 22:54

Extraordinary meetings are called when the rules/constitution does not cover a matter in hand. This matter in hand is clearly covered so there is no basis for any such meeting to be called. Certain members crucified this committee last year for "Interpretating" a rule which was aleady clear cut and it was at this meeting that it was clarified that if any matters are clearly covered by rules that the membership democratically have voted over the years then these rules will apply until any are changed through the process that has also been voted in.

People cannot have it both ways when it suits otherwise we will be opening the door for extraordinary meetings to be called at will.

Posted by Kermy on 08-05-2014 23:18

Danny,your first post said u had a lovely night and all was not taken seriously,how come ur now moanin about sportsmanship & flukes. Make ur mind up.

Posted by Kermy on 08-05-2014 23:24

Mark,I know rules are rules but banning players from playing when it's not there own faults is a bit harsh. Maybe u could have a meetin with your committee and address this rule. Don't think there needs to be an egm as I'm sure common sense will prevail,but this rule does need to be looked at. Especially as the season hasn't even started yet. Don't bite me head off Mr H,just sayin.

Posted by Brooker on 08-05-2014 23:40

I am not disagreing with you kermy, but i think what Mark is saying is even if he wanted to use common sense & allow the suspended/banned players to sign for someone else, he isn't allowed to even if he thought that was the right thing to do.

If a rule exists & is in black & white then it was decided at a previous meeting that no committee member had the right to over rule it.

Its not really Mark's decision to make, i beleive you would have to go through some kind of process to get the rule changed, not a process of trying to get the existing rule overlooked for this particular moment & situation.

Posted by Viper on 08-05-2014 23:40

Ricky, there is nothing this committee can do so there is no need for us to meet. The season may well have not started but everything is set up and has been furbished and with the late withdrawal of yourselves and Legends this has resulted in 2 BYES in Div.1 so hence all other teams will have 4 weeks without games. If I recall when this was voted in ........ and it was years ago when Transfers first came in ....... one of the main arguments re players having freedom of movement was that players of withdrawn or suspended teams would lose that right as it was felt that if it was easy to move then players would not have the incentive to hold it together. Its obvious that this has not applied for the summer but its been a few years since the rules have been and I suppose that there is always a first time for everything. September will be the next opportunity to discuss this at the next AGM.

Posted by Kermy on 08-05-2014 23:50

Thanks for clearing that up for me guys. Shall now look forward to twilight on the golf course.

Posted by RasFas on 09-05-2014 00:10

Am I missing something? Can these players not be deregistered?

Posted by Special K on 09-05-2014 00:33

Show me were in my post I said that the pond was flukey? It was not them I was referring to......

Posted by Kermy on 09-05-2014 00:38

Then u should post clearer then Dan. As far as I know the team would have to re-register then de-register players then pull the team. Then them players can play,I think😳

Posted by Viper on 09-05-2014 00:46

Kermy wrote:
Then u should post clearer then Dan. As far as I know the team would have to re-register then de-register players then pull the team. Then them players can play,I think😳

If you or the legends were to re-register then any transfers from either team would have to result in a player being registered to replace the player leaving due to the size of your squads and not as you have stated.

Posted by Brooker on 09-05-2014 01:07

Call me Baldrick, but i have a cunning plan.

If you both re-register your teams & then de-register a player from one team who wants to play & replace him with a registered player from the other team who doesn't want to play & vice versa, eventually you will have one team with all players who want to play & one team with all players who don't want to play. You then disband the team of players who don't want to play & carry on with the team of players that does.

Call yourself the prop ends or

Simples (Thats compare the market though isn't it !!)

Posted by jacko on 09-05-2014 02:02

or maybe the Bell Ends :D: ...wats kinda strange both leon n danny wer meant to sign for the Prop but maybe talk is cheap...n by the way the Prop wil ava greatly reduced team n may av to nick the 1player short name but we wil play n fight relegation...n yea dan the prop players may av the odd falling out but we call each other cnts ava beer n forget about it as it should b...any players out there wanting to play for the prop r welcome but no messers who say they wil then dont...n neil dont make bets u cant afford son...aint avin none ov this BS, he wil pay, simples :angel:

Posted by Special K on 09-05-2014 03:44

Great idea brooker something's gotta happen as. Players wanna play pool in Croydon sort it out mark h

Posted by Viper on 09-05-2014 05:30

Special K wrote:
Great idea brooker something's gotta happen as. Players wanna play pool in Croydon sort it out mark h

Sort what out Danny ? ............. The mess you teams got yourself into !!!! ..... I don't think so ............. and knowing Chris Brooker like I do I think you will find that its a tongue in cheek comment re the scenario.

Posted by jacko on 09-05-2014 06:06

Mr Brooker bein sarcastic? Never :D: :angel:

Posted by nuttmeg on 09-05-2014 06:12

so the cure is a couple of Legends say I want to play for the Prop, oh hold on isn't this how the problem started in the first place.
If I had a magic wand I would wave it and all the players who can't play could. its a much weaker league without the likes of Jacko and Ricky Cook. Leon.Steve etc.
And thats coming from somebody playing in div 2 in the summer league so the only 1st div players I will be playing are the unpredictables :D:

Posted by Special K on 09-05-2014 13:32

There u go no effort what so ever to resolve the problem it's on tho as had a long convo with a certain sum 1 yesterday they also will prob be pulling out as they disagree with just being able to bar players before its even started is a complete joke..... Kinda not worried now as div 1 is the smallest it's ever been.

Posted by Viper on 09-05-2014 13:58

Danny, I don't know how many times I have to explain that you and the other players involved have made yourselves ineligible and not been barred .... I run this league for teams and players that want to play in it and if other team/s want to pull out then thats their freedom of choice.

Posted by handbrake on 09-05-2014 14:00

IMO Neil has to pay these bets up no matter what I'm a betting man and I for one would be furious if I did not get weighed it ! Tho I personally have found Neil very pleasant when ever we have played but his bets where foolish at best , if this turned out the other way and he won the bet ..... Well we all know we would not hear the end of it , tho the ledgends had the pure ability to win the bet there was far many more things lacking , I posted after week 1 I think that to many egos just don't work in a team , players leaving players not trying etc .....really ..... Pay or don't play IMO

Posted by Brooker on 09-05-2014 17:46

Yes my previous comment was tongue in cheek, i don't think the real solution is any where near as complicated, the 2 teams concerned just need to sign a couple of extra players from somewhere & re-enter their teams.

As nearly EVERYONE keeps saying i don't take it too seriously & just want a laugh, as long as the players talent isn't of the utmost importance i am sure both teams could find a couple of players each from somewhere.

Or is it a case of not wanting to play in a team that doesn't have an excellent chance of winning the league rather than not wanting to play for a team that may be short of a full side once or twice in the season ?

Posted by Viper on 09-05-2014 18:13

Only those concerned know the answer to that Chris but the clock is ticking and the 13th is not that far away when I will be amending Division 1 Fixture List to show BYES replacing those teams and inform opponents in all 1st Round KO comps that they will be awarded BYES as well

Posted by Special K on 09-05-2014 20:36

You are not understanding so I will say it easier.......... I want to play croydon for better halfs so does Steve k....... NEIL is not playing croydon Neil ejected the team we have no team..... So the players concerned get punished its Neil's team he aint playing neither is Darren....... Leaves me n Steve k erm what do people suggest erm nothing as there's nothing people can do so there fore the league stops people from playing pool the worst rule I've ever seen before a season starts you ain't aloud to play pure class!!!

Posted by Viper on 09-05-2014 21:21

Danny, is it any wonder why you can't be understood ...... first you sign for the prop, then you get transferred to the legends, the legends fold and your off to play in a bigger and better league and you say your goodbyes ................. and now you want to play for The Big Shots ...... and you state that the rule is the worst that you seen .......... it was brought in by the membership to stop players and I will say this bluntly - Doing what they want, when they want and how they want and in the process of doing this cause teams to fold.

Posted by Special K on 09-05-2014 21:38

Yawn. I am going into a better league I wanted to play for Steve on the of chances in Croydon to help him out that's all n e way it's done n dusted see u

Posted by Brooker on 09-05-2014 22:22

Yesterday you posted that you thought a merger of the Legends & Prop players that still actually wanted to play getting together to make one team was a great idea (even if it was posted in jest), now you say you just want to help out Steve !, so was that another change of mind between yesterday & now then ?

Its no wonder people do not understand you,

Posted by Special K on 09-05-2014 22:55

I was jesting also yh so calm down I am in a new league that's it have a great season

Posted by Special K on 09-05-2014 22:59

How could we become 1 team wen we are all barred from the summer...... U make a lot of sense also..... Nite.

Posted by Brooker on 09-05-2014 23:17

Not the prop players, they have now re-registered the team so are no longer ineligible.

I think nite is correct though, time to put this to bed now.

Enjoy the new league, thats serious, have nothing personal against you, the Legends, the prop or any of the players concerned. This just keps me entertained during a boring day at work.

Posted by nuttmeg on 10-05-2014 03:10

oh please don't go Danny your a legend.

Posted by nuttmeg on 10-05-2014 03:20

or a better half

Posted by nuttmeg on 10-05-2014 03:20

or Prop

Posted by nuttmeg on 10-05-2014 03:21

or a member of a wonderful nice big shiny new magical league

Posted by Deegan on 10-05-2014 21:47

Brooker take pool seriously???? Hahahaha he's signed me therefore he clearly does not want to win any week let alone every week :D: :D: ps Nuttman I love you :P :P

Posted by nuttmeg on 11-05-2014 00:35

Love you too Deegs x x

Posted by Brooker on 11-05-2014 01:30

i don't know why teams find it so difficult to sign players, we have 2 extra players this year that we didn't even want, still, at least its given my partner & me a bye in the doubles.

Posted by nuttmeg on 11-05-2014 02:45

lol, one player short's Jose Mourinho starting his mind games early,
lucky me and Deegan support Palace.

Posted by Deegan on 12-05-2014 19:24

Haha Brooker comedy gold !!!! :lol::lol:

Posted by nuttmeg on 20-08-2014 15:34

Special K wrote:
Yawn. I am going into a better league I wanted to play for Steve on the of chances in Croydon to help him out that's all n e way it's done n dusted see u

how did the better league work out?