Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: league cup quarter finals

Posted by qwerty on 31-03-2015 03:37

Anybody seen the prop ????:violin:

Posted by Richie on 31-03-2015 03:40


Posted by longshanks on 31-03-2015 05:02

Cuemasters 8 5 Warbank
Warbank were a man short. John Hersey was in Southampton, then Docklands and his last known whereabouts was on a bus in Streatham.

Posted by Knocky on 31-03-2015 13:09

Prop 0 unpredictables 8
great result against a great side.only dif last night was that we took our chances when they were presented..
playing prop again tonight.revenge is probibly on their minds.

Posted by Teach on 31-03-2015 13:38

Predators 8-5 One Player Short
When 4-1 up became only 6-5 up, there was a little bit of squeaky bum time but Rod and I saw out the win.

Not sure who we got in the semi finals. Unpredictables must be heavy favourites, but you never know....

Posted by Viper on 31-03-2015 15:52

Frames Rack Pack 8-6 Farley Loyalists

Congratulations to our opponents who came back from 3-1 down at one point. A tight contested match which looked like going to the wire but the rack pack managed to cross over the line. Mr Rowlerson was in top form again with his bantering.

Posted by longshanks on 31-03-2015 16:41

jacko wrote:
This season obviously getting me head smashed into a window screen as *******d me up a bit to say the least but iv played 7 frames in total for the Prop n lost 2,iv been dropped for 7frames for some reason n every single frame the person taking my potential place as lost,now I may be struggling but I do believe I may of won a few of them,tis absolute madness, n fair enough iv misd a lot of games what was to be expected so not playing me as I haven't been there makes perfect sense but other players have misd many many games n walk straight into the side...we lost 6.0 n 10.1 to the Eagles n 8.0 tonight with me n the German basically being dropped,not the best strategic moves one thinks...stil our opponents are liking it

liking it very much :o

So in other words, if you'd been playing it would've been 8-1.

Posted by Special K on 31-03-2015 16:49

First and foremost take nothing away from my mate knocky and Co they took there chances well to say we and especially me was so bad is a understatement never seen the prop play so bad but it happens with been hammered a couple of times now we need to fix up big time and it starts from tonight!

Tony can I just add it's coz u turn up wen u wanna that gives macca no option but to play the players who are loyal to the prop who turn up week in week out.... We all no u can play and are a top 5 player but u can't just turn up a handful of times and expect to play it's that simple start turning up and you'll be selected If u don't then u won't play no matter how good or bad you are no good coming on here having a moan do something about it and turn up I make the effort and come from enfield most weeks and steve comes from Essex were do u live again........

Barry and Richie don't worry about us you lot just concentrate on not getting relegated :o over and out......

Posted by Viper on 31-03-2015 16:52

SEMI-FINALS : Mon 13th April at Thomas Farley (Best of 15)


Posted by Knocky on 31-03-2015 17:45

Bloody hell.
cue masters next for very close
8 7 either way i predict.

Posted by the-shark on 31-03-2015 18:09

irrespective of circumstances surely a captain has to stay loyal to the players who turn up week in and week out especially being as up until this month the prop have been doing really well so them players playing cant have been doing a bad job. and surely any criticism is best kept and aired amongst the team as opposed to being posted on a unity is whats needed for the prop where everyone pulls for each other.

Posted by Shaggy on 31-03-2015 18:32

The appointed Captain has the right to pick and choose whoever he wants. The probability is that if the team wasn't in agreement with these decisons regularly then the Captain wouldn't remain Captain for long.

I am sure there are times ie Cup Finals, when you would pick what you believe to be your best team, even if this put some noses out of joint for a short period.

At the end of the day the team is collectively more important than any individual.

Posted by sparks on 31-03-2015 19:06

I would have to agree with Tony that defo rings true regardless on who's been turning up, big names win big games.

League form when picking a team would always be different to cup game selection.

I would of put you in Tony regardless of you being irregular. ;)

Posted by Special K on 31-03-2015 19:09

Thing is with the prop we don't have any players that are weak in the starting 5 so this does not apply to us what so ever u can't drop players for somebody who don't turn up especially wen u don't have 1 single chopper in the first 5 #justsaying

Posted by Viper on 31-03-2015 19:31

Everyone has a right of opinion of how to run a team but not everyone puts up to do the job in the first place ....... for my 2 pennies worth if I had a player who picked and choosed when he/she wanted to turn up then he/she would be at the tail end of the pecking order regardless of talent. Team harmony is a must and if I have players committed to the cause then they would go top of the pecking order ..... This may not produce winning teams but it produces a good match night atmosphere and everyone knows where they stand.

Posted by Special K on 31-03-2015 20:04

^^^^^^^ could not agree more and that's how macca runs his team if u mess him about your out of the starting team rite as well

Posted by Special K on 31-03-2015 21:38

Tony as I said if u turn up you play reason your referring to Paul Richards is null really as his excuse is he had to work nights but bearing that his turned up wen h3 can and has sat out and waited for his chance his been here forbade couple of weeks on the trot so yes he deserves to play it's quite simple mate turn up u will play if u don't then you won't the whole team will bk macca on that he comes week in week out do u see him play or moan? Come on son this helps nobody just turn up

Posted by Special K on 31-03-2015 21:47


You wanna prove your self we prob going yarmouth do it there on the big stage let's see what u got Mr J

Posted by Viper on 31-03-2015 22:08

Special K wrote:

You wanna prove your self we prob going yarmouth do it there on the big stage let's see what u got Mr J

Valid point Mr.Jackson, you've done it on the Croydon stage for the last 2 decades and ventured out on a Regional Tour if I recall but put all this to sleep and turn up for your team in all bread & butter games and do your stuff with the nations big boys at Yarmouth in November. Its based on a 7 man team played over 2 sets (14 frames) in the opening group matches then it goes to straight KO over 14 frames. I went and played with the Farley Loyalists at last years COC and we may not have had any CDPL super-stars in the team but we went with big hearts and a team togetherness and got through to the last 32 ............. Croydon will have good teams there with The Cuemasters and Unpredictables also going.

Posted by Special K on 01-04-2015 01:45

Your never there any way so makes no difference to us

Posted by handbrake on 01-04-2015 02:43

I think the point is being missed , with the greatest of respect to u tony I don't think any decent player would have "fear " or twitch up vs u these days , I remember when I first joined the croydon league and what a player u where I played u in a comp at jfk and u ironed me 5.1 after I had beaten rod 5.0 , u did not miss a ball those where the days people would twitch up against u , again with the greatest of respect my team over the last 2/3 seasons where glad to see your name on the team sheet simply because you're only 10% of the great player u once where

Posted by Special K on 01-04-2015 04:53

Yet again no jacko......... you have no reason to come on here no more as your no longer a croydon player no more..... like how u asked to join the unpredictable's this season kind of sums up the lot laters tony

Posted by Special K on 01-04-2015 06:11

Tony you give my arse a headache you really do so your a gambling man so am I ill put 500 down on a table you match that we will walk over to the x3 people who said that and confront it out do u want that bet silly *******?

You've upset the team badly the morale is way down and your annoying everybody in the prop with this keyboard *******you never turn up but u have the most to say it's embarrassing nobody wants you in the team no more yet another story surrounding jacko..... you should of been a bird mate all u do is bitch honest you have always been the same your quiet as a mouse wen we are out but wen you come home U slag us off anyway nobody wants you no more in the squad you've bought it upon your self remember the bet if u want it....... also you throw frames I hear

Posted by Shaggy on 01-04-2015 06:45

Posting this stuff, and it not the first time has helped us, and I am sure others massively. Every team has issues, its human nature. Quite why you guys need to discuss things so publically is beyond me.

Your call I suppose.

Edited by Shaggy on 01-04-2015 06:47

Posted by Special K on 01-04-2015 06:46

Mod or knocky in fact cud u confirm.this public did jacko ask to play for your team team this season plz.......... there's 500 on this cheers.

Posted by Special K on 01-04-2015 06:48

Shaggy I agree but this *******has to be cleared up mate.

Jacko is that yea they slag me and don't want me in the team ok ill quit u win ill cover that bet tho

Posted by jacko on 01-04-2015 07:04

Iv not been around iv not said a thing so why would I be to blame for the Props defeats,only ada moan this morning, Jesus..

Posted by Special K on 01-04-2015 07:45

Jacko you removed your comments............ wtf are u playing at

Posted by jacko on 01-04-2015 08:04

Done with it mate, goodbye x