Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Yeeeeeeeeeeees Jacko

Posted by Special K on 05-10-2015 22:22

:angel::angel::angel: see u in the first round baby bk to try win a 3rd singles title xxxxxx

Posted by jacko on 06-10-2015 01:55

William Hill have reported today large betting patterns in the kelloggs to win the plate market ,when asked about his first round match Jacko said he was taking nothing for granted as if japan can beat south africa in the rugby then anythings possible ,kelloggs has gone into 24hour a day training for this match stating that if he brings his A game he might just, he might hopefully,God willing win a frame...this is trevor mcdoughnut news at ten reporting via sky sports :angel:

Posted by Special K on 06-10-2015 02:22

Ha ha ha just got bk from Yarmouth am buzzing my tits of my team got to last 16 which is awesome to achieve that up there and i got to semi final of flyer 1 I am certinaly not worried about you San...... Records 100% against you :angel: I'll have 2 mins knock before the game that's more than enough against you wink wink fudge fudge I mean nudge nudge all the best of luck on the nite san

Posted by jacko on 06-10-2015 07:06

100%? Thought the first time I played you I knocked you out of the singles up suzy Qs n the 2nd time I basically knocked myself out by potting the black accidentally to win 2.0... You've just come back from Yarmouth, well I never ever practice so fancy you might nick a frame but saying that after not playing for a few weeks my break dish was pretty awesome the other day so remember this ole dog can still bite :angel:

Posted by Special K on 06-10-2015 14:47

You nuff talk crap tony I never recall u beating me are u mental....... And to add I potted a monster cut bk in the middle to beat you in the singles.... Don't be talking crap about potting blks wen I potted in the famous boooooooooom came out stop lying San! your *******now everybody says it even if you are at your best u ain't better than me this ain't 1999 San even if it was you still ain't better than me keep shuffling along :bounce:

Posted by jacko on 06-10-2015 18:57

Ask German, iv no need to lie, iv been having a bit of fun here but to say I'm talking crap when it's the truth says a lot about you,I slapped you up at suzy Qs n that cut back you done came after I was 1.0 up n looking good for 2.0 but white drifted caught my ball thin then came off side rail to cut black in,ask Steve he was there n he'll also no as your secretary I beat you at suzy Qs, so before you run your mouth be sure your not talking blox,mind you you always are so may be a tough assignment, looking forward to playing you now, if I can bring 50% of my game with me it'll be enough to dispatch a player of your standard :angel:

Posted by I C Cool on 06-10-2015 23:57

Sorry to hijack your bitchin attack gents, Danny you were at Gt Yarmouth this w/end gone you state! I mention this as I am attempting locate Adam Hewson n was wondering if you saw him there?? He was meant to be there.
Be grateful of reply as no-one has seen him for approx 2 wks!

Posted by jacko on 07-10-2015 17:50

P.S. kelloggs considering im so sht i didn't do to bad in my comeback year Div 1 individuals winner or jt winner,singles semi finalist (went in off the black),doubles semi finalist (ada bad call against us)ko cup semi finalist (lost in play off to eagles n white double kissed n when in) so yea pretty sht really mate :angel: O yea n thats without any practice whatsoever...

Posted by Special K on 07-10-2015 19:12

Winning a trophy in Croydon is great no disrespect to croydon what so ever but that's your limits your pony and I've asked Steve he does not recall you beating me........ Neither do I I like ya as u remind me of Rodney trotter a silly *******er..... Wonder what excuses we will hear this time maybe the shoulder will come bk maybe the table is slow maybe you got a kick maybe I was in your eye line who no's maybe you may surprise us all and say Danny is just a better player..... That's how much I rate you I played you in the ok cup final me n u decider was I not celebrating half way thru the frame to say it's all over.....

Rumour has it Mickey Mouse wears a tony Jackson watch :angel:

Posted by Special K on 07-10-2015 20:11

Yes adam was there he plays for my inter league team but the b side he will also be withe on Thursday shall I pass a message on

Posted by I C Cool on 07-10-2015 21:22

Please Dan, ask him to contact Danny at albion windows, cheers m8y.

Posted by jacko on 08-10-2015 00:43

I'm so pony you feel you need to start this post, goodbye your boring me with your delusional rantings,your just a wanna forget how well I played to beat your best player...get a life son you ain't even top 10 material... :angel:

Posted by Special K on 08-10-2015 01:24

I am the best player you will see that xxxxx

Posted by Special K on 20-10-2015 07:02

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees Jacko

Awkward :computer:

Posted by A King Disher on 20-10-2015 07:17

Well done.

Now the tuff stuff starts !

Posted by Special K on 20-10-2015 07:23

Love u mr kingdisher