Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Player Looking for a Team

Posted by Fat-Dart on 02-02-2015 06:02

Terry Brindle is looking for a team for the remainder of this season.

If anyone needs an additional player in their team or knows knows someone who does, please let us know.


Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 03-02-2015 01:11

Cheers for posting this saxton sorted out my account.thanks people.i would like a team for the remainder of the season and the summer season.ill be on my best behaviour I promise lol

Posted by Sass on 03-02-2015 21:24

I may as well hijack this thread :angel:

I'm also looking for a team for the Summer season. Preferably in the South Croydon area so I can have the odd drink :drunk:

Failing that, if enough players are looking for a team we could start one of our own! :idea:

I've missed these smilies!! :tumbleweed:

Edited by Sass on 03-02-2015 22:05

Posted by mayweatherbrindle on 03-02-2015 22:35

What venue are thinking of if you was to start a team??? Sorry whats your name?

Posted by Sass on 05-02-2015 22:27

I think starting a team is a last resort for me. I'd sooner join an existing one with people I know!!

I'm Sarah. I used to play pool back in the day. :tumbleweed:

Posted by A King Disher on 06-02-2015 09:54

Where's Rebecca Osbourne gone Sarah ? I'd love to sign her.

Posted by Sass on 08-02-2015 05:07

Rebecca lives in Madrid.