Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: England tonight.

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 27-03-2008 04:32

So far 70 mins gone and same old england. Our players are obviously not as good as most people think they are.

Hardly any shots on goal so far for england and wes brown in an england shirt says it all really.


At this rate we will struggle to qualify for the world cup.

Comments please........

Edited by SCORCHIO12 on 27-03-2008 04:33

Posted by nuttmeg on 27-03-2008 06:22

Wes Brown was awful really awful last game didn't see tonights but if Cappello thinks he is one of Englands best we are in trouble.

Posted by Billy on 27-03-2008 06:36

I turned over at half time to watch the apprentice. Much more entertaining.

Posted by Chuckie on 27-03-2008 06:43

Sir Alf Ramsey (RIP) took charge in 1963? We lost to France in the qualifiers, which knocked us out of euro 1964.

Ramsey built his team around a bunch of players whom everyone thought were useless at the time. The rest is history.

People shouldn?t be downing Wesley Brown and Cappello?s team selection because it?s trial and error at the moment. And right now this is the perfect time to get the mistakes out of the way!

History tends to repeat itself... I have faith in the only man who actually wanted the job deep down in his heart!

Posted by Billy on 27-03-2008 06:45

Another comedy post from the fonz

Posted by Golden on 27-03-2008 06:45

Chuckie Potter and the Philosopher's Stoned

Posted by Pondlife on 27-03-2008 18:21

The trouble with most of England's so-called superstars is that they are a grossly overpaid bunch of useless tossers !! Their undeniable talent is their ability to organise really exciting orgies with the local slappers,to consume copious amounts of alcohol and to disgrace themselves with alarming regularity. They set an appalling example to the youngsters that foolishly idolise them !! Some of them are really not fit to wear the England shirt ! And yet time and time again they do !!

Posted by angles on 27-03-2008 19:18

Not too sure what game you all were watching last night,But you picked out Wes brown if as it was his fault for Englands loss.
Joe cole gave the ball away almost everytime he received it and if he did managed to lose his marker his crosses into the box were crap.
Also when England were on the attack there was no-one in the box to even try to score.
There were also a number of chances for players to strike for goal outside the 18yd box and failed to do so and again lost the opportunity and the ball.
All in all Yes ENGLAND were crap But it was not all down to wes brown.
I personally think he had a good game.